- Congratulations to Kristy on her appointment as the new interim Dean of the Library at SUNY New Paltz. With this new role and the greater time demands it requires, Kristy will need to reduce her participation in our SUNY Analytics Working Group.
- With Maggie McGee’s departure from the SLS last month, our group no longer has standing attendance from the SLS. However, we should invite them on an as-needed project basis and they will continue to support us in our work.
- Thank you to Kabel for setting up our Zoom meetings going forward. Please use the new links sent in his invitation for our meetings beginning in June. Meeting link for reference: https://albany.zoom.us/j/99216280680?pwd=N3cwMm1kQVd1RU10Q3FFUmRaMFhodz09
- Before the system terminated our meeting we spoke briefly about how/who uses Analytics on our campuses:
- Many of our members are the lone users/creators of Analytics on their campuses; UBuffalo is fortunate enough to have about 4-5 users.
- Several reported that most report creation is based on ad hoc requests.
- Future topics of interest brought up in emails today:
- How do people document what you do in Analytics (for yourself and other users)?
- Revisit common reports that could be shared within SUNY
Also, Kristy shared some tips & tricks.
- On Basecamp, Kristy shared a report she created using coding to link out to the catalog from the MMS ID. See the posting here. Her report can be found in the Shared/Community/Reports/Consortia/SUNY/Analytics WG/KL folder entitled: RS_Loans_Still Out with hyperlink_120dayOverdue.
- When creating reports using call numbers, and looking to use a range: to reduce potential error from typing the call number, select a range by creating or editing the filter: