Version: 1.1.0
Version: 1.1.0b2
Date: 2020-04-04
1. This build includes a major rework of RTPManager (items listed below).
1.1 Sessions are now connected to MIDIManager after receiving the first clock message (used to be after receiving the third clock message). This shouldn't make any difference with sessions connected to a Mac or to other iConnectivity products but it might make a difference with sessions connected to Windows or products from other companies.
1.2 Time out counter is reset after receiving any message from the other party (MIDI, clock, or feedback). Previously only clock messages would reset the time out counter.
1.3 Time out is still 15 seconds but if the unit does not receive any messages from the other party it will send a "panic" clock at 12, 13, and 14 seconds before disconnecting at 15 seconds. This should alleviate problems with disconnects caused by missing clock messages.
1.4 Clock and feedback messages are now scattered for each session. Previously, all clock and feedback messages were sent at the same time for all sessions which could use up a lot of memory and could choke the ethernet connection. Scattering is currently set to 3.2 ms (between sessions) which should alleviate any issues with running out of memory or clogging the pipes.
Version: 1.1.0b1
Date: 2020-03-21
1. Fixed a problem where changing session names would not update the name in MDNS records until Bonjour was restarted on the network (either by disconnecting and then reconnecting the ethernet cable or rebooting the unit).
2. Fixed a problem where sessions were left hanging after a clean shutdown or reboot. Sessions are now sent a BY message just before the MDNS message with TTL=0 is sent.
Version: 1.0.3b2
Date: 2020-02-12
1. Fixed a problem where an interrupted sysex message (e.g. pulling out a DIN cable) would cause all immediately following sysex messages to be ignored until a standard MIDI message was sent (with status byte).
2. Added a SetGroup sysex command that will reset a whole bunch of parameters to default (startup) conditions. This can be used to create a new preset, clear USB-MIDI host reservations, and clear RTP-MIDI session setup without having to send hundreds of sysex messages to clear individual parameters.
Version: 1.0.3b1
Date: 2020-02-05
1. Decreased TTL on MDNS messages from 4500 to 120 seconds so that devices disconnected from the network are removed from RTP-MIDI session lists more quickly. MDNS messages are sent out every 60 seconds (max) now so TTL of 120 seconds should be fine. Some time ago MDNS messages were sent every 3600 seconds (max) so having TTL of 4500 made sense.
2. MDNS messages with TTL=0 are now sent out just prior to a clean shutdown or reboot so that devices are immediately removed from RTP-MIDI session lists. This works when pressing and holding the encoder to go into sleep mode, to go into bootloader mode, or to do a hard reset. The same holds true when the unit receives sysex messages to shutdown or reboot.
3. Fixed an error where a "sysex only" flag was being cleared on the hidden RTP-MIDI port when the session was closed. This was unlikely to have caused a problem since only Auracle used that port and Auracle was only sending sysex messages to this port.
4. Fixed an error where the MIDI port number (byte #1 of 4) and session number (byte #4 of 4) were being set to illegal values for the DevMIDIPortInfo parameter (DeviceInfo ID=0x13) when Auracle was sending a HstSesnVal message to the hidden RTP-MIDI port. These two values are now both set to 0x00 for the hidden RTP-MIDI port.