Table Host & Helpers Materials Download everything in this folder Discussion Guide.pdf Team Training Run Alpha Youth for Your Friends Values, The Experience, and Small Groups A Guide_ Making Alpha Youth Accessible.pdf Discussion Guide.pdf Games Fictionary How to Play A word will appear on the screen Every group writes down a fake definition of the word. We will read all the definitions out loud (Including the real definition) and everyone else has to guess which one is the real definition. ... Session 1 Alpha Youth Weekly Briefing Session One Video Session 2 Alpha Youth Weekly Briefing Session Two Video Session 3 Alpha Youth Weekly Briefing Session Three What Does Real Love Look Like? Notes: Sensitive Content WarningThe Alpha Youth Series features real-life stories. Some of these stories discuss sensitive topics, such as mental health i... Session 4 Alpha Youth Weekly Briefing Session Four Why Would I Want a Relationship With God? Notes: The Alpha Youth Series features real-life stories. Some of these stories discuss sensitive topics, such as mental health issues including anxiety, ... Session 5 Alpha Youth Weekly Briefing Session Five What Does a Relationship With God Look Like? Notes: In this session, we build on session 4 and explore the practical and the personal ways we can grow in our relationship with God such as prayer, th... Sessions 6 & 7 - Alpha Youth Day Alpha Youth Day Briefing (Sessions Six & Seven) 6: Who Is the Holy Spirit? Notes: The Holy Spirit and what the Holy Spirit could do in our lives. Sessions 6 and 7 are run together as part of a fun and unforgettable day. The Alpha ... 7: How Can I Be Filled With the Holy Spirit? Notes: This session builds on session 6 and looks at how we experience the Holy Spirit, and the gifts of the Spirit. The end of the session gives an oppo... Alpha Youth Day and Prayer Ministry Session 8 Alpha Youth Weekly Briefing Session Eight How Does God Help Us Overcome Evil? Notes: Here, we discuss what evil is, where we see it in the world, and what the Bible says we can do to face it and overcome it. Sensitive Content Warning... Session 9 Alpha Youth Weekly Briefing Session Nine Does God Heal Today? Notes: In this session, we look at what healing is, how we play our part, and explore how healing is presented in the Bible. Session 10 Alpha Youth Weekly Briefing Session Ten What Happens Next? Notes: The final session in the series looks at the Church, community and what’s next after Alpha. This isn’t the end; Alpha Youth is just the start.
Team Training Run Alpha Youth for Your Friends Values, The Experience, and Small Groups A Guide_ Making Alpha Youth Accessible.pdf Discussion Guide.pdf
Games Fictionary How to Play A word will appear on the screen Every group writes down a fake definition of the word. We will read all the definitions out loud (Including the real definition) and everyone else has to guess which one is the real definition. ...
Fictionary How to Play A word will appear on the screen Every group writes down a fake definition of the word. We will read all the definitions out loud (Including the real definition) and everyone else has to guess which one is the real definition. ...
Session 3 Alpha Youth Weekly Briefing Session Three What Does Real Love Look Like? Notes: Sensitive Content WarningThe Alpha Youth Series features real-life stories. Some of these stories discuss sensitive topics, such as mental health i...
What Does Real Love Look Like? Notes: Sensitive Content WarningThe Alpha Youth Series features real-life stories. Some of these stories discuss sensitive topics, such as mental health i...
Session 4 Alpha Youth Weekly Briefing Session Four Why Would I Want a Relationship With God? Notes: The Alpha Youth Series features real-life stories. Some of these stories discuss sensitive topics, such as mental health issues including anxiety, ...
Why Would I Want a Relationship With God? Notes: The Alpha Youth Series features real-life stories. Some of these stories discuss sensitive topics, such as mental health issues including anxiety, ...
Session 5 Alpha Youth Weekly Briefing Session Five What Does a Relationship With God Look Like? Notes: In this session, we build on session 4 and explore the practical and the personal ways we can grow in our relationship with God such as prayer, th...
What Does a Relationship With God Look Like? Notes: In this session, we build on session 4 and explore the practical and the personal ways we can grow in our relationship with God such as prayer, th...
Sessions 6 & 7 - Alpha Youth Day Alpha Youth Day Briefing (Sessions Six & Seven) 6: Who Is the Holy Spirit? Notes: The Holy Spirit and what the Holy Spirit could do in our lives. Sessions 6 and 7 are run together as part of a fun and unforgettable day. The Alpha ... 7: How Can I Be Filled With the Holy Spirit? Notes: This session builds on session 6 and looks at how we experience the Holy Spirit, and the gifts of the Spirit. The end of the session gives an oppo... Alpha Youth Day and Prayer Ministry
6: Who Is the Holy Spirit? Notes: The Holy Spirit and what the Holy Spirit could do in our lives. Sessions 6 and 7 are run together as part of a fun and unforgettable day. The Alpha ...
7: How Can I Be Filled With the Holy Spirit? Notes: This session builds on session 6 and looks at how we experience the Holy Spirit, and the gifts of the Spirit. The end of the session gives an oppo...
Session 8 Alpha Youth Weekly Briefing Session Eight How Does God Help Us Overcome Evil? Notes: Here, we discuss what evil is, where we see it in the world, and what the Bible says we can do to face it and overcome it. Sensitive Content Warning...
How Does God Help Us Overcome Evil? Notes: Here, we discuss what evil is, where we see it in the world, and what the Bible says we can do to face it and overcome it. Sensitive Content Warning...
Session 9 Alpha Youth Weekly Briefing Session Nine Does God Heal Today? Notes: In this session, we look at what healing is, how we play our part, and explore how healing is presented in the Bible.
Does God Heal Today? Notes: In this session, we look at what healing is, how we play our part, and explore how healing is presented in the Bible.
Session 10 Alpha Youth Weekly Briefing Session Ten What Happens Next? Notes: The final session in the series looks at the Church, community and what’s next after Alpha. This isn’t the end; Alpha Youth is just the start.
What Happens Next? Notes: The final session in the series looks at the Church, community and what’s next after Alpha. This isn’t the end; Alpha Youth is just the start.