Migration changes to Primo:
- Caught off guard by data wipe
- Network zone fix is in QA environment but hard to test there, will need to confirm that electronic records are behaving correctly
- After go-live, NZ data will be in Primo but won't be linked correctly until everyone is live, records will be from OCLC data pull
Speed Testing:
- Will need to test as soon as Group 1 is live - need data for next Ex Libris meeting about responsiveness
- Focus on test sites GCC (not live until 7/3), UB (7/2), Cortland (6/19), Binghamton (6/18), Buffalo State (6/13) but report any slowness found anywhere
- Make sure to clear cache and/or switch browsers to get "clean" take on speed
- Screencast is best way to capture slowness
- Check for searching, resource sharing form load time, etc.
- Be as granular as we can be in terms of capturing specific cases
- Add screencasts here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WwcibcaSencwMpPVSLb8d7SqP4F27CZIJXVoeJNzRME/edit?usp=sharing
- Will need to test multiple times throughout migration, so please date recordings
Ex Libris & Speed Testing
- Still working with Ex Libris to determine best performance metrics
- At last meeting Ex Libris said that speed would improve after go-live but other consortia haven't seen that
- SUNY plan is to keep following up on timing/speed issues with Ex Libris
- Other consortia are testing too - WRL has done testing where they run a query 10 times every hour using basic scopes, one word searches
Central Discovery Index (CDI):
- SUNY will be part of the early access group, starting Nov 2019 and running through Dec 2019
- DWG will help test, along with SUNY Shared Library Services staff
- There will be a Basecamp group for early adopters and a kick-off. Nancy and Rebecca volunteered to represent the DWG
- Recording of the recent "Ex Libris Central Discovery Index: An Overview and Update" is available here: "you can view it as a YouTube video, WebEx recording, or PDF file. This information is also posted at the bottom of both Primo and Summon CDI FAQ pages in the Knowledge Center."
DWG future:
- Please let Erin and Michelle know if you’re interested in staying on the committee by Friday, June 14
- July 5th will be end of your term if you're not interested in continuing on
- If we have openings we’ll need to figure out how to recruit new members
- Erin has offered to continue to co-chair unless someone else is dying to do it. If anyone interested in co-chairing with her, or if there’s enough interest, we could vote from a group of chair nominees