SUNY Discovery Working Group, meeting 7/16/2021 (Zoom)
Participants: Nancy, Stephanie, Michelle, Pam, Amanda, Jen, Heidi, Jessica
Participants: Nancy, Stephanie, Michelle, Pam, Amanda, Jen, Heidi, Jessica
Plans for the next year and onward were the primary discussion topic for this meeting. The WG has been revisiting these issues since Go-Live, and the LSP Advisory Board has also been discussion ideas for transition models for working groups and would welcome suggestions.
Questions under consideration include:
- Has the current working group configuration more or less run its course?
- Would it make sense now to consider a different model for the group -- something more like an interest group or community of practice, instead of a working group?
- What models could/should be explored?
- When should could/should changes take effect?
The group resolved that:
- It is helpful to have a group for focused discussion and problem-solving related to Alma/Primo VE discovery issues.
- Some issues of ongoing need include: monthly release review, info, and testing; communication of common issues/concerns; identification of pain points and suggestions for efficient follow-up.
- Support is an important component of the group.
- Basecamp provides a much more workable platform than Workplace.
- We would be open to exploring transition to interest group from working group – dependent on being able to continue use of Basecamp; we don’t think at this point the Workplace offers a robust enough environment for effective use.
- FOR CONSIDERATION: what presence or interaction on Workplace would be helpful and appropriate?
- For a group to function, there needs to be a core group to provide administration – add users, maintain site, schedule meetings, troubleshoot.
- The current working group membership model is to have a group of members plus two co-chairs.
- FOR CONSIDERATION: what model would be workable in the future? We could open membership to any interested SUNY colleagues, including invitation to participate in Basecamp. But what would the core administrative group look like?
- TO DO: Stephanie started a document “Long-Term Sustainable Models” for group collaboration.
- TO DO: Heidi volunteered to review past posts to ensure that no sensitive materials are on the site before opening it to a broader group.
- The group’s charge needs to be revised to better reflect post-go-live needs and to remove any references to completed tasks or ended groups. The revised charge may also help shape the model for the group’s future administration.
- TO DO: Stephanie started a document “Charge - working document” for group collaboration.
- Although a model other than working group may prove a more sustainable and progressive model, some trappings of the working group model may continue to be beneficial and thus worth continuing.
- Minutes are very helpful both as informational tool for non-members and as documentation for the group itself, for future reference.
- Regular meetings provide a useful opportunity for group brainstorming and Q&A sessions.
Next meeting: Friday, August 20, 1:00 pm, via Zoom
TO DO: Nancy will reschedule the slate of upcoming meetings to use the OLIS Zoom credentials instead of UBuffalo Zoom