Evaluation and Impact Toolkit Overview

Chris Dale
Chris Dale
Last updated 
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In 2023/24, we refreshed this toolkit to support hubs in meeting Grant Objective 7 - 'Evaluating the Impact of Maths Hub work'.

Below is range of support materials to support the MHLM team in systematically assessing the impact of the Maths Hub’s work and communicating this appropriately to different audiences (grant Objective 7c).
Currently, this section has a strong focus on supporting case work and we will extend and update these materials in due course. 

1. Evaluation and Impact Workshop 2023-24
Resources to support the workshop, including guidance and comparative case study proforma
Video offering further guidance
Partially completed comparative case study proforma

2. Case work
Examples of a range of written case studies here
Video of NW6 comparative case study (two primary schools in Sustaining)
The accompanying written NW6 case study
Video of LO1 case study (embedding primary school)

3. Evaluator in Residence (EiR) Outputs
Outputs from 2022-23 EiR Hubs
EE4 - Angles (Primary Strategic Goal)
LO6 - London South East + (SKTM Strategic Goal)
NW1 - North West One (Post-16 Strategic Goal)
SE1 - BBO (Secondary Strategic Goal)
SE5 - Kent and Medway (Secondary Strategic Goal)
WM1- Central (Primary Strategic Goal)

Below is a range of resources to support LLME to clarify intended outcomes of work, plan how to collect evidence, and report effectively on outcomes, along with any recommendations for future work (Grant Objective 7b).

1. General support for evaluation
Video to support LLME with evaluation (June 2023)
Supporting anonymised plan and report

2. Supporting LLME to write an impact statement based on evidence

Feedback from users regarding the toolkit is welcome. Please send any feedback to mathshubs@ncetm.org.uk