1. Usability document (created by Jill)L Primo usability Google doc - Discovery Working Group
This study is very thorough and helpful. Agreed that we may want to organize it by things that we can fix ourselves (e.g. renaming labels) and things that may be a function of how the systems works. With regard to functionality, we can plan to bring our questions and concerns to one of the Q&A meetings in November.
2. Our configuration recommendations. Nancy B has agreed (thanks Nancy!) to take the lead in organizing our responses so we will discuss how we want to move forward with making our recommendations.
SUNY_Primo_Configuration_Workbook.xlsx - Discovery Working Group
Heidi will contact ExL on Tuesday to see if ExL can provide the "defaults" for the customizations. We add the form to Google so that we can start adding our thoughts and/or recommendations. We agreed that we should also provide a rational for each recommendation. We will continue to work on this form over September.