Merit Badges

Russell Pittman
Russell Pittman
Last updated 
Merit Badge Program

Scout BSA is a movement dedicated to supplementing and enlarging the education of youth ages 11-17 years old. As a vital part of the Scout BSA advancement plan, the merit badge program is one of Scouting’s basic character-building tools and plays a key role in the fulfillment of this educational commitment. There are over 100 different merit badges in the program. Without dedicated volunteers who are proficient in the subject matter of the various badges, the program will not be successful.

An important aspect of the merit badge program is the opportunity for scouts to widen their contacts with other adults. Meeting with adults whom they might not be acquainted provides scouts a chance to develop social skills and self-confidence in situations, which initially may cause them to be uncertain and shy. Merit badge counselors provide the means for Scouts to explore many subjects that may not be available to them otherwise. Because merit badge counselors must be proficient in the subject of the badge being worked on, the scouts receive highly accurate and technical instructions while being coached on the topic.

Any questions or concerns please contact the District’s Merit Badge Dean:


Current Merit Badge Counselors and Guidelines:

The current roster of merit badge counselors is provided periodically to the Scoutmaster of each troop.  If a scout needs information about a specific merit badge, the scout can contact their troop leadership or the District’s Merit Badge Dean (note emails should include two adults – no one-on-one contact for electronic media).

Upcoming events will be listed below:

Note:   Check with the organizer about the status of specific events.
Many MBs are updated periodically.  Scouts that have started the previous version of these Merit Badges may continue working on that version or can switch to the new requirements.  Scouts who are just starting on these Merit Badges must use the current version.

The current merit badge requirements are found at

The Guide to Advancement Section addresses what to do when merit badge requirements change and Section addresses changes to rank requirements. This can be found here.


To become a Merit Badge Counselor:

You can apply online here (note, please ensure you have a current YPT and have completed your MBC Training – both are available on – before filling out the online application).  When you are done with the application, send the MB Dean your list of MBs using the Merit Badge Counselor Information Sheet.

Information about the requirements for MBCs can be found in the Guide to Advancement (2025).

Note, to become a MBC for some specific merit badges require that counselors have additional certification:
  •  NRA/NMLRA–certified muzzle-loader firearms instructor
  •  On the range, supervised by a NRA-certified Range Safety Officer.
Rifle Shooting:
  • NRA-certified Rifle Instructor
  • On the range, supervised by a NRA-certified Range Safety Officer.
Shotgun Shooting:
  • NRA-certified Shotgun instructor
  • On the range, supervised by a NRA-certified Range Safety Officer. 
Scuba Diving:
  • All phases of scuba instruction—classroom, pool, and open-water training—are limited to instructors trained and certified by one of the BSA’s recognized scuba agencies as found in the Guide to Safe Scouting
  • However, any registered MBC that is certified in Scuba Diving Open Water or above may sign off on any requirement

Group MB Instruction
Group Merit Badge instruction is encouraged.  Special instructions can be found here.