10:01:48 From Buffalo State : no audio here 10:02:03 From Shannon : audio is good for me--reconnect? 10:02:31 From Buffalo State : reconnect worked 10:09:02 From Louise : Why did you decide to do an electronic collection search instead of an electronic portfolio search. 600 results if an awful lot of results. 10:09:23 From Shannon : louise--good question--i'll pose to alana 10:10:57 From Louise : Do a title search, not keyword 10:11:35 From Maggie (ONE) : Can facet by interface 10:11:39 From Susan Davis (UBUFF) : However, we are so new to ALma that I can see why you would latch onto a method that works. :-) 10:12:48 From Susan Davis (UBUFF) : Better to not make a boolean out of your "contains phrases" 10:13:46 From Buffalo State : Isnt it desirable to order against an exitsting collection to prevent 'platform creep'. I'd like to keep all my activated ebooks in the same collections. 10:15:43 From Susan Davis (UBUFF) : Good point Shannon. That's sort of how we activate stuff in Serials Solutions. You can see what collections you have activated. 10:31:14 From Susan Davis (UBUFF) : There are some publishers for which your access starts with the year you start your subscription. But yes, any time you customize you ahve to deal with it. Fact of life. 10:31:41 From Buffalo State : you can set a different start date and leave end date blank and it will function as 'present' coverage 10:33:37 From Susan Davis (UBUFF) : Thanks Buff State. UB has been overly anal and customizes SerSol with "Present" 10:34:13 From Shannon : @susan--I asked exL about formatting for "present," and they indicated that you should leave blank 10:34:22 From Shannon : if not, link resolving may not work well 10:40:53 From Dutchess CC : Just for clarification, databases are discoverable down to the article if they are in PCI, even though no portfolios are in Alma, is that correct? 10:42:16 From Shannon : @dutchess- correct, if you've activated the database in PCI, you would be activating the article level metadata, even though there are no portfolios in the database in Alma 10:42:46 From Shannon : the delivery would be handled through the portfolios you're activating in the full text content, such as selective packages or aggregators 10:43:29 From jyaples : With Serials Solutions we ran into some "aggregator" packages, but we only had access to some titles. We had to ask them to make selective. Can we ask ExLibris to change. 10:44:08 From jyaples : Yes 10:44:11 From Shannon : you can selectively activate aggregators 10:45:02 From Susan Davis (UBUFF) : Serials Solutions issue I'm hoping. SOmetimes SerSol made it an "all or nothing" database unless you asked them to change. 10:45:05 From jyaples : Yes thanks 10:51:18 From Shannon to jyaples(Privately) : just verified that the selective activation for an aggregator gives you options to selectively activate portfolios. 10:51:38 From Shannon to jyaples(Privately) : it's within the activation wizard, so is pretty easy. 10:51:51 From jyaples to Shannon(Privately) : Thanks 10:55:26 From Buffalo State : Don't we generally want these suppressed? The provided URL will not be our institution specific URL 10:55:49 From Buffalo State : exactly 10:58:41 From Maggie (ONE) : Thanks Alana! 10:58:42 From bahr : Thanks Alana, this was super helpful 10:58:42 From jyaples : Would taking URL out of bib record make a difference since that was mentioned in error message 10:58:55 From Louise : Thanks Alana! 10:59:22 From Lisa Errico : Thank you! 10:59:37 From jthomas : Thanks so much, this was very informative. Everytime I see these processes demoed I pick up a little more information. 10:59:40 From New Paltz : Thank you! 10:59:49 From jyaples : Thank you