WEBVTT 1 00:15:07.470 --> 00:15:11.040 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Good morning everyone. We'll get started in just under 10 minutes 2 00:19:49.980 --> 00:19:53.340 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Good morning everyone will get started in about four minutes. 3 00:23:22.080 --> 00:23:25.260 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Good morning everyone will get started in about one minute. 4 00:24:01.770 --> 00:24:08.220 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Everyone. Let's get started. It's 11 o'clock. My name is Elena Elena Knuth, I'm from SUNY Geneseo 5 00:24:08.970 --> 00:24:21.870 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And this morning. We're going to be looking at workflows to activate single eBooks and all mom. So we'll be looking at methods to activate you books that we purchased individually and not as part of like a package or any other type of bundle. 6 00:24:23.790 --> 00:24:35.040 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So the goal here is to look at workflows to address the file following two cases so instances when your libraries purchased an E book. 7 00:24:35.460 --> 00:24:41.580 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then you look to activate it. But, but there's not a portfolio available for the E book in the communities own 8 00:24:42.480 --> 00:24:52.680 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Or there is a portfolio portfolio available in the community zone but it from a different vendor. So, for example, maybe you've purchased an E book from Cisco. 9 00:24:53.070 --> 00:25:08.610 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: But the only portfolio available and the community zone is from pro quest. So you wouldn't want to activate that pro quest record from the community zone because your access actually lives in Xcode. So those are the two cases that will be looking at 10 00:25:09.900 --> 00:25:20.520 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And and here's kind of what we'll be doing. So I'm using this idea of Choose Your Own Adventure or pick your own ending because, like many things and Alma 11 00:25:20.850 --> 00:25:26.400 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: There's many different ways to get to the same outcome. There's a lot of different methods to reach the same outcome. 12 00:25:27.000 --> 00:25:38.820 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So we'll be looking at three workflows here that focus on portfolios. So first we're going to create a local portfolio, because that's the foundation for any of these workflows. 13 00:25:39.450 --> 00:25:48.570 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: If there's not a portfolio in the community zone, then we have to make one ourselves. So we're going to make a local portfolio, we're going to link that portfolio to the community zone. 14 00:25:49.620 --> 00:26:00.090 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: We're going to look at the workflow to link a locally created portfolio to an electronic collection that's already available and the community zone so 15 00:26:01.020 --> 00:26:05.850 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: using that as an example, if you had ordered an E book from PepsiCo 16 00:26:06.600 --> 00:26:15.420 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And there was an electronic collection available in the community zone from PepsiCo but not the portfolio that you need. You can create the portfolio locally. 17 00:26:15.990 --> 00:26:29.700 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then attach that locally made portfolio to the electronic collection in the community zone and then that way and then kind of update or change that happens at the Community's own level will be inherited at that to that portfolio. 18 00:26:31.080 --> 00:26:39.720 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then the third workflow. We're going to look at as adding a set of local portfolios to a local electronic collection. So this would be 19 00:26:40.500 --> 00:26:51.750 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: A scenario where your library has purchased multiple ebooks created multiple standalone portfolios for those eBooks and is looking to kind of 20 00:26:52.590 --> 00:27:10.170 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Gather I guess would be the word gather them together and electronic collection for easier management. So you'd be handling them locally, but you would handle them as part of the collection as opposed to having to individually manage each ebook one on one. You know, one at a time. 21 00:27:13.470 --> 00:27:23.970 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So why are we talking. I'm talking about this this morning. I'm back in October, I think it was October 4 there was a cafe Alma conversation that Jill from optometry 22 00:27:24.420 --> 00:27:41.430 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Led regarding the best practice to handle ebook activation when there's not a wouldn't when there's not a portfolio available in the community zone. And there's been I think some conversation over base camp as well on this topic. So this is kind of a training in response to that. 23 00:27:42.840 --> 00:28:00.150 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: To those conversations and Sunni recommends that we try to use the community zone, whenever possible, just because the long term maintenance will be easier. I know. During that Cathy almost session. There was talk about our ideas shared about importing with MARC records. 24 00:28:01.680 --> 00:28:04.680 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: For ebooks, which is something that maybe we would do an all have 25 00:28:06.090 --> 00:28:11.160 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Been an online. If we were to do that follow that route. We wouldn't really be leveraging 26 00:28:12.450 --> 00:28:15.960 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Just the updates in the metadata from the community zone. So we kind of want to do that. 27 00:28:18.030 --> 00:28:20.940 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: One thing to keep in mind though if you when you do 28 00:28:22.050 --> 00:28:35.400 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: encounter situations where a portfolio is not available or there is a portfolio and just the metadata is has really poor quality. It's a good idea to submit a Salesforce ticket to us. 29 00:28:35.940 --> 00:28:51.540 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And submit the ticket to own the data services, just to kind of let actually burst know that something's missing and that they need to kind of either create that portfolio or in the case of core metadata do something to clean up that metadata. 30 00:28:54.480 --> 00:29:02.460 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So when you do. Here's a screenshot of a Salesforce case if you know when you do submit one if you do submit one 31 00:29:03.210 --> 00:29:14.100 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: You would log into Salesforce, you would create a new case. And then in the upper right corner, there's the assets you see your institution hyphen and then Allman data services that is 32 00:29:15.360 --> 00:29:18.900 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: That's where you'd be submitting the ticket to to address those issues. 33 00:29:20.190 --> 00:29:21.330 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So I'm 34 00:29:22.650 --> 00:29:33.690 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: That's kind of my introduction here. I'm going to switch over to Omar to start demonstrating but I want to pause and ask if anyone has questions before we actually start looking at these portfolios. 35 00:29:34.260 --> 00:29:46.080 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And you're welcome to unmute yourself and speak your question verbally or you're welcome to also use chat. So I'll pause for a second. In case anyone has a question or comment that they want to share 36 00:29:49.020 --> 00:29:49.740 leslie_preston: Ilana 37 00:29:49.890 --> 00:29:52.440 leslie_preston: Yes. Hi. It's Leslie from fit. 38 00:29:52.620 --> 00:30:07.620 leslie_preston: Hi, Leslie. Hi. Um, so I have a question about when there's content. If there's an entire sort of collection of eBooks that aren't represented at all in the communities, though, can you also make recommendations to the alma data services to add those 39 00:30:08.340 --> 00:30:18.390 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: I think so. And, you know, if the shell or anyone else on the call wants to correct me. I think that's any case where the data or the Michelle's a green things, Michelle. 40 00:30:19.650 --> 00:30:28.650 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: You know, if the data, the metadata if something's missing from the community zone that we need to let us know. So definitely, yes, that would be an opportunity to also submit 41 00:30:28.860 --> 00:30:33.300 leslie_preston: So it doesn't have to be like ex-co you know something's missing from ex-co 42 00:30:33.390 --> 00:30:47.370 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Now, I think it's like will collection, like the whole on. Yeah, I'll give you had a database that we've, you know, I'm an agenda see others. We've had a couple occasions where we activated. We purchased a database or we license the database that's just not in the communities own 43 00:30:49.440 --> 00:30:59.040 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay. Oh, Shannon has a comment to. So Shannon is saying an entire collection would technically be an idea exchange. But you, we can always start with a case. 44 00:30:59.520 --> 00:31:08.130 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So yeah, it seems like a good idea to submit a case. And, you know, ideally, there'd be enough libraries submitting cases that you know X Leber's would 45 00:31:09.780 --> 00:31:10.290 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: You know, 46 00:31:11.310 --> 00:31:11.940 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: pursue it. 47 00:31:12.480 --> 00:31:14.100 leslie_preston: Okay, that sounds good. Thank you. 48 00:31:14.190 --> 00:31:15.480 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Yeah, that's a good question. 49 00:31:20.910 --> 00:31:25.200 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay. Any other last call for questions before we jump into Oman. 50 00:31:29.220 --> 00:31:33.360 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay. All right. I'm going to switch over here. Oops, wrong direction. Okay. 51 00:31:35.100 --> 00:31:49.950 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So we're going to go ahead and we're going to create a local portfolio, because as I said, that's kind of where we have to start, no matter what we do. So to do that, will go to Resources and the resources and then add local portfolio. 52 00:31:52.740 --> 00:32:04.650 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then this is kind of the form that we fill out. So we're creating a new title. It's an E book. So it's a one time and we want to put that record in the institution zone because it isn't electronic record. It doesn't belong in the network. 53 00:32:06.120 --> 00:32:07.530 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then we go ahead and we'd 54 00:32:09.690 --> 00:32:16.920 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: we'd add this information that we need. So I've been preparing for this session and also recognizes the E book that I've been using 55 00:32:18.090 --> 00:32:28.440 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Over and over again, I probably have. I don't know how many portfolios, for this one, e book, but I don't think it breaks anything. Okay, so we have our title or author, we're going to grab our ISP 56 00:32:32.880 --> 00:32:39.960 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay, let me do this. I'm here, I'm just copying the ISP on from another screen so they are with me. 57 00:32:42.720 --> 00:32:58.770 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then I have to find my mouse again. Okay, so we do have our title or author or is bn making sure there's no extra characters. Um, okay. And if you knew the he is manually enter that if there was a language other than English 58 00:33:00.540 --> 00:33:07.800 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then your portfolio type is going to be standalone we're going to be looking at three workflows. This morning, one of those workflows. 59 00:33:08.220 --> 00:33:17.400 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: uses this part of an electronic collection. We're not there yet. When we do that, I'll show you that for now. Just take a stand alone. You'd select your interface. 60 00:33:19.560 --> 00:33:32.310 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: This is an E book that we we actually purchased. We don't purchase many ebooks that Geneseo. So I'm using this particular ebook because we did purchase it, and it's on the Science Direct platform, which is probably not the best example to be using but 61 00:33:33.510 --> 00:33:38.790 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: I didn't have a lot of options. Okay so standalone interface. And then our library. 62 00:33:43.650 --> 00:33:53.220 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay, there's they are now this coverage information because we're dealing with an E book. We'll leave that blank if this was a portfolio for an eternal you would you would fill us in 63 00:33:53.970 --> 00:34:02.400 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then we're going to enter the URL from the vendor. So I'm going to copy and paste and talk at once. Um, 64 00:34:03.000 --> 00:34:19.020 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So like for us at Geneseo. As I said, we don't purchase a ton of eBooks. But we usually order them. I usually buy them doobie and go be will send a notification and they give me the URL. And so I'm using that URL, I'm assuming, like pro quest oasis probably uses the same 65 00:34:21.330 --> 00:34:29.070 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Same thing, same idea here. So the URL from the vendor will enable the proxy come here will enable the proxy. 66 00:34:31.290 --> 00:34:38.310 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: We do want it to be active and the material type is book and then you could optionally add a note if you want it to. 67 00:34:40.770 --> 00:34:42.240 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then we'll click Save and done. 68 00:34:44.160 --> 00:34:53.850 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay, so here's our portfolio site extracted full text material type book. It's all here. Okay, so that's our foundation for anything that we do. 69 00:34:55.170 --> 00:35:03.960 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: The first workflow. And this is the simplest workflow would be to link a standalone portfolio to the community zone where the idea that 70 00:35:04.290 --> 00:35:22.440 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Update changes that happen at the communities on will you know trickle down and be updated with this portfolio. So we create the portfolio and then we simply link it to the community. This is terrific. And so it's right there. 71 00:35:27.900 --> 00:35:40.290 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: almost been a little bit slow for me today, so I apologize. Okay, here we go. So Alma wants us to identify which collection. We're link or which portfolio, we're linking and ours is going to be all the way to the bottom. 72 00:35:40.830 --> 00:35:50.400 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Of this list, right. So what is all these different titles from all different vendors, we want Science Direct because that's where we purchased it from here we go. Science Direct full text. 73 00:35:52.560 --> 00:35:52.980 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Great. 74 00:35:54.810 --> 00:35:57.360 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: I think, Okay, I'm pretty sure this is the right one. 75 00:35:58.530 --> 00:36:02.910 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Anyway, you would select your correct portfolio. I'm pretty sure this is the right one for us. What's the 76 00:36:07.320 --> 00:36:07.830 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Different 77 00:36:08.880 --> 00:36:09.450 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Hold on. 78 00:36:11.310 --> 00:36:12.390 This might not be the right one. 79 00:36:17.790 --> 00:36:19.050 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Oh, here we go. This would be yet. 80 00:36:20.100 --> 00:36:21.540 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: No, that's gentleman's right 81 00:36:24.600 --> 00:36:25.500 It's got to be it though. 82 00:36:27.150 --> 00:36:28.860 Seven nine to 14 83 00:36:32.190 --> 00:36:38.100 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay, so you'd identify the correct portfolio. I'm getting tangled up some second guessing myself as to which portfolio on activating 84 00:36:39.240 --> 00:36:40.830 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: This is one that we purchased 85 00:36:41.970 --> 00:36:50.370 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Already, so I don't want to use that one. I'm gonna go back to my original one. Sorry guys, you would just find your correct portfolio and not get confused. 86 00:36:51.600 --> 00:36:55.320 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: I'm going to go back to the original one. So you would select the portfolio. 87 00:36:57.510 --> 00:36:59.400 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then click Next. 88 00:37:08.850 --> 00:37:13.980 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then Alma gives you two options as to where you want to your source for descriptive information. 89 00:37:14.760 --> 00:37:20.250 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: The whole idea is to use the community zone and use the metadata from the community zone, that's the 90 00:37:21.120 --> 00:37:28.290 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Kind of what we're going for here. So we're going to use this descriptive metadata from the community and click Next. 91 00:37:29.100 --> 00:37:44.160 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So you would then verify this information and make sure you've got the right collection or portfolio. Excuse me. Um, you selected communities own metadata and then you would just simply click the button to link to community and then confirm 92 00:37:45.870 --> 00:37:54.420 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay, so I see that. So Susan has a question. Do we have any idea how they sort these results, Susan. I have no idea. I'm 93 00:37:55.350 --> 00:38:05.100 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: I'm assuming it's I thought it was matching an ISP and and that's why I was getting a little tangled up because those is bands didn't look look look like they were matching to me. 94 00:38:06.510 --> 00:38:11.760 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: But no, I don't know how these sort of the results and there's no facets on the left to enable 95 00:38:13.860 --> 00:38:15.210 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: I'm not going to leave this community. 96 00:38:17.250 --> 00:38:23.070 Susan Davis (UBUFF): Know exactly. And that is really annoying sometimes I've done this with journals, they 97 00:38:23.220 --> 00:38:23.850 Susan Davis (UBUFF): Get like 98 00:38:23.910 --> 00:38:26.610 Susan Davis (UBUFF): Four or five pages of results. 99 00:38:27.060 --> 00:38:29.490 Susan Davis (UBUFF): And I've already learned that my result is never on page. 100 00:38:29.490 --> 00:38:30.120 Susan Davis (UBUFF): One. So, 101 00:38:30.510 --> 00:38:34.830 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Yeah, yeah. So that makes me feel better than I was kind of getting lost. There 102 00:38:35.460 --> 00:38:45.930 Susan Davis (UBUFF): And you don't have a chance to really like delve into the choice before you try to select it like you'd have to have like back out and research it more 103 00:38:46.020 --> 00:38:47.880 Susan Davis (UBUFF): Man We've done that with some of the 104 00:38:49.290 --> 00:38:53.100 Susan Davis (UBUFF): The idea of linking to the Community's own babe record. 105 00:38:53.460 --> 00:39:08.970 Susan Davis (UBUFF): And know for a lot of the journals, it's, it's okay because they have concert quality records, but sometimes it's pretty pitiful and even Svetlana in one of the trainings, you know, she wasn't pushing so much for the CC 106 00:39:10.680 --> 00:39:21.210 Susan Davis (UBUFF): But you're right, there's a risk. Obviously if you make that make that choice. So yeah, sometimes really, you have to have to dig like which which one of the Elsevier. 107 00:39:22.170 --> 00:39:29.010 Susan Davis (UBUFF): You know groups collections here. Are you choosing and usually you're right, you look for one where you have the little house by the 108 00:39:29.040 --> 00:39:29.610 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Yes. 109 00:39:29.730 --> 00:39:31.620 Susan Davis (UBUFF): The name of the database, which means you know that you've 110 00:39:31.620 --> 00:39:38.100 Susan Davis (UBUFF): already activated like that collection. Sometimes you might have multiples, for whatever reason, so it's 111 00:39:39.300 --> 00:39:40.290 Susan Davis (UBUFF): Gotta be kind of sharp 112 00:39:40.770 --> 00:39:49.200 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Yeah, definitely. Well, the awkward thing is to I've already ordered and I just have a good example. So I was getting yeah there's. We have a few houses. 113 00:39:50.400 --> 00:39:54.660 Susan Davis (UBUFF): Thanks to say as long as you can, you can always go back and undo right or delete whatever 114 00:39:54.690 --> 00:39:56.310 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Exactly. There you go. 115 00:39:58.080 --> 00:40:07.770 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Thank you. So Janet asked the question as well. If we want to add or change the metadata and the communities on record. Can we do that and save the record with changes. 116 00:40:08.730 --> 00:40:19.410 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: I'm, to be honest, Janet, I don't know, I've never tried to work with the metadata and the community zone. I don't know if it works in the same way as like our eyes eager NZ records. 117 00:40:19.770 --> 00:40:26.730 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Um, does anyone else on the call. Know the answer to Janet's question. Otherwise, I can look into what Janet and then get back to you. 118 00:40:28.200 --> 00:40:36.960 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Oh, Shannon saying you can't change communities on metadata. Oh, Susan agrees. Okay, so I think that's the answer. Jan. No, we can't. 119 00:40:37.320 --> 00:40:48.270 Shannon Pritting: And I just sorry to interrupt a later. But, um, if you want to use MARC records for eBooks and pull those in and link them. 120 00:40:49.590 --> 00:41:00.420 Shannon Pritting: Magazine Maggie's going to do that in a in a session next week. But since that's a much more complicated process. We're not going to get into that too much today. 121 00:41:01.410 --> 00:41:18.600 Shannon Pritting: So if you're interested in pulling in Mark records for better better metadata for ebooks until you're happy with the CZ metadata quality etc than come to Maggie session next week, right, I have that right it's next Tuesday, right, Maggie. 122 00:41:19.050 --> 00:41:20.430 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: I think it's the 10th. Yeah. 123 00:41:20.880 --> 00:41:22.140 Maggie McGee: Yes, it's Tuesday at 10 124 00:41:23.850 --> 00:41:27.060 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Thank you Shannon and Maggie. Thank you. 125 00:41:28.650 --> 00:41:38.760 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay. And then we have one other comment here, Rebecca with me poly is shared shared a an FAQ. I'm going to open it up soon as I find my mouse. 126 00:41:41.730 --> 00:41:42.870 Areas. Okay. 127 00:41:49.920 --> 00:41:58.470 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Oh, yeah, yeah. Yep. Yep. So this works. So this is an FAQ that I created back last April. 128 00:41:59.190 --> 00:42:10.830 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So this is kind of like the ideal scenario on how to activate an E book like in the ideal world, you would purchase the book, you'd search the community down there would be a portfolio and you would activate it. And it's really great. 129 00:42:11.220 --> 00:42:19.290 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: This is kind of dealing with those issues scenarios, when there's not a portfolio and you have to kind of this is basically work around 130 00:42:24.120 --> 00:42:25.140 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Thank you for sharing now. 131 00:42:27.960 --> 00:42:34.920 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Does anyone have any other questions or comments before we move on to workflow. Number two. 132 00:42:40.620 --> 00:42:51.480 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay, we're going to move merrily forward then um so this was kind of like the most straightforward, simple workflow create the portfolio link into the community zone john 133 00:42:52.290 --> 00:43:01.020 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: The second, what we're going to do now is kind of addresses a situation where there's a collection in the community zone. 134 00:43:01.560 --> 00:43:17.280 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: But there's not a portfolio for that ebook so we could create the portfolio locally and then attach it to that collection that's already in the community zone. So it will inherit all those updates and all that, you know, all the communities own offers so 135 00:43:18.420 --> 00:43:26.820 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: If you were going to do that. And if you already created your portfolio like we just did. We could simply edit the portfolio. 136 00:43:28.470 --> 00:43:31.590 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And click this button to attach to not trying to collection. 137 00:43:33.990 --> 00:43:36.150 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Then we would select our collection. 138 00:43:38.070 --> 00:43:39.090 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Right, so we could do. 139 00:43:42.300 --> 00:43:43.500 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Science tracks. 140 00:43:46.380 --> 00:43:55.620 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Right, so like, I'm not going to do this for real this is more just a demo, but we could attach it to this is the journey. This is our collection or electronic collection for science journals. 141 00:43:56.400 --> 00:44:03.750 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So obviously, we wouldn't want to attach an E book to it. And the real world. But for the sake of demonstration, we would select the collection. 142 00:44:05.340 --> 00:44:13.140 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: We'd want the service to be full text and then we would click Confirm right and that would just attach that portfolio to the collection. 143 00:44:14.880 --> 00:44:16.680 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then that would be done. 144 00:44:17.760 --> 00:44:37.380 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: But you can also. So I'm going to cancel and not going to do this for real. And you can also attach the portfolio to not trying to collection as you're creating it. So it's not like a second step. So to do that we would just, you know, create the portfolio so add local portfolio. 145 00:44:38.760 --> 00:44:49.140 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And we do the same thing that we just did, we'd create and title one time institution, we'd enter all of this information, the title, the author of the ESPN. 146 00:44:49.770 --> 00:45:02.010 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: But we instead of selecting standalone we'd select part of an electronic collection because we are creating this portfolio as part of an electronic collection. So you would click this option. 147 00:45:03.390 --> 00:45:06.000 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then you would select our collection. 148 00:45:08.970 --> 00:45:17.310 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So because this is a construct will do Science Direct. Same idea, we're just going to select this collection. 149 00:45:17.970 --> 00:45:26.520 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then some of us will already populate so your service should already populate as full text your library should already populate and you don't have to worry about the interface name because it's 150 00:45:27.600 --> 00:45:30.210 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Your we've already had the collection there. So Allah knows what it is. 151 00:45:31.770 --> 00:45:44.940 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Same idea, leave this blank. It's an E book but then all of your linking information will already be populated. Right. It's kind of grabbing this information from the collection. So you don't have to worry about. 152 00:45:48.330 --> 00:45:49.860 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Putting in the vendor URL. 153 00:45:53.520 --> 00:46:02.790 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then you would enable your proxy like we did earlier, you would have your status as active e book to book is your material type 154 00:46:03.390 --> 00:46:15.060 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then you'd click Save and done. So essentially the workflow is very similar to what we just did the first go around, but this time we're just making for the portfolio was part of an electronic collection. 155 00:46:16.350 --> 00:46:28.290 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay, so that's also a relatively relatively straightforward workflow for us to use. So that's the second one pause and ask if anyone has questions before we look at the third one. 156 00:46:39.180 --> 00:46:41.250 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay, we're gonna look at the third 157 00:46:42.630 --> 00:46:53.370 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Workflow here. We might even get out early. But I don't want to deter people. If you have questions, please ask. Um, so this third workflow that we're going to look at is 158 00:46:55.410 --> 00:47:01.710 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So what we're going to do is we're going to create a local electronic collection with the idea that if 159 00:47:03.120 --> 00:47:15.210 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: If your library that purchases. Many ebooks as individual titles, so therefore you have multiple standalone portfolios, you can attach all of those standalone portfolios. 160 00:47:16.320 --> 00:47:23.670 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: To a local electronic collection. And the reason the advantage to doing that is that all your standalone portfolios would 161 00:47:24.120 --> 00:47:31.200 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Like us, they won't be standalone anymore. They will be part of a collection. So you could kind of track them and manage them as a collection, it would make it 162 00:47:31.470 --> 00:47:41.010 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Management, a little bit easier tracking a little bit easier on you could probably get really creative and how you create how you handle this. 163 00:47:41.580 --> 00:47:51.300 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Maybe you would want to create a local collections by vendor right so if you order a lot of eBooks from Cisco, you could have an electronic collection for ebooks from Expo. 164 00:47:51.690 --> 00:48:07.680 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And maybe if you order a lot of eBooks from progress right just to grab vendor names, you can maybe have a collection of eBooks portfolios from pro quest, you could do whatever you want. Um, so that's kind of the use case for why we're why we're going to be demonstrating this 165 00:48:09.450 --> 00:48:16.740 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So to do this we need to create the local collection. But before we do that, we'd want to make sure that we have all of our portfolios. 166 00:48:17.250 --> 00:48:29.310 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Early some of them created to add to this collection wanted to create it. So I'm like a Geneseo. We don't order many ebooks. So what I would probably do if I was going to do this. 167 00:48:30.060 --> 00:48:37.140 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Is on maybe wait to the end of the semester right order ebooks create standalone portfolios all semester long 168 00:48:37.560 --> 00:48:46.590 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then at the end of the semester, create a set of those portfolios and attach them to the collection at that point. Because for us. We're ordering so few 169 00:48:47.040 --> 00:48:54.360 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: For me to do it each time I think would be, I would probably just do it all at once. At the end of the semester. But you would do whatever works best for you. 170 00:48:55.350 --> 00:49:05.010 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay, so you'd create your portfolio or portfolios, just like we've been doing you'd create them a standalone right you'd go through that whole process. 171 00:49:05.580 --> 00:49:17.670 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And when you were done, creating all of your portfolio's you need to search the repository for them and then create a set and that set is what we will attach to the electronic collection. Okay. 172 00:49:18.990 --> 00:49:19.980 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Hopefully that makes sense. 173 00:49:21.210 --> 00:49:31.350 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So we'll search by electronic portfolios title and I'm going to stick with my example here because I'm not not very creative. 174 00:49:34.020 --> 00:49:35.940 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And here we go, here is 175 00:49:39.000 --> 00:49:52.980 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: The one the portfolio that we just created. Here's one that I created this morning when I was preparing. Here's one that we, this is the one we actually purchased. Let's see the orders attached to it. And there's some other and there's this this one that doesn't belong 176 00:49:54.150 --> 00:49:57.210 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Oh, this is a test, it looks like this is maybe another one that I did. Oh, no. 177 00:49:58.380 --> 00:50:14.340 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay, anyway. So you'd search your repository for your portfolio's so I'm doing this kind of quick and dirty and just searching by title and you might want to be a little bit more advanced and sophisticated use an advanced search and 178 00:50:15.840 --> 00:50:19.470 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Search for standalone portfolios. So we would do title. 179 00:50:20.910 --> 00:50:27.840 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Electronic portfolio is standalone yes not. No. Yes. Right. So then this would be 180 00:50:28.530 --> 00:50:43.380 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: You would retrieve all of your standalone portfolios that you would then create as a set and add to your collection. You could even like if you wanted to create different collections by vendor on you could look for standalone portfolios. 181 00:50:44.820 --> 00:50:53.250 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then you could look for your interface name so electronic portfolio interface name again this will do keywords and then you could say. 182 00:50:54.270 --> 00:50:59.430 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Whatever, whatever interface you wanted to use, like if I use. I don't really know what will come on. Let's see. 183 00:51:01.560 --> 00:51:18.030 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay. And this is a look. Here's another example. Practice on my name on anyway. So this is kind of a more refined way to search the repository and actually retrieve the portfolios that you want. So we want standalone standalone portfolios. We want them from Science Direct 184 00:51:19.350 --> 00:51:22.860 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And we grabbed a couple of examples that I had created 185 00:51:23.910 --> 00:51:29.310 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Earlier. So anyway, so we have your, your list here. You're going to save your query. 186 00:51:30.510 --> 00:51:37.260 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: To create the set. So you label this will just say, yeah, we'll say, Okay, let's just do 187 00:51:38.880 --> 00:51:44.790 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: One called test. Let's do test to you might want to add a description so you know what this what this is. 188 00:51:46.740 --> 00:51:52.680 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: I've been making my sets not private. I don't know if that makes a big difference active and then you'd save it. 189 00:51:54.450 --> 00:52:07.230 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay. So you see, this is one that I made earlier. And this is one that we just made. Okay, so here's our sets. There, there, now that we have that done, we can go ahead and create an electronic collection. 190 00:52:08.310 --> 00:52:16.290 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So we'll go to Resources oops resources come in and add local electronic collection. 191 00:52:17.940 --> 00:52:19.650 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then we would name this 192 00:52:21.270 --> 00:52:24.270 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Name, oops, will just name it. Yes. 193 00:52:26.490 --> 00:52:37.320 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: You can add a description. You want to make sure your collection type of selective since we're selecting which portfolios to add to this collection. It's full text and then just like your library. 194 00:52:40.830 --> 00:52:42.870 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay, and then we'll save and continue 195 00:52:44.310 --> 00:52:55.830 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So we'll want to make sure that the activation status is available. I'm not going to make this available because I don't want our users to find this because this is just training that you would make this available. 196 00:52:57.120 --> 00:52:59.910 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: You would want to make sure that your service type is full text. 197 00:53:01.230 --> 00:53:05.880 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then go ahead and load our portfolios, so 198 00:53:08.130 --> 00:53:09.720 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: We could, if I'm 199 00:53:10.980 --> 00:53:22.050 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So we'll go to this add button. So we could just add an individual global portfolio, we're not going to, but we could we would just click Add local portfolio and it would bring you to that. 200 00:53:22.950 --> 00:53:31.620 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: calling it a form that might not be the right word, but that form to add all that information to create your local portfolio, we're going to go ahead and add from set, though. 201 00:53:32.820 --> 00:53:34.020 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So, and from set 202 00:53:35.130 --> 00:53:40.020 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: will search for our set by name here so we'll just do the one we just created. 203 00:53:42.210 --> 00:53:45.150 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then we would click I guess we will click Submit. 204 00:53:47.640 --> 00:53:57.120 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Yep. And like everything in Alma will confirm and a jar will run and then you're going to email when the job is complete. So that's 205 00:53:57.870 --> 00:54:09.330 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: That's how you would add a set of portfolios to a collection. Another workflow. Another way to do this would also be able to load portfolios using the portfolio loader. 206 00:54:11.610 --> 00:54:13.890 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: For that you would need an Excel file. 207 00:54:15.510 --> 00:54:19.890 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: That's formatted for the portfolio loader will be looking a little bit of that. 208 00:54:21.060 --> 00:54:28.740 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Let me start working with electronic collections in two weeks. There'll be a training and I know there's been other trainings that have worked with the portfolio loader. 209 00:54:30.240 --> 00:54:31.530 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So that's pretty straightforward. 210 00:54:33.360 --> 00:54:39.870 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: So we're done a little bit early. But I want to ask if anyone has questions. If you need to see anything again. 211 00:54:42.900 --> 00:54:51.540 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: As Shannon mentioned Maggie will be doing a training on December 10 which is Tuesday at 10 which will kind of piggyback really nicely with this session. 212 00:54:51.900 --> 00:55:01.140 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then in two weeks. I'll be doing a session on managing local portfolio. I'm sorry. Local collections and that'll be the same time Wednesday at 11 in two weeks. 213 00:55:02.220 --> 00:55:04.770 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay, good people have questions. Okay. 214 00:55:06.120 --> 00:55:12.660 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: First, first question here in the chat regarding your last example. I'm wondering about the proxy enabled settings. 215 00:55:13.950 --> 00:55:22.830 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: When you're using partial parameters, no proxy enabled. How do others do this and what is the rationale. I always 216 00:55:24.630 --> 00:55:35.130 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Now I'm selecting now I'm wondering, I always activate or enable the portfolio. Sorry, enable the proxy for the portfolio or for the service. 217 00:55:41.850 --> 00:55:43.500 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: For the collection. 218 00:55:45.870 --> 00:55:55.140 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: You know what, you're right, for the collection, you would leave the bibs depressed and you would not enable the proxy, you would just be enabling the proxy at the 219 00:55:57.420 --> 00:56:03.480 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Portfolio level. So that's I'm really glad you you brought that up. So you'd want to. So to recap. 220 00:56:04.500 --> 00:56:08.850 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: You'd want to enable when we're creating the 221 00:56:10.620 --> 00:56:12.090 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: electronic collection. 222 00:56:15.390 --> 00:56:16.590 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Like if we just do 223 00:56:17.730 --> 00:56:19.020 We'll just make one really fast. 224 00:56:26.250 --> 00:56:32.520 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: You know, and I think your office is the server. So, but, but because this is the collection level. You're right, will want to leave the proxy. 225 00:56:33.690 --> 00:56:39.180 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Not enabled and we'll make sure the proxies enabled with the portfolio so 226 00:56:40.320 --> 00:56:40.740 Yeah. 227 00:56:44.400 --> 00:56:50.490 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Yeah, so we will be practicing enabling the proxy of the portfolio level and have the collection level. 228 00:56:51.780 --> 00:56:53.880 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Does that make sense that I explained that clear enough. 229 00:56:54.960 --> 00:56:57.870 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: clearly enough. Yeah. Yes. 230 00:56:58.470 --> 00:57:01.950 Michelle Eichelberger: Say that it's not gonna hurt anything. If you proxy it twice, you need 231 00:57:02.340 --> 00:57:09.240 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: It. Oh, thank goodness. Good. Because I've been practicing. Good. Good. Okay, thanks. Michelle. 232 00:57:10.590 --> 00:57:15.120 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: I'm OK. And then there's another Kevin from Virginia 233 00:57:16.500 --> 00:57:23.340 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Has a question I have a collection of digitize early 20th century sheet music folio and D space. 234 00:57:25.200 --> 00:57:29.430 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And then could we use the last workflow to provide access to the collection. 235 00:57:31.410 --> 00:57:36.900 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And Shannon has recommended using a discovery in Port profile for the D space records. 236 00:57:41.220 --> 00:57:43.770 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Yeah, which I think makes the most sense. Okay. 237 00:57:46.680 --> 00:57:54.120 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: And Susan. Yep. And Susan has made a comment about the proxy settings being confusing, which I would agree. 238 00:57:56.250 --> 00:57:56.880 Yes. 239 00:58:07.140 --> 00:58:11.490 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Oh, and thank you, Michelle, for sharing that FAQ on the D space harvest 240 00:58:16.170 --> 00:58:16.830 Okay. 241 00:58:20.160 --> 00:58:27.330 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Are there other questions or comments that people would like to share and and always feel free to unmute yourself and speak if that's easier. 242 00:58:50.490 --> 00:59:07.080 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Okay, then I'm. So just to repeat myself there is Maggie's training. Next week I'm attend and then there'll be an electronic collection training on the 18th and two weeks on that you are all welcome to attend both of those sessions will kind of work kind of 243 00:59:08.190 --> 00:59:16.200 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Relate well to what we've done this morning, and I'll hang out for another couple of minutes if people have any final questions or comments that they'd like to share 244 00:59:36.870 --> 00:59:40.110 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: All right then. Well, thank you, everyone. And I hope to see you in two weeks. 245 00:59:44.700 --> 00:59:45.540 Alana Nuth (Geneseo: Thanks. Suzanne.