Thanks for inquiring about Marigold Resources' complimentary or paid products, and commission based services.
Whether you want to sell your business now or years from now, it's critical to measure and understand the 8 Drivers (< 8 two min videos) buyers will test to evaluate one's business.
And, when your business' current market value meets or exceeds your freedom point, risk only increases.
When was the last time you calculated the % of your personal net worth tied to your business' market value?
These complimentary and confidential assessments linked above are proven tools that help confirm your endgame team is aligned for a successful exit strategy.
Additional engagement options are outlined and detailed below.
Option 1: Complimentary Endgame Reports: Value Builder Score, Personal Readiness to Exit Score, Freedom Point Score
Option 2: Fully Reviewed Estimate of Value ($1,500-$3,000)
Option 3: Our Day in Davenport 1:1 Workshop ($3,500)
Option 5: Value Builder System Coaching or Self-Help Tools ($99/mo to $950/mo)
All engagement fees you invest are qualified for rebating back to you upon the sale of your business.
And, whether you engage Marigold now or later, please send us your preferred mailing address and we will send you a complimentary copy of the books, "The Art of Selling Your Business" and "Built to Sell." (Contact details and a video by the author are below.)
Kick-off your Estimate of Value engagement by getting your complimentary Value Builder Score.
You will receive by e-mail a one-page summary report of how buyer-ready your business is on a scale of 0 to 100.
Businesses that score 90+ will double the value and double the offers that owners of average scoring (50-55) businesses receive.
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View full-sizeDownload This methodology was developed by John Warrillow, author of the book Built to Sell. Your business' Value Builder Score is informed by the confidential responses and scores from over 60,000 business owners world-wide.
Watch the <2min video below for a quick overview. Your business' Value Builder Score is generated from the answers you provide in an easy-to-answer online questionnaire.
Most business owners complete the questionnaire in about 15 minutes. Nearly all the questions are multiple choice.
Screen shot below of questions 12 & 13.
Value Builder Score Questions 12+13.png
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View full-sizeDownload Your responses about current circumstances with customers, staff and vendors are combined with responses about future scenarios such as, "How would your business fare if you went on vacation for three months?"
The Value Builder questions are organized by the 8 Key Value Drivers that buyers measure to establish your business acquisition's risks and rewards.
We highly recommend investing 20 minutes to watch the easy-to-follow, short 2+ minute videos about each 8 Key Value Drivers at this link here:
The Value Builder System founder John Warrillow narrates these videos, and he provides easy to understand insight into how buyers will view acquiring your business.
You can view/download the .pdf below, which has a summary of the 8 Key Value Drivers, as well as a print out of all the Value Builder Score questions (with sample answers).
8 Key Value Drivers + Value Builder Scoring Questionnaire Answers Example.pdf
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View full-sizeDownload Start your complimentary Value Builder Score at this link here.
Upon completing the questionnaire you will be e-mailed a Summary Report showing how the business scored in the 8 key drivers compared to your industry's averages.
The Summary Report also includes your business' overall Value Builder score on a scale of 0 to 100, measuring how buyer-ready your business is.
Depending on the industry, businesses which score an average 55 typically see offers 3.5X pre-tax profits.
Businesses with Value Builder Scores of 80+ are seeing offers 7X pre-tax profits.
Here's an example of the complimentary one-page Value Builder Summary report you will receive, below.
Value Builder Score Summary Report.pdf
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View full-sizeDownload With this complimentary Value Builder Score Summary Report business owners can estimate on their own what value buyers will likely place on their business, given the rule-of-thumb multiplier metrics stated above.
Personal Readiness to Exit - How ready are you to let go? Where do you land on the 4 key drivers for a satisfying and lucrative business exit?
Freedom Point - - When Was the Last Time You Calculated the % of Your Net Worth Tied to Your Business' Market Value?
Option 2: Fully Reviewed Estimate of Value & Related Services
One-Time Fee Credited Towards Exclusive Listing Agreement Engagement*
Depending on your business' size, tax-filing complexity, and financial record keeping standards, Marigold Resources will provide a Fully Reviewed Estimate of Value engagement for as little as $1,500 and as much as $3,000.*
Your Estimate of Value Engagement includes:
Value Builder Score Review & Consult
Pre-Tax Profits (EBITDA & SDE) Recasting from 3 Years Prior Financials/Tax Returns (example below)
Value Builder Score Response Updating
The full Value Builder Report with Estimate of Value Grid, Scoring Breakout & Questions for your Deal Team Advisors (example below)
Scenario Planning Exercise for Future Valuation (example below)
Sold Businesses Comps Report & Review (example below)
Personal Readiness to Exit or PRE-Score Access & Review
* Any Estimate of Value fees can be credited towards future Exclusive Listing Agreement (ELA) Engagement fees (ranging from $5k-$15K depending on the business) and all fees are eligible to be 100% rebated back upon the sale of the business. A copy of Marigold's ELA (3 pages) is linked below.
Below is an example of the Pre-Tax Profits Recasting generated upon receiving the business' last three year's income statements and/or tax-returns, and YTD income statement:
Example Historical EBITDA SDE Analysis 2019-2021 w Averages.pdf
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View full-sizeDownload Here’s a sample of The Value Builder Report. An example of the Scenario Planning for future valuation exercise is on the last page.
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View full-sizeDownload Below is a screenshot of the top half of page 4 which showcases the business' currentEstimate of Value and future valuation with an associated Value Builder Score improvement.
Value Builder Estimate of Value Graphic Example.png
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View full-sizeDownload Below is an example of a Sold Businesses Comps Report utilized to measure recent trends in pricing as a factor of gross sales and cash flow.
Sold Comps Report for Building Material and Hardware Stores.pdf
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View full-sizeDownload
Option 3: Our Day in Davenport Workshop
Our Day in Davenport is an exclusive-to-you and your business consultation designed to provide business owners considering selling their business:
Estimate of Business' Value
Exit Strategy Action Steps
Deal Team Alignment
It's a relaxing and revealing valuation and growth workshop, all in one day (or, over two half-days) conducted privately and discreetly at our office in Downtown Davenport.
We encourage owners to include their business partner(s), spouse and/or trusted advisor(s) such as their CPA, financial advisor or corporate counsel.
Getting out of one's office and away for one whole day may be the most important next step in finding your exit strategy.
There's a sample itinerary at, and the work products include the following:
Q&A on Exclusive 12 Month Listing Agreement & Related Services
Historic Downtown Hotel Marriott Stay
All Meals & Recreational Activities
We prefer to compliment this $3,500* workshop with a dinner and/or lunch for further discussion. Out-of-market business owners are provided overnight accommodations at the historic Blackhawk Hotel or The Current hotel, blocks from our riverfront office. There's additional recreational options including golf, riverfront trails & biking, shopping, art museum, brewery/meadery tours, and minor league baseball in one the country's top riverfront ball parks., for more details including a sample itinerary and links to hospitality, dining and recreation options.
* Your Day in Davenport workshop fee ($3,500) can be credited towards future Exclusive Listing Agreement (ELA) Engagement fees (ranging from $5k-$15K depending on the business) and all fees are eligible to be 100% rebated back upon the sale of the business. A copy of Marigold's ELA (3 pages) is linked below.
Option 4: Exclusive 12 Month Listing Agreement
When you are ready to engage Marigold Resources to find a suitable Buyer for your business, we enter into a 12 month listing agreement, a copy of which is linked below.
*Marigold's success fee, or commission is the industry standard 10% of first $1MM sale price, 8% of second $1MM, 6% of third $1MM, 4% of fourth $1MM and 2% thereafter. Unless waived or modified, the minimum success fee is $100,000 paid at closing.
The average number of days from signing with Marigold to closing is 170 days. We've helped business owners in a wide range of industries and have numerous references upon request.
Depending on your business' size, tax-filing complexity, and financial record keeping standards, Marigold Resources provides these full service M&A advisory & business broker services listed below for as little as a $5,000 and as much as a $15,000 engagement retainer.*
All Estimate of Value Reporting & Value Builder Exercises
All Marketing & Advertising Expenses
All Creative Services & Administration Expenses
Deal Team Communications & Project Management
Due Diligence Documentation Management
Staff Organization Chart Building
Customer and Vendor Concentration Analysis
AR and AP Aging Analysis
Balance Sheet and Working Capital Analysis
Confidential Blind Profile Copywriting
Prospective Buyer List Building & Sourcing
Confidential Information Memorandum Copywriting & Publishing
Copy of Exclusive Business Listing Agreement with Terms & Conditions Below
Marigold Exclusive Listing Agreement Nov 2021.pdf
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View full-sizeDownload * Any Estimate of Value or Day in Davenport workshop fees paid prior to listing the business can be credited towards the engagement retainer, and all fees are eligible to be 100% rebated back upon the sale of the business.
Option 5:Value Builder System Coaching or Self-Help Tools
For businesses that need to grow value prior to going to market, Marigold provides owners Value Builder System services & coaching.
Below is a a two page .pdf overview of the full Value Builder System coaching modules. This coaching engagement is customized to suit the business and owner and begins at $950/month.
Marigold Value Builder Engagement 12 Modules Summaries.pdf
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View full-sizeDownload During Marigold's Our Day in Davenport workshop, business owners are taken through up to three of these 12 Value Builder System modules, based on the 3 Value Drivers their business can benefit the most from.
Some business owners wish to access the Value Builder System tutorial videos and exercises on their own and even invite their leadership team into the tools as well. Marigold provides this self-guided access to these powerful and effective tools for only $99/month.
Here's a short video about the Value Builder System.
We've found no better tool set than the Value Builder system.
The Value Builder System provides the most insightful and most effective methodology.
The Value Builder System helps our customers get measurable results.
We've had such success with Value Builder that we've been guest speakers at the Value Builder summit in February, 2020 in Denver, Colorado. . Marigold's two managing partners, Chris Barnard and Todd McGreevy have both served on Value Builder's international Advisory Board.
Marigold Value Builder Summit Denver Feb 2020 Presenters DSC_0581.JPG
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View full-sizeDownload
And, Marigold is cited in Value Builder's founder John Warrillow's most recent book "The Art of Selling Your Business" as editors and key contributors.
Just ask, and we'll send you a complimentary copy of this must-have book.
Watch John's 4 minute video about this book below. Contact Chris Barnard or Todd McGreevy, managing partners at Marigold Resources with any questions . . . or to request your complimentary "The Art of Selling Your Business" book.