Link to recording:
1. Membership for next year
Marla noted that the SLC Board is reviewing working group memberships to ensure that members can cycle off or re-up when their terms expire.
For the Discovery Working Group, the following members joined in 2018 and thus can opt to cycle off in July 2020 or re-up:
1. Membership for next year
Marla noted that the SLC Board is reviewing working group memberships to ensure that members can cycle off or re-up when their terms expire.
For the Discovery Working Group, the following members joined in 2018 and thus can opt to cycle off in July 2020 or re-up:
- Erin Rushton - will cycle off
- Rebecca Nous
- Jill Locascio - will re-up for another term
- Jessica McGivney - will re-up for another term
- Nancy Babb - will re-up for another term
The following members joined in 2019:
- Pam Czaja
- Amanda Hollister
- Heidi Webb
The working group has worked well with two co-chairs, cycling in a new chair to serve along with an experienced chair; we'd like to continue this model. Nancy is willing to continue as co-chair; who will join her as Erin cycles off?
2. CDI update
There have been some improvements in the CDI, with the February updates. The CDI Task Force continues to work with Ex Libris. Records and slides from last week's CDI Overview Take 2 are at: There is a Q&A session today at 2:00 (Upcoming CDI Training - SUNY/SLC Headquarters (HQ). Minutes of the Task Force are at:
There have been some improvements in the CDI, with the February updates. The CDI Task Force continues to work with Ex Libris. Records and slides from last week's CDI Overview Take 2 are at: There is a Q&A session today at 2:00 (Upcoming CDI Training - SUNY/SLC Headquarters (HQ). Minutes of the Task Force are at:
3. Libkey Discovery
SUNY has negotiated with Third Iron to provide consortial pricing for BrowZine Primo integration and other LibKey features for SUNY campuses. SUNY held 3 informational webinars about the product/s; access to a pricing spreadsheet was emailed to all campuses.
The group asked those already using BrowZine and LibKey about their experiences. Heidi and Nancy praised Third Iron's responsiveness and the benefits of LibKey as a replacement/supplement for the Alma/Primo VE link resolver, adding reliable up-front full text links in Primo VE records (both results list and individual records) and other platforms (PubMed; LibKey Nomad plugin for Chrome). For campuses that have problems with Alma/Primo link resolution, OpenURL processing, direct linking, and related issues, BrowZine/LibKey may be of great benefit. But of course the relative merits of cost effectiveness will vary from campus to campus.
4. March release for Primo VE and Alma
Alma Release Notes:
SUNY has negotiated with Third Iron to provide consortial pricing for BrowZine Primo integration and other LibKey features for SUNY campuses. SUNY held 3 informational webinars about the product/s; access to a pricing spreadsheet was emailed to all campuses.
The group asked those already using BrowZine and LibKey about their experiences. Heidi and Nancy praised Third Iron's responsiveness and the benefits of LibKey as a replacement/supplement for the Alma/Primo VE link resolver, adding reliable up-front full text links in Primo VE records (both results list and individual records) and other platforms (PubMed; LibKey Nomad plugin for Chrome). For campuses that have problems with Alma/Primo link resolution, OpenURL processing, direct linking, and related issues, BrowZine/LibKey may be of great benefit. But of course the relative merits of cost effectiveness will vary from campus to campus.
4. March release for Primo VE and Alma
Alma Release Notes:
- Of possible interest: "Link Resolver Get It Services – Prevent Services for Wrong Titles"
Primo VE Release Notes;
Some issues of possible interest, with caveats:
Some issues of possible interest, with caveats:
- "View It from Other Institutions" - this refers to being able to see electronic resources at other institutions but does not enable access, so is likely not helpful; SLSS is not recommending.
- "Support Local Extensions for CZ Bibliographic Records" - this may allow individual campuses to enhance CZ records as needed for local use.
Rebecca noted that it is possible to edit/enhance CZ records for all, but the updates don't seem to be taking effect in the IZ and thus are not being used in Primo. Michelle noted that there has been an outstanding issue with CZ changes not being synchronized in the NZ; Maggie has been working on this and we believe that a fix is underway. Nancy reports that UB has a number of open tickets about e-books not synchronized; we will follow up and report back when resolved.
5. Primo related discussions on basecamp: normalization rules for local subject headings , pins not working for openURL, Advanced Search multiple select, Ebsco ebook links all linking to ASC!, Primo Analytics - guest usage
- Pins not working for OpenURL: Nancy noted that it is seeming like Ex Libris considers this known functionality rather than a problem; a somewhat similar issue exists with exporting citation files for OpenURL "records" -- the data is not formatted correctly. Jen has an open ticket on the Pin issue and Nancy has one on the Citation Export/EndNote issue; we'll report back on Ex Libris's resolution.
- EBSCO Ebook link problem - seems to have been fixed
6. Dedup/FRBR of NZ records
Michelle and Nancy have been working with Maggie and Ex Libris regarding problems with Dedup/FRBR. One of the most obvious problems is that when records are merged/FRBR-ed, local notes are often not displayed; often the record that does not have local notes is the preferred record, and thus content is lost. This is a big problem for special collections, in which local notes communicate crucial information to users. Maggie has worked with UB to set up rules for suppressing Dedup/FRBR for IZ records in Special Collections at UB, but these rules are not applied in the NZ.
A question for consideration: should dedup/FRBR be turned off in the NZ?
Q: What would the impact be for all campuses in SUNY?
A: It will likely be all or nothing: if dedup/FRBR is turned off in the NZ, then no NZ records will be deduped/FRBR-ed, regardless of which scope they are in (SUNY catalog, local catalog, etc.). Electronic and physical records would no longer be merged. Individual campuses might opt to suppress or not suppress dedup/FRBR in their IZ's, unknown if suppression in NZ but non-suppression in IZ would produce any odd results in searches.
Maggie has noted that Orbis-Cascade has suppressed dedup/FRBR at the NZ level.
We can try searches in Orbis-Cascade Primo instances to see results, but note that they are not Primo VE. Can we find consortia on Primo VE? May consult to start.
TO DO: Michelle and Nancy will coordinate with Maggie. With some examples and testing scenarios, the Discovery Working Group can better consider the issue and help make recommendation on Dedup/FRBR at the NZ level.
7. Browser cache issues?
Nancy noted Primo VE problems with page speed and poor resolution are often related to browser problems; they often recommend clearing cache, history, and other browser settings, and this often fixes problems. Is this a problem with Primo VE, or a complication of various systems working together and not always well (Primo VE + EZProxy + Shibboleth + whatever else). Heidi notes that she often finds simply refreshing the page sufficient; Erin notes that Binghamton has been experiencing an odd error page. All agreed that it wouldn't hurt to open a ticket with Ex Libris and see what they suggest.
Michelle and Nancy have been working with Maggie and Ex Libris regarding problems with Dedup/FRBR. One of the most obvious problems is that when records are merged/FRBR-ed, local notes are often not displayed; often the record that does not have local notes is the preferred record, and thus content is lost. This is a big problem for special collections, in which local notes communicate crucial information to users. Maggie has worked with UB to set up rules for suppressing Dedup/FRBR for IZ records in Special Collections at UB, but these rules are not applied in the NZ.
A question for consideration: should dedup/FRBR be turned off in the NZ?
Q: What would the impact be for all campuses in SUNY?
A: It will likely be all or nothing: if dedup/FRBR is turned off in the NZ, then no NZ records will be deduped/FRBR-ed, regardless of which scope they are in (SUNY catalog, local catalog, etc.). Electronic and physical records would no longer be merged. Individual campuses might opt to suppress or not suppress dedup/FRBR in their IZ's, unknown if suppression in NZ but non-suppression in IZ would produce any odd results in searches.
Maggie has noted that Orbis-Cascade has suppressed dedup/FRBR at the NZ level.
We can try searches in Orbis-Cascade Primo instances to see results, but note that they are not Primo VE. Can we find consortia on Primo VE? May consult to start.
TO DO: Michelle and Nancy will coordinate with Maggie. With some examples and testing scenarios, the Discovery Working Group can better consider the issue and help make recommendation on Dedup/FRBR at the NZ level.
7. Browser cache issues?
Nancy noted Primo VE problems with page speed and poor resolution are often related to browser problems; they often recommend clearing cache, history, and other browser settings, and this often fixes problems. Is this a problem with Primo VE, or a complication of various systems working together and not always well (Primo VE + EZProxy + Shibboleth + whatever else). Heidi notes that she often finds simply refreshing the page sufficient; Erin notes that Binghamton has been experiencing an odd error page. All agreed that it wouldn't hurt to open a ticket with Ex Libris and see what they suggest.
8. Matters arising
Q. Anyone attending ELUNA?
A. So far, Erin, Jill, Nancy, and Michelle are all planning to attend.
Q. Anyone attending ELUNA?
A. So far, Erin, Jill, Nancy, and Michelle are all planning to attend.