
Alex Stapleton
Alex Stapleton
Last updated 

How to Play

  • A word will appear on the screen
  • Every group writes down a fake definition of the word. 
  • We will read all the definitions out loud (Including the real definition) and everyone else has to guess which one is the real definition. 
  • A point is awarded if a team guesses the real definition, OR if someone votes for your fake definition.
Round 1: Gardyloo - A warning before dumping slop buckets out of their windows
Round 2: Juxtaposition - The act of placing two things close together for contrasting effect.
Round 3  Widdershins. This is another way to say something is moving counter-clockwise or something is moving in the wrong direction.
Round 4  Malarkey. This refers to words that are insincere and talk that is particularly foolish.
Round 5 Wabbit. No, this isn’t referring to a wascally wabbit. It is a Scottish term for being exhausted.
Round 6  Erinaceous. This is a strange one; it refers to something or someone who resembles a hedgehog.