Minutes 3/15/19

Erin Rushton
Erin Rushton
Last updated 

1.  Records to test when we get new SUNY Catalog config from Ex Libris

Resources subscribed to by institutions are appearing in the SUNY catalog – and appearing there as available for remote access, even to viewers not from the subscribing institution. 

We will continue to gather examples of these e-resources which show up in error, but should also try to get information about other items/collections we would like to appear locally but not SUNY-wide. Laptops? Etc.? 

Rebecca noted that her library has a collection on site which is not part of the library collection and so will not be available for SUNY resource sharing. 

Erin noted an ongoing conversation about what they will want to suppress locally when the new configuration is available in May.

2.  FRBR testing
Buffalo and Binghamton attended a training session with Lynn on FRBR and Dedup.  We can report back on this call and talk about some of our testing.   
Re: Recording of Dedup/FRBR session - Discovery Working Group

During the session, Lynne explained how FRBR worked, deduping works, what you can do to configure deduping and FRBR – how to turn it off (not recommended for dedup), how you can “break” a record so it does not dedupe, how you can suppress certain records, etc.

An enhancement coming in May means you may not need to rely on some of these tools.

Lynne also showed a test utility. The test utility situation is somewhat complicated because it works in/on the network zone.

Lynne gave Nancy and Erin credentials to use the test utility. 
  • Useful, but unfortunate that it only works on the Network Zone so you can’t use it to test things you want to test.
  • With that caveat, it does seem useful for troubleshooting (if records are in the network zone).
  • However, it is complicated.
  • Records held in Alma will dedupe and FRBRize. Nancy posted in Basecamp on the situation re: deduping in PCI. Contractually, Ex Libris cannot MERGE records but now we learn that they can FRBRize them, and that when this happens they are not merged, but they are grouped. So five records from PCI should be grouped together. When there are five PCI records and one Alma record, you should see one group of records from PCI and one from Alma. This means that the situation where your first FIVE records, for instance, are the same article, this is not the expected behavior – the four or five from PCI should be collapsed.

3.  CDI - Early adopters
Re: 📢 Good News: SUNY will be in Early Group of CDI Adopters - Discovery Working Group

We will be one of the first consortia to go live with the new CDI.

Summon handles Ebsco holdings with less issues than Primo VE, so we hope that this merge (if merge it is) will be a boon to Primo and improve the situation there.

4.  GetIt Other
From last meeting:  The Discovery WG will consider what recommendations should be made for SUNY default labels and configuration for the GetIt Other area and discuss at our next meeting.
Do we want to make a recommendation e.g. “
Other SUNY Libraries,”  “Click below for SUNY Library Availability. 

Some people have questioned why to show the other libraries if you need to go through the resource sharing option to access them.

Looking at SUNY Primo instances, several have turned off this option already, but it doesn’t seem like others have customized it all

Other libraries may still be at the Ex Libris default.

The “get it other” wording is the UX problem, and it only appears if libraries have not inherited the change that turns off showing other libraries.

The DWG can recommend inheriting this and publicize how to do so.

5.  Availability labels
Different institutions are testing different options for the labels; both “Available” and “Not Available”  From last meeting:  The Discovery WG will consider whether it would be helpful to recommendation different labels for SUNY defaults and if so what values. We will discuss at our next meeting.   See also:  Primo's display of articles within print journals that the library owns

Jill has been testing possible solutions, but there are exceptions to any given set of labels that makes them not ideal.  Other member agreed that they were not able to make recommendations at this time because they need to better understand the scenarios.  

There is a large UX issue with how availably labels show for print holdings. If the journal is held in print, the individual article shows as available in print, regardless of whether date/volume of the article is in or out of holdings range.  The exception: if one or more holdings for that print journal are missing, all articles in the journal will be shown as “may be available” in print holdings, again regardless of volume.  Apparently, it’s not a bug, it’s how it Alma/Primo are designed to work.

6.  Other updates 
  • Michelle has submitted SUNYLA proposal
  • Topic overview discussion on Basecamp 
    • Binghamton is discussing locally if they want to use this at go-live.
    • As is Buffalo, but based on discussion on Primo-L, the answer appears likely to be no.
  • Sharing marketing/promo materials for external audiences?  Add to next week's agenda?  
    • SUNY-LA may be coordinating marketing around Primo – Jill can reach out to see if they would like our involvement.