WhatsApp Widget RoadMap

[waiting] Add "Funnel" steps for each widget
disable FAQs with AI
Los campos de tipo "text" en los forms permiten ingresar cualquier largo
error with "close conversations" and bookings
[Ready test]Hubspot integration - Phone Number + sign included
[DEV][feature/FEATURE 7522566733 booking legend][feature/2024/06/21-selector-and-prices] Bookings - review
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_translationCountdown]Countdown is translated?
Google My Business information
Google my business reservations
IMPORTANT Create App for users to manage their leads.
Review registration Mobile
Review App para sub-agents
----------- ^ IMPORTANT ^ -----------
Domain configuration - ok message is not correct
Review leads sent to pabbly
Review speed site
Reduce initial bundle size
Share Admin user in multiple websites
Comment on https://canterburytaxis.co.uk
Change order - FORM + FAQ
Google my business reservations 2
Landing IA - Tasks
add an option to create a new image - landing page AI
White label Domain - explain the process better
5. Add recurrent payments for Stripe Connect
Understand how to make "auto" install from this https://receevi.com
Botón que abre el widget
[Waiting] Where users can change the legal text?
Feedback user
Feedback User
Add a "text field for copy and paste" in AI FAQ
Add photos / Links / PDFs to IA FAQ
[Waiting] Improve Sub-agents interface and permissions
----------- THIS WEEK -----------
Create templates for dropdowns like cities or zip codes
Domain quality for Google
Widget FAQ AI
Workflow Payments WhatsApp
add a design option to hide "online" "offline" label in the agent.
limit on agents for chatform
Change desing on witget with multiple agents
Integración avisos WhatsApp con Esta API
Review this - API CRM Real Estate
Api sol
Can we add this information from Stripe in the payments section
Quitar el redondeo de las esquinas del widget
review domain configuration
Feedback user
Load businesses from XML, CSV, JSON
change the link for tutorial Google Tag Manager
rellenar slugs vacios
[Done]error with subdomain
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/25] remove download leads for sub-agents
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/25] Crear aviso en booking de TELEFONO OBLIGATORIO
[DONE] error with days in agent
[DONE] Highlight the field with the error
[DONE] Duda sobre funcionalidad ZoomIntegrationService->getByCurrentUser()
[DONE] Add a "marketplace" section in the "whatsapp business directory"
[DONE] Add a "AI Landing pages" section in the "whatsapp business directory"
[DONE] Add a "bookings view" for all the widgets
[Done]New account - issues cloning widgets
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/18-tasks] Add IP for hidden fields
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/18-tasks] Make the agent photo at least 3 times bigger
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/18-tasks] sub_leadsboard - Call to a member function getManagedBy() on null
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/18-tasks] If the widget has no bookings, it is better to remove it
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/18-tasks] Improve design for CRM table
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/18-tasks] Unify font size
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/18-tasks] Remove pitchground from registration
Choose display pricing MUST have the product also being displayed
this setting is not working - widget opens with first agent form
Whatsapp - shortId
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/12] MARKETPLACE > Add this text in the marketplace view
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/12] Marketplace - Add "views" to all widget
[DONE] Division by zero - api_booking_view
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/12-osuna] remove links from here
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/12-osuna] Change link for Google Ads to this link
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/12-osuna] Prevent overlapping in buttons in the menu
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/12] OSUNA - vinculacion de pagos
Google reservation answer 1
Google My Business revisado?
[DEV][bugfix/BUGFIX_closeConversation]error with close conversation
[Done]Bookings - review: selector with prices
[Done]Remove "new" label from campaigns
[Done]Change the name to "sales funnel"
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/08] Add a "webhook active" check in the CRM
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/08] Add Youtube video to all landings
[DONE][feature/2024/07/08] Mensaje de error en la landing cuando la reserva esta bloqueada
[DEV][bugfix/BUGFIX_closeConversation]all chatforms are blocked
[DONE][feature/2024/07/08] review leads CRM
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/08] Review design for table
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/08] Show the most popular widgets in the menu
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/08] add "service id" in the stats control panel and Download CSV
[DONE] [feature/2024/07/08] Fwd: An Error Occurred! Uncaught Error: App\Security\Voter\BusinessOwnerVoter::checkBusinessResource()
[DONE] Add Overtracking logo in the stats page
8. Add "views" in the control panel
[Review]Licencia de USUARIO
add an option to position the widget in the center of the screen
error with paying
image in very low quality - booking message
review FAQs in widget
Review button in bookings
Testin APIWAY webhook - not working
Add phone number in "domain" control panel
widget with bookings not going to WhatsApp
[Done]duplicated field on zoho integration
[Done]Add Hidden parameters in Redirect URL
[Done]Review CRM interface
[Done]who is the user for this account https://services.tochat.be/es/whatsapp-business-directory/e34649d2-e393-44fa-89e9-cb946057c9f1
last slots available are not working
[DONE] [feature/2024/06/25-google-reviews] Add "Google review" label in CRM
[Done]Copy data from one account to another
[DONE] [feature/2024/06/25-google-reviews] 6. Add a "log" for conversations.
[DONE] [feature/2024/06/25-google-reviews] Add views number in the widgets home page
[DONE] [feature/2024/06/25-google-reviews ] MARKETPLACE > Order marketplace by "newest" or "most popular"
confirm sending UTM parameters in URL
review process to pay
Review this lead 8589581
[DONE][feature/2024/06/18] Add a warning to new widgets if "webhook" is active
[DONE][feature/2024/06/18]MARKETPLACE > Add views number in the marketplace home
[DONE] [feature/2024/06/18] Change layout for CRM
[feature/2024/04/google-feeds] Google my business reservations - Acciones a tomar para cumplir con las politicas de google
Advance Stats not working properly
[DONE][feature/2024/06/18] add email in payments control panel
error with CSS in this page
[Done]Error with Link to Instagram
[DONE] [feature/2024/06/14] Stats panel for agencies
[Done]What video format works ?
[DONE] [feature/2024/06/10] Add "Desktop" label en los leads que se hayan generado desde el ordenador. NOT WORKING
[DONE][feature/2024/06/10] Name not being save in the lead control panel
[Done]Error on landing page CLEAN THEME
[Done]Translate text with help about Hubspot
[Done]remove help text
[Done]icon webhook - change
error 500 with widget with AI
Issue with email
Hide Footer in White Label Not working
Problem with country code +1809 +1829 y +1849
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_addFadingEffect]Add a "fading" effect to the widget.
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_popupSetting]4.2. Add "pop-up" option for website with widget
4.1. Subscription with WhatsApp to get a coupon
[Done][feature/FEATURE_NoWhatsappOption]No WhatsApp redirect - NOT WORKING with White Label ?
Update the screenshots for hubspot integration - DELETE CURRENT IMAGES
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_reduceSpaceLinks]Review spacing in the links
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_reviewLeftAlignOption]Review Left to Right
[DONE] [feature/2024/06/06] testing 2 leads to get review message with link to the landing page for Google Review
[DEV][feature/FEATUR_closeConversation]3. Cesar testing "Close conversations"
[waiting] Error with agents - clone agent not working
[Done]translate this field
[DEV][bugfix/BUGFIX_widgetColor]widget color text issue
[Done]Error with CODE for FORM with WhiteLabel
[Done]Error with active campaign integration
[DONE] [feature/2024/05/24-close-lead] 0. Añadir filtro para los leads que cierran en el CRM
[DONE] [feature/2024/06/03] Search is not working or we do not capture the error
[DONE] [feature/2024/06/03] 2. Add "filter" for leads to get a message to left a review in google
[DONE] [feature/2024/06/03] Create UTM information in 3 groups
[DONE] [feature/2024/06/03] 7. Improve template for bookings reminder
[DONE] [feature/2024/06/03] 1. Please, organize these 3 checks (leads panel)
Link account for partner
[PR] [feature/2024/05/31] Cual es la URL para el marketplace?
[DONE] [feature/2024/05/31] 8.1. Numbers that are a bit confusing
[DONE] [feature/2024/05/24-close-lead] 3. Make a Marketplace view for the widgets inside one account
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_closeEvent]2. Añadir evento para leads que cierran
[DONE] [feature/2024/05/20-ask-for-review] 8. Automated Ask for review to new leads after X days
[DONE][feature/2024/05/21] Revisar las landings de BeeDIGITAL
[done][feature/2024/05/20-ask-for-review ] 5.1. Add Country Code as "hidden" value en el formulario
[DONE][feature/2024/05/23] CountDown - Time Zone not correctly working
[DONE] error while saving widgets changes
[DONE][feature/2024/05/21] review landing page
[DONE][feature/2024/05/20-ask-for-review ] Fields overlapping in forms
[DONE] [feature/2024/05/23] remove get - convert integration
[DONE] [feature/2024/05/21] error with delete widget
Icon in Widget missing image
[Review]move subscription from monthly to LTD
ADD multiple choice in forms
[Done]Install Code not working on home page "widgets"
[DONE] issue with widget
[DONE] [feature/2024/05/17- emojis] remove survey in tochat.be control panel
[DONE] [feature/2024/05/17-emojis] 6. Improvement interface "welcome message"
[DONE][feature/2024/05/17-emojis] Change PAYD to PAID - button to track payments
[Done] 8. Link to file in welcome message, error with White Label Domain
[DONE] delete - widget - confirmation
[DONE] recover widget Leads
translate the fields for service name and service description
[DONE] [feature/2024/05/14] Add a new categorie Home Improvement
DONE [feature/2024/05/09-cancel-link] Webhook - add an option to send the country code "together" or a separated field
[DONE] [feature/2024/05/14] 7. Add a "reset" countdown check.
[DONE] [feature/2024/05/13-admin] review /admin page - loading time
[DONE] [feature/2024/05/09-cancel-link] Webhook - add a setting to choose the widgets using the Webhook
[DONE] [feature/2024/05/09-cancel-link] Link cancel booking in notifications
[DONE] Add "Key" field in installation window
[DONE] [feature/2024/05/09-cancel-link] Etiquetas: MRR SaaS
[DONE] [feature/2024/05/09-cancel-link] Move Webhook up in integrations
Widgets created at "BeeDIGITAL" - view the list
Pop-up message in android - blocking message
error with time zone in widget
Improve SEO for landing pages
[Done][feature/FEATURE_dynamicFieldsFix]Dynamic Fields not Working
[DONE] [feature/2024/05/08] Add an option to close the widget conversation
[DONE] Error with Agents
[DONE] [feature/2024/05/07-send-checkbox ] Añadir la información de los pagos
[DONE][feature/2024/05/01-send-value-with-check] Send value with "check"
[DONE][feature/2024/05/06] Improve WhatsApp Type interface
[DONE][feature/2024/04/23-leads-transactions] Proyecto Aseguradoras + Sano center
como hacer esto ? capturar la foto del usuario al poner el email
[Done]amplify multidomain controller to deactivate "dead" domains
[DONE][feature/WEB-11-top100-extension-query-optimizati]Reduce time to login
[Done]With bookings - Dynamic fields are NOT working at all
[Done][feature/FEATURE_fileField]Error with "File" Field with dynamic fields
Hide Related polls when a user votes
[DONE] sub-admin can not create new admin
add the same sub-agent to all widgets
review “‪+39 379 106 8898‬” reminders for this number
[done] "No whatsapp redirect" - not working
[Done] The widget doesn't look right
[Done]Personlize values on field for webhook match
[Done][feature/FEATURE_activeFields]Widget not working with dynamic fields
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_chatDynamicField]Dynamic fields - error
[No error found]error with licence
Buscar reserva borrada para Belen Gomlar
[DONE] [feature/2024/04/16] Feedback from client - about forms
[DONE][feature/2024/04/16] Sub-admin - edition - imagen
[DONE] [feature/2024/04/12] Add a link to the welcome message
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_taggingBooking]src/utils/tagging.js - no firing for bookings
Dynamic fields and Bookings should work together
Date Hour of lead do not match with Time Stamp in WhatsApp
[done] [feature/2024/04/10-sub-admin'] Please, improve this message
[done] [feature/2024/04/10-sub-admin'] Show admins created in how page agents
[DONE] [feature/2024/04/10] translate information about location
Chat Bot - AI - questions not answered
Translate welcome text with IA for widget
Make it easy to jump to WhatsApp
[DONE] [feature/2024/04/10-team ] We should be able to remove manycontacts integrations to prevent errors
[DONE] [feature/2024/04/10-team] remove dropdown in team
[DONE] [feature/2024/04/08] Sub-admins cambiar un poco el color de la cabecera
[DONE] [feature/2024/04/08] If the widget has bookings, add "reservations limit"
[DONE] [feature/2024/04/04-landings-address] in mobile move the location block to the footer
[Done]Still problems with deleting widget
[Done]Change menu
Widget not Working
[Done][bugfix/BUGFIX_faqText]Error text format with widget
[Done]Webhook and fields in form - confirm we can do it
[Done]this use to work. not working anymore
[Done] [feature/2024/03/25/fixed-container] Float form while editing
[Done]Add the URL use for IA widget - LOG as Help Text
[Done]Delete FAQs not working
[DONE] [feature/2024/03/22] dates do not match
[DONE] [feature/2024/03/22] error deleting a widget
[DONE] permisos - sub agentes
review format widget in this page
[Done]Los ficheros adjuntos no se pueden descargar
[PR] [feature/2024/03/14] add control to hide / show tabs for sub-agents
google my business - Tienda Cajas y Motores
[DONE] [feature/2024/03/18-] Support widget with error about "reservations"
[Done]webhook for agents
[Done]Forward lead to an agent (PRO - FORMS)
[Done]error with dynamic fields and ChatForm view
[Done]admin section - time out
[Done]Dynamic Fields are not working on "Chat Form" design
[Done]Free text is not working on ChatForm
[DONE] [feature/2024/02/23] Error tablero / Tabla Leads
[No error found]Private Report DO NOT WORK
[Done]Error with ChatGPT
[Done]add a setting to remove "social sharing" icons on landing page
[Done]Change beedigital widgets
Review Domains - To be discussed
add links for "edit form" and "edit bookings" for sub agents
[Done]https://wa.chatbizsol.com - no sale este dominio
[Done]false positive while "White labeling" domain
[Done]OK numbers still not working
[Done]translate field on registration - create landing page
[DONE]Sano ( check whatsapp messages)
[Done]translate this field
[Done] data-active not working with data-widget-type="group"
[Done]Visual error on leads from widgets on general view
[Done]Please remove "Widget name" from widget with bookings
[Done]Remove dropdown in "integrations"
Question FORM and Random Agents should work together
[Done]Creating an account sends the user to login instead of finishing the account
[Done]When the date is selected, change the message to "select hour"
[Done]Can we drop "salect a date" - on the select and HOUR view
[Done]Close widget after form is filled
[Close?]Review code for wordpress
Can we confirm with redirect we save the lead?
[Review]Mobile - editign widgets
[REVIEW] Site Speed Landing page
[Done]File upload
[Done]URGENT Send lead form widget to widget
[Done]white label code for form
[Done]Choose two fields to "show / hide" doesn't work
[DONE][feature/2024/024/07] Comment from user: Mover booking
[Done]Comment from user: subusuario como admin
[DONE][feature/2024/024/07] Make it simpler for users to edit bookings
[DONE][feature/2024/02/06] Copy code for agent form
[DONE][feature/2024/02/06] comment from user: copy button wrong in subagents
[Done]review widget in this website
add Postal-code on FORM
sub agentes - copy to clipboard - broken (js)
Links not working for sub-agents
[done] widget upload pdf files problem
[DONE][bugfix/stripe-update-licence-problem]error with licence
Link para compartir debe tener marca blanca
[DONE] add permission to download files for sub-agents
[Cant replicate]boton que no sale en chrome etc...
Download files
[Done][bugfix/BUGFIX_inactiveAgents]Widget not loading with inactive agents
[Done]Translate this field
[Done]registration process not working
[DONE][feature/2024/01/23-booking-ok] Clonado de widgets
[DONE][feature/2024/01/23-booking-ok] Modificar para que los whatsapp sean enviados en el idioma del business
[Done]Redirect Should NOT open a new window
[Done]Unify styles for "help text"
[Done]Link to Landing page with White Label
[Done]With White Label - the link should open the white label URL
[Done]review link for payments
[Done]Change Cookies banner
error in this widget creating the Google my business information
Error with bookings hours
ERROR countdown on landing page
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_filterForm]Hide or show fields in widget
Question about field going to hubspot
add new template for landing page
Template linktree for widgets collections
Free version - send reminders every week
Allow other links at the end of the form
Capture leads from Facebook Forms
Change "WhatsApp" Button in FAQs
agents - team - make a nice add agents banner
create "link tree" template for landing page.
Traducir menú a italiano
[GA-Instructions] Analytics instruccions (1 hour)
[Done]Add log to webhook form page
Bookings view for users
Improvements interface
ERROR saving agent profile image on Mozilla
Add your own API KEY for bookings
translate this field
[Done]Webhook - Widget que no funciona
Date Lead - updated date
[Done]404 https://whatsapp.maternify.io/ms/whatsapp-business-directory/9837cf74-1205-4f65-921f-c0f6edc6b867
[Done?]add "multiple selection" in forms
[Done]Review Webhook - and leads - HUBSPOT - URGENT
[Done]Aparente problema al querer volver a ser premium
[Done]error creating an account
[DONE] [feature/2024-01/09-parameters] Add parameters from form in URL in redirect
[Done]https://services.tochat.be/admin/ - not working
[Done]Date lead error
Google my business reservation in PROD
[PR] [Feature/2023-12/01-landing-design] Improve Landing page Design
[Done]Widget with White Label Domain is not working
[Done]Review "hidden - shown fields in Widget"
[LOAD DATA] Campos para completar Google my business
[Done]Filter for inactive widgets
[DONE] [feature/2023-12/26] Amount field, must be unique per lead
[DONE] [feature/2023-12/27] Add one extra caracter in Google Tag Manager
[DONE] [feature/2023-12/27] When "save" a lead, opens the window to "send a message"
[DONE] [feature/2023-12/27] Igualar panel de leads
[DONE] [feature/2023-12/27] add TTCLIDs for TikTok in Leads control panel
review business in directory
[DONE] error asigning widget to agent
Create a view for user files > if the user uploads files, he / she should be able to view their files
Add text for prompt in registration
[URGENT] Click to chat not working
[Done]Format date in data - EUROPEAN FORMAT - DD / MM / YYYY
[DONE][feature/2023-12/14-extra-forms ] Extra forms
Add UTM to URL in landing page
Review date form in mobile
[Done]Cookies banner in landing page
[Done]add prompt in registration process
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_addSpaceUrl]ADD Space between text
[DONE] [feature/2023-12/05-tasks] review leads table
[DONE] [feature/2023-12/05-tasks] Sometimes - error with phone number while creating account
[DONE] How clone widgets
[Done]Error with Exclude URLs
[DONE] [feature/2023-11/29-leads-page] Add a field for "Amount:" / "Importe" en el CRM and some adjustments
AI generated Landing
[PR] [feature/2023-12/12] improvements CRM panel
[PR] [feature/2023-12/12] error with ChatForm in sub-agents
[PR] [feature/2023-12/12] Error with "amount" - not saving.
[PR][feature/2023-12/08] Change Chatwith.io home
Review this code in elementor
Improve design for WhatsApp number type
error in code in script
Change businesses highlighted in Chatwith.io home page
Message no translated
[DONE] Enlaces a INBOX
[Waiting] Error with leads in sub-agentes
A few request for the forms
Review dashboard leads
Monday - review this widget
Custom URL for IA landing pages
payment link are not working
[DONE] Revisar https://3.basecamp.com/4748694/buckets/20731238/todos/6767163356
payment done for ads
[Done]Create server for real time - WARD
[DONE] [feature/2023-11/29-payments-menu ] add PAYMENTS in the menu
[DONE] [feature/2023-11/28-menu] bug in menu
[DONE][feature/2023-11/23-menu] New menu design
please review widget
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_mandatoryFieldSymbol]Add * for mandatory fields
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_reviewBookingFormPayment]Bookings + forms + payments NOT WORKING
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_SuccessTextColor]Match the color of the button with the color of the widget
[DONE][feature/stripe-billing-customer-portal-integration]Add the option to change the payment method for users
[Done]Landing page - full creation with IA
[DONE] [feature/2023-11/23] Error a la hora de asignar una campaña a un sub-agente
[DONE] [feature/2023-11/17] Add an option to block 1 slot
[DONE] [feature/2023-11/17] Fix remove bookign from agent calendar
[DONE] Change Workflow Molaboda Active Campaing
[DONE] activecampaign - webhook
[DONE] Active campaign - send whatsapps
[DONE] [feature/2023-11/14-ads ] Recover Ads Feature for users
[DONE] cambiar imagen plantilla MOLABODA
[DONE] Monthy suscription - seguimiento - pendiente hasta el 4 de Noviembre
Add "user" in main account
[DONE] [feature/2023-11/09] You can not copy and paste the "hidden" elements
[DONE] [feature/2023-11/07] Add Channels link for the widget
[DONE] Review title tag en landing page
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_linkInForm]Link on widget Form
[DEV][bugfix/BUGFIX_translationFaqsInput]"Type Your Message" in FAQs do not translate to spanish
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_reviewFormElements]error with FREE TEXT field with FORMS
[DEV][bugfix/BUGFIX_closeButton]The X in FAQs is not closing
Mobile version 1.0
You can not create new bookings
Active Campaign - Campos personalizadso
[DONE] IMPORTANT - revisar subagentes leads board / campaigns / bookings - rama FEATURE/permissions
[feature/2023-11/06--2] Link to premium NO for sub-agents
[PR][feature/2023-11/06] Validación número telefono gupshup
[PR] [feature/2023-10/31] Add new templates for bookings
[Done]Add schema.org local business
Logout from sub-agent goes to this landing page
Add extra users to get notifications from WhatsApp Bookings
Domain not available app.re-lief.co
Error with white label
El botón de guardar de bookings que solo esté disponible si eres premium
whitelabel code in the form box
webhook sending hidden fields
[Done]white label - script para "sub agente"
[DONE] [feature/2023-10/30] Review data in widgets view
[DONE] [feature/2023-10/30] Add White label URL for files uploaded
[DONE] [feature/2023-10/30] Add "Other UTM" for tracking leads
Excluir URLs - Pregunta
[DONE][feature/2023-10/23] Search Widgets
[DONE][feature/2023-10/23] Link qr in mobile
[Done]Script Widget with White Label
[Done] [feature/2023-10-23-calendar] error calendario
[Done]Add "Número de WhatsApp" in landing pages
[Done]add "Bookings" users in the CRM
Be able to Edit Booking forms
[DONE] Plantillas de molaboda
[DONE] [feature/2023-10/09-calendar] remove "read more" in landing page when there is NO MORE TEXT
[Done]Add link for Landing page in Widgets Home
[Done][feature/FEATURE_dateChatform]FIX Date on forms
[Done][feature/FEATURE_mobileUI]Unify typography sizes
[Done][feature/FEATURE_mobileUI]mobile version - not good
[Done][feature/FEATURE_mobileUI]Field date doesn’t work on mobile
[Done][feature/2023-10/20] Error in header in Chatwith.io video profile
[Done][feature/FEATURE_showCountdown]Widget with countdown not showing
[Done]Active campaign - Recuperar usuarios de su API por webhook
[Done]Please upload - "Translate"
[Done]Unify Font size in menus - use the smaller one
[URGENT] Review https://bitbucket.org/chatwithio/services/pull-requests/1716
[DONE][feature/2023-10/12] Preview in Facebook not working for the image
[DONE][feature/2023-10/12] service ID is only for BeeDIGITAL
[DONE][feature/2023-10/12] review landing page default
[DONE][feature/2023-10/12] UTM is not Google ads source
[DONE][feature/2023-10/12] Error while deleting widget
[DONE][feature/2023-10/12] Prevent "unique" filter to go down in design
Add date field in form like the calendar view
[Done]reduce space in header in widgets page
[Done][bugfix/BUGFIX_validateForm]"File" field not showing in the form
[Done][bugfix/BUGFIX_validateForm]Validation errores in form
[Done]Free version - you can not upload your own logo
[Done]Free version - White label with the word "Free Version"
[DONE][feature/2023-10/09] Error in phone number
[DONE][feature/2023-10/09] White label - sub-agent can not edit form
countdown in english in a spanish widget
Add "prompt" to create widget
incidencia enviando lead a WhatsApp
option for desktop version
Add more templates for printouts
Add an automated message with WhatsApp API for returning users to your website
Send a message to the agent if a user is in the website
Flows for conversations
[Done]Webhook en operadores
[Done]active campaign - selector de lista - no está
[Done]please change title to black if background is white
[Done]improvements for landing pages
[Done]Add the widget name in the landing page
[DONE] [feature/2023-10/02-ia] problema al eliminar Widget
[DONE] [feature/2023-10/03] Add a filter for "unique" leads
[DONE] [feature/2023-10/04] Error URL landings duplicated
[DONE] [feature/2023-10/04] STATS link is not working
[DONE] [feature/2023-10/02] add editing bookings for sub-agents
[DONE] [feature/2023-10/02-ia] please move the template "webinar" to the 4th position in the templatesw
[DONE][feature/2023-10/03] Change title for SEO in Chatwith.io
[DONE] [feature/2023-09/29] Cambiar “campaña activa” a “active campaign”
[DONE] [feature/2023-10/02-ia] please, move the photo of the webimar template up
[DONE] [feature/2023-10/02] text from IA looks like 1 paragraph
[DONE][feature/2023-09/28] remove sidebar in stats
[DONE] [feature/2023-09/26] Duda sobre permisos
[DONE] [feature/2023-09/26] Add more information for agents
[DONE] [feature/2023-09/26] Traducir textos en Calendar Booking
[DONE] [feature/2023-09/26] error while deleting a widget
[DONE] payments with stripe not showing in bank transfers
URL for landing page - ERROR
[Done]improve explanation for domain
[Done]redirect for forms
[Done]error contador cuenta atras
[DONE] [feature/2023-09/25] The merge filter only works with arrays or "Traversable", got "NULL"
[Done]Webhook - añadir referral y scoring
[DONE] [feature/2023-09/25] with white label - the URL for the landing page should be always landing page
[DONE] [feature/2023-09/25] add a "read more" for text in the landing page in mobile
[DONE] [feature/2023-09/25] change button color for "edit form"
[DONE][feature/2023-09/22] "Borrar agente" ahora pone "Borrar Widget" - URGENTE CAMBIAR
[DONE] [feature/2023-09/22] add validation for active campaign
[DONE][feature/2023-09/22] add more information for agents
[Done]Chatwith.io home page takes a lot to load
[Done]Add iMessage in the links
[DONE] [feature/2023-09/21/subagent-manycontacts] Add settings for Manycontacts access in “sub-agent”
[FIXED]Geo Location NOT WORKING for countries like colombia or venezuela
Review https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trBCjvugXDE
Change Name Borrar agente
[Done]Active campaign - lists
[DONE] [feature/2023-09/21/templates-subagents] Messages Templates for sub-agents
[Done][feature/FEATURE_excludeSites]exclude pages from widget
[DONE] [feature/2023-09/20/leads-utm] in leads views, add UTM links
[DONE] [feature/2023-09/13/googel-calendar] With Whitelabel the url for the landing page MUST have the whitelabel domain
[Done]Add campaigns access to sub-agents
[DONE] [feature/2023-09/13/b] Data for leads incorrect
[DONE] [feature/2023-0912/design-subagent ] Add design section (landing page) for sub-agents.
[Done] review canonical URL for landing pages
[Done]Issues performance at chatwith.io - very slow
[PR] [feature/2023-09/06/faqs-order]Review FAQs format and order
[PR] [feature/2023-09/07/count-down] remove Countdown from "design" menu
[PR] [feature/2023-09-06/general] Change menu in widgets section
Add more social proof templates (4 hours)
CHATGTP implementation widget
Share links with preview
Please add a "note" about reminders been sent in the user account
[feature/2023-08/17/tablero] Tablero de control de recordatorios
[Done]nuevo formato para landing pages
[Done]Icon broken in WhatsApp Business Category
[Done][feature/FEATURE_writtenNameDropdown]Add "writtenName" to dropdown
[Done]Unificar tipografía
[done]CHATGTP server
[Done] - Sección design2 - Background AI
[Done]reload widget on save in "form" page. Add confirm to delete
[Done?]Permitir correos como buschkamp.consulting
[Done] Sección Design2 - a VUEJS
[PR] [feature/2023/09/05/general] error with sub-agent editing widget
error in custom link in landing page
multiple errors in landing pages
[PR][feature/2023-08/28-funnel] add funnel view in stats
[Done]1000 consultas en /app/widget/
[Done]review FAQs editor format
[Done]make one line for this icon
[Done]Performance Landings
[PR][feature/2023-08/28-varios] Error time zone
[PR][feature/2023-08/28-varios] traducir botones del menú
[PR][feature/2023-08/14/sub-folders-for-images] add sub-folders for images in landing page
[Done][PR] [feature/2023-08/16/new-category ] Create new category in chatwith.io is not working
[Done][PR] [feature/2023-08/14/token-csrf] Translate error message in login
[Done][PR] [feature/2023-08/14/token-csrf] Hide menu from https://services.tochat.be/store/amazing-company
[Done][PR] [feature/2023-08/14/token-csrf ] REMOVE CSRF token
landing con header
[PR] [feature/2023-08/11] Unify save button for agents
[PR][feature/2023-08/11] Improve buttons for extra links
[PR ][feature/2023-08/11] short URL by default
[PR] [feature/2023-08/11] Move agent icon to the top
[PR][feature/2023-08/11] hide landing pages
Tener en cuenta en nuevo campo ACTIVE en booking_config para los filtros de widgets con bookings
[PR] [feature/2023-08/09-b] errors with sub-agents and bookings
[PR] [feature/2023-08/09-b] Please REMOVE the calendar button in widgets with NO BOOKINGS
[PR] [feature/2023-08/09-b] Remove scroll in landing page
[PR] [feature/2023-08/09-b] Call - girls pop up
[PR] [feature/2023-08/09-b] add phone number in "Agency" leads
Error in calendar from Mobile
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_orderBookingConfig]Make orderBookingForm setting to agent level
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_dataHeader]Add to the script tag, ie data-header="true"
Service ID: N/A = Not visible
[DEV][bugfix/BUGFIX_phoneNumber]Phone number should not contain "-" when sending
[feature/2023-02-08-opciones-para-agentes] Edicion de booking
[DEV]Make error input info on widget translatable
retrieve user photo from email
[Done]add validation for hubstpot connection
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_reviewChatformSending]Review the text we send to whatsapp from a widget
[Done]Review texts in header > Widget section
New options for bookings
Issue with subscriptions
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_headerTextColor]Please add white text in header
[PR] [feature/2023-08/09] email from bookings - Add Bookings Details
[PR] [feature/2023-08/09] Add new images for backgrounds
[PR] [feature/2023-08/07] Create a uniform header for agents
[feature/2023-08/08] Active ChatForm no funciona ingresando como sub usuario
[PR] [feature/2023-08/08] Add a tab in the menu to highlight the section where we are
[PR] [feature/2023-07-26] error text in category - chatwith.io
[PR][feature/2023-07-26-link]Error with link from tiktok in app
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_beedigitalHost]Widget from BeeDigital should send data to wa.beedigital.es
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_reviewStyling]Review styles for lines and aligment
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_adjustBookingUI]Make AM / PM smaller and light grey
[feature/2023-07-25] Add help text to expliain this feature
[done] Scoring not working
[Done]URGENT - Bookings overlap banner in landing page
[DONE]Translate content in widget CHATFORM
[PR] [feature/2023-07-13] Add top referral
[PR] [feature/2023-07-13] Add created date in the widgets view
[feature/2023-07-11-top-referral] enable agent to export lead data as in csv/excel like admin
[feature/2023-07-11-top-referral] Links in one line
[feature/2023-07-11-top-referral] Quitar los links que salen debajo. dan error.
[feature/2023-07-11-top-referral] Convertir links de calendario de la home en botones
Add booking information in the leads in the home
move "booking options" to the booking section
Validation of numbers in forms
[DEV][bugfix/BUGFIX_translationCheckbox]Translate text with CHECKS in Chatform
[PR] [feature/2023-07-04] Add Twitter Card in landing pages
[PR] [feature/2023-07-04] Change font size and add by default the option to view the last 30 days
[PR] [feature/2023-07-04] Change text in the menu
[PR] [feature/2023-07-04] Add space in Previous period|Year over year and padding
[PR] [feature/2023-07-04] Make the button for "view calendar" bigger and with a button shape
[DONE]Error in "desktop mode" widget
[DONE][bugfix/BUGFIX_mainbuttonUI]Main button UI issue
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_offlineAgents]Fix Click to chat on agent
[Done]add email for sub-agents with .online and other extensions
[DEV][feature/FEATURE_newChatform]Hi Rashid, let's review the design in chatform
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_changeColorChat] Change colors in widget ChatFORM
Geo Blocking is not working
[PR] [feature/2023-06-30-widgets-stats] Get Convert link in the getconver field
[PR] [feature/2023-06-29] Improve buttons in forms
[PR] [feature/2023-06-29] Problema con nueva funcionalidad: booking active / inactive
[PR][feature/2023-06-30-widgets-stats] dashboard de seguimiento
[PR] [feature/2023-06-28] error interface creating a "sub-agent"
[PR] [feature/2023-06-28-widget-preview-in-faq] Add widget preview in the FAQs page
[PR] [feature/2023-06-28-a] Create page for FAQs and Directory
[PR][feature/2023-06-28-widget-preview-in-faq]Add external scripts in our landing pages
[PR] [feature/2023-06-27] Remove "EndBooking Time:22 Jun 2023, 13:00 Europe/Madrid"
Issue with languages and translations in Bookings
[Done]Review this domain http://web.barbas.digital/
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_offlineLeads]Capture leads for offline agent option not working on landing
[PR][feature/2023-06-26] Booking cancelados - mostrar informacion sobre los mismos
error integration with many contacts
Widget- manycontacs Custom fields
Widget- Agent Assigned - Manycontacs
Assign agent from Widget to ManyContacts Agent - Definition and scope
Tasks to get done About Many Contacts
Review process from widget to many contacts
Send Campaign ID to ManyContacts
Review agents offline
[PR] [feature/2023-06-23] Transacciones - sub agentes y filtro
[PR] [feature/2023-06-14] Send UTM to manycontacs
[PR] [feature/2023-06-21] ManyContact lead error: 400
[PR] [feature/2023-06-22] Send value from dropdown to hubspot
[PR] [feature/2023-06-22] Improve form header
Ajustes cuenta Stripe (payments)
error with country code dropdown
wachatsuite.com - revisar este dominio
error - zoho integration in account with NO ZOHO
[PR][feature/2023-06-19] Add links to share and labels about customers
[PR] [feature/2023-06-19] Home with bookings
[PR] [feature/2023-06-19] Center text in landing page
[PR][feature/2023-06-13] Lead board para los subagentes
sitespeed para las landing pages
Make Field editable
[PR] [feature/2023-06-14] Change text "delete agent"
[PR] [feature/2023-06-14]Payments
[PR][feature/2023-06-14] add data about referrals and summatory
[PR][feature/2023-06-14]Improve home page data block
Add reminder for birthday - whatsapp
Error with widget not loading
Duda sobre widget que se ha desactivado
Second case with widget with "inactive" check
[PR][feature/2023-06-13] En la cabecera de los subagentes: poner un link a Many Contacts
Webhook error
[PR] [feature/2023-06-14]Add Chatform option in Form page
[PR][feature/2023-06-04] Send URL, scoring and Country as fields from Form
[PR] [feature/2023-06-05] Improve headers in leads panel
[PR] [feature/2023-06-08] Add option to comparte to previous period or year over year
review json
error with "create an account"
error with leads source
Error en botón crear usuario
[PR][2023-06-02] Review texts for stats
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_cookieSetting]add attribute for cookie setting
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_inputChatform]Add "Type your message" in the field CHAT FORM
[PR] [feature/2023-06-01] Merge cookie popups (cookie banner/ footer/ widget)
[Done]error - URL Too long
[DONE]Add data-active attribute
review issue with ARCADINA + API
italian translation "Disattiva Cookie"
error deleting a lead
Add Google Analytics 4 in services
Multiple errors with sub-agents
[Done] [feature/2023-05-26] Views, clicks and leads
[PR] [feature/2023-05-29-b] Add link to templates
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_legalModal]canUseLegalModal - open modal
[DONE]Fix leave message form
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_skeletonEffect]Add skeleton effect for loading while opening calendar to improve UX
add "blocked days" to the calendar
[PR] [feature/2023-05-29] Make the main widget page paginate to 24
[PR] [feature/2023-05-23-a] move polls inside widget
[PR] [feature/2023-05-23-a] error with data from ads?
[PR][feature/2023-05-22] error in leads "RESERVA CANCELADA"
[DONE] Research: whatsapp booking reminder
[PR] [feature/2023-05-19] error white label
[PR] [feature/2023-05-19] Add referral information in excel data from leads
[PR] [feature/2023-05-19] hours of leads
[PR] [feature/2023-05-15-c] Add information about Facebook and Google UTM leads
[PR] [feature/2023-05-15-c] Review leads panel
[Done][feature/FEATURE_hiddenFields]Issue with hidden fields
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_questionFormAgents]add more than 1 agent per option in question form
[Done][feature/FEATURE_translationChat]Translate field
[PR] [feature/2023-05-15] Add lead information in the lead panel
[PR] [feature/2023-05-15] Add labels for CRM and scoring like "labels"
[PR] [feature/2023-05-10-widget-attribute] Desactivamos las cookies de las landings - URGENTE
[PR] [feature/2023-05-10-widget-attribute] add <script data-cookie-override in the landing for the widgets
[PR] [feature/2023-05-08] Add permission to sub-agent to view calendar and bookings
[PR] [feature/2023-05-08] Moving cards should be more like trello
[DEV] [feature/2023-02-07] Add "Create your account" in landing for white label
[DONE]Test symfony 5.4 update
FAQs - you can create them but you can not edit them
[DEV] [feature/2023-05-03] buscador en leads distingue mayúsculas a minúsculas
[TESTED][feature/2023-05-04] Add Cookies banner in landing pages
[PR] [feature/2023-05-08-widget-color] Add color and logo in Widgets home page
Change "partner" banner in home (only design)
Error domain - please review
[DONE][bugfix/BUGFIX_cloneWidget]error with widget when cloned
[DONE]Error in widget
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_checkingBookingApi]Disable booking button after send
[DONE]Update symfony 5.4/ latest lts
[DONE]Design for widget in landing
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_variableForm]use variables in forms to customize the message in chatform
[DONE][feature/2023-05-04] URGENT - Cookies banners in landing page
[DONE][feature/2023-05-04] Cookies banner - NOT WORKING Back office
[DONE] [feature/2023-05-04] review labels in control panel
[done] error cloning widget
Send lead event - WEBHOOK
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_styleWidget]Error with widget
[PR] [feature/2023-04-20-home-new-users] Home usuario que aun no ha recibido ningún click
[PR] [feature/2023-04-14-improvements-in-CRM] improvements in CRM
[PR] [feature/forms-and-manycontacts-2] The email field should be a native field of manycontact not a custom
[PR] [feature/forms-and-manycontacts-2] Fix Custom fields-manycontacs-Hubspot
[PR] [feature/forms-and-manycontacts-2] Add fields to Forms-Manycontacs
Chatwith - remove user.category field not used from this entity and test
[DONE] An Error Occurred! Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\PropertyAccess\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: "Expected argument of type "string", "null" given at property path "widgetMessage"." at /var/www/deploy/tochat/vendor/symfony/property-access/PropertyAccessor.php line 207
[Done]add % of conversion in real time panel
[DONE] [feature/2023-04-04-labels-in-widgets] Labels in widgets
[PR] [feature/2023-03-30] Links to most search should link to the page
[PR] [feature/many-contacts-api-for-widget] Send Fields From Widget to ManyContacts
[PR] [feature/2023-03-31] Confirmación de pagos mediante Whatssapp
design errors.
[DONE][bugfix/BUGFIX_inputConfict]Fix height of input element
[Done]Hacer dashboard mas compacto hay que hacer los datos más visibles.
[DONE][feature/FEATUTRE_translation]Add transaltions - URGENT
no mostrar menu en el preview
[PR] [feature/2023-03-30-tasks] notificaciones via whatsapp al agente en timezone del cliente
[PR] [feature/2023-03-30-tasks] Error with country code 225 - not working
[PR] [feature/2023-03-30-tasks] Check value = 1 - change to Yes / Sí
[PR] [feature/2023-03-30-tasks] Color destacado en el registro
Send data from Widget to ManyContacts
An Error Occurred! Uncaught Error: Argument 1 passed to Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController::redirect() must be of the type string, null given, called in /var/www/deploy/tochat/src/Controller/MyUsersController.php on line 725
[PR] [feature/2023-03-22-utm] URL UTM - make it shorter
[DONE][feature/payfast-improve-process]payments PAYFAST
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_reviewChatform]Review UI components in chat form on buble theme
[PR] [feature/2023-03-22-canceled-event-label] Add "canceled event" label in leads
[PR] [feature/2023-03-22-canceled-event-label] Unificar horas de la reserva
[PR] [feature/2023-03-20-creating-your-account] Improvement "creating your account"
[PR] [feature/2023-03-21-b] Review Country description in Chatwith.io
[PR] [feature/2023-03-21] Hubspot - Custom Field - "Error"
[PR] [feature/2023-03-21] Duda sobre funcionaldiad
Different Pixels for the different widgets
SQL error
[PR] [feature/2023-03-20-form] Add link to the form, and script code in the form page
[DEV] [feature/2023-03-10] An Error Occurred! Uncaught PHP Exception Doctrine\DBAL\Exception\DriverException: "An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO business_tag (name, position, user_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?)' with params ["fujairah call girls, call girls in fujairah, call girls in fujairah, escorts in fujairah, escort girl fujairah, fujairah escort girls, fujairah escort girls service, escort service in fujairah, fujairah call girl service, Call girl Escorts fujairah, fujairah Escort call girls", 100, 42236]: SQLSTATE[22001]: String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'name' at row 1" at /var/www/deploy/tochat/vendor/doctrine/dbal/lib/Doctrine/DBAL/Driver/AbstractMySQLDriver.php line 128
Gupshup - active campaigns - Help
Api Key Gupshup - help
Change order GDPR checkbox
[Done][feature/change-bitbucket-pipelines]Changes in services pipeline
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_freetext]Add free text field to form
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_reviewFaqs]Fix faqs on full screen mode
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_uploadChat]Urgente - no file upload in chat view
[DONE][bugfix/BUGFIX_closeCalendar] closing calendar
[DONE][bugfix/BUGFIX_paddingLanding]please padding in widget
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_alignment]Fix alignment checkbox and link in form
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_loadFromJson]Read data from HTML and not api in widget
[Done]Add Fclid por UTM
[DONE][bugfix/BUGFIX_bookingRedirect]UEGENT - some bookings forms not redirecting and saving data
[PR] [feature/2023-03-10] error counter landing page
Edit subject for leads email
[PR] [feature/2023-03-06] Guardar las búsquedas de Chatwith.io
[PR] [feature/2023-03-05] Licence not SHOWING on user control panel
[PR] [feature/2023-03-06] Chatwith.io - All links visible in the directory
Agent lead when haven't form
[DEV] [FE-2022-12-Changes] Add spacing on sections (1 hour)
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_uploadWhatsappId]assign whatsappId in file upload call
[DONE but test with real account]Send GCLID - UTM from WhatsApp lead to Zoho
New format for WhatsApp Links
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_fileUpload]Widget file upload
[Done]remove duplicated line in landing page
[Done]User comment on git hub example
[PR] [feature/2023-02-16-bookings] Create bookings - New account
[DONE] [feature/2023-02-24-b] Improve SEO WhatsApp Directory
[Done]Botón - Ads active
[Done]File size validation
[Done]Upload files in the forms
[DONE] [feature/2023-02-24] Edit User profile for subagents - remove our widget
[DONE] [feature/2023-02-24] Add hour in lead information
move translations to the main menu
[DONE] [FEATURE/stats-api] Arcadina phase 2 - send data and stats (8 hours)
[Done]Change link for API in GitHub
[Done]Urgent - Logo is missing in landing pages
[DONE] [feature/2023-02-08-opciones-para-agentes] Subusuario: Añadir opciones a los agentes
[DONE] [feature/2023-02-17] Remove facebook icon and link from chatwith.io pages
Enlaces en email de "Lead enviado" no funcionan.
Change menu "Inbox" for Single Sing On with ManyContacts
Review "New" tags
CRM page - please change header
review widget page
Widget page
review profile page
Review styles
hotel beds integration https://www.cloudbeds.com/features/api/
add pop-up warning about widget installation
Preform Review and Improvements
New Widget theme (Chat Theme)
Ver integración de módulo con BEEFREE
Añadir reparto equitativo de agentes en los Question Forms
For "my team" add FULL EDITING capabilities
Fix agents view on mobile (2 hours)
Review format agents table and add more info in each agent (4 hours)
[Done]Make this buttons one line
[DONE][feature/2023-02-02] Widget default settings with this icon and user profile
[DONE] By Default Landing page
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_reviewFullScreen]Fix the widget on full screen mode at mobile
[DONE] [feature/2023-02-03] Profile page 3 columns
[DONE] [feature/202-02-07-form-demo] Add preview in Forms Page
[DONE] [feature/2023-02-08-opciones-para-agentes] Función desactivada
[DONE] [feature/2023-02-08-opciones-para-agentes] Añadir opciones a los agentes
[feature/2023-02-08-opciones-para-agentes] Subusuario: Añadir opciones a los agentes
[DONE] [feature/202-02-07-paypal] Pago con Paypal - página de confirmacion da error
[Done]Error with Widget Script
[Done]Add TimeTable is removed in some agents
Fix agents page in mobile
review this landing page
Add column right side with extra links
[DONE] [Feature/cambios-profile-3-cols] Landing page for widget
[DONE][feature/2023-02-02]Agregar el pixel de facebook para cada Widget
[DONE][feature/2023-01-31] Edit categories for accounts created in Chatwith.io
[DONE] [feature/2023-02-01] Fix z-index of the popup in agent page (15min)
[DONE] [feature/2023-02-01] Total leads should be related with the filter
[DONE] [feature/2023-02-01] Search everything in ChatWith.io
Link leads and campaigns
Create server to test payment flow
[DONE][feature/2023-01-30-paypal-by-month] Add 5 x month payment option with Paypal
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_cdn]Implement CDN for widget resources
[DONE][URGENT][bugfix/stripe-monthly-pay-problem] Bug with 5 / 50 euro subscription
[Done]Correct loading state of zoho
[Done]Correct color status in CRM leads
[Done]Improve WhatsApp API screen
[Done]En admin User add this link
[Done]Ads for landings page - home page
work with Hotel HQ for integration
Pricing ChatWith, design and some changes
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_outCloseButton]Fix out of close button UI
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_parseHiddenFields]Pass variables into hidden fields.
Chatwith - Instagram landing
Resolver conflictos de Tailwind y Bootstrap en la página de Campañas
Icons Home Tochat.be (1 hour)
Add example of facebook pixel "format" (1 hour)
[WORKING] Tochatbe grid into Apple-like grid
SEO improvement - Directory
Scoring review and improvements
Check YT video about Shopify typography plugin
Add the link to roadmap in tochat.be home page
bookings feedback guillermo
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_showInActivePreview]Show Inactive agent in preview mode
Remove pricing
Home mobile tochat.be
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_reviewForm]Review the form on widget
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_reviewDotTheme]Review widget on dot theme
ADMIN CRM - añadir filtro
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_showFaqsBooking]Show Faqs before booking
[DONE]Review fonts in widget and landing
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_adjustHeightAndScroll]Adjust the select box in widget
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_adjustHeightAndScroll]Fix the booking on dot theme
[DONE][feature/FEATURE_adjustHeightAndScroll]Adjust the widget height and scroll
Fix bookings button visibility mobile (1 hour)
[DONE][bugfix/BUGFIX_videoAgent]Fix the issue with video agent
[DONE][feature/2023-01-04] Dashboard para PM
[DONE] [feature/2023-01-10] CRM improvements
[DONE] [feature/2023-01-04] Add link to download leads base on the date
[DONE][feature/2023-01-04] Custom login is not translated
[DONE] [feature/2023-01-04] Stats page
[DONE] [feature/2023-01-04] Add headers and download CSV in "all leads" page
[DONE] [feature/2023-01-04] Add time filter to the CRM of the widget (4 horas)
Landing page paying
Linked accounts partners - urgent
Review strange bottom space in WhatsApp Widget theme in preview (1 hour)
Conditional appearing colors in landings
design landing page
Input issue
Chatwith - Foto large
Add video explaining design features
Improve Teams page when the user has not set a business slug
Turn this icons to SVG
landing page new design
Review subdomains - Lucas / Emilio / Silvia (2 hours)
Readjust logos with tagline size
[December] Home tochat.be en varios idiomas
Fix tochatbe menu in safari
Fix the .container classes
Direct WhatsApp QR Link
Fix Grid responsive design
[DONE] Fix Home icon (1 hour)
Design features grid Apple-like
[PR] [feature/2022-12-19-b]On monthly subscription put the right text
[PR] [feature/FEATURE_forMerge1221]Review widget on landing pages
[PR][feature/FEATURE_adjustAgentName]Fix agent name position
[PR][feature/2022-12-19-b]Number of widgets created
[FE-2022-12-Changes] Fix top spacing above the section titles
[PR] [FE-2022-12-21] Have a landing link
[DONE] [WHITE-LABEL-LOGIN] Login para white label (2 hours)
[DONE] Fix spanish translation in Subscriptions
[DONE] [FEATURE/add-a-monthly-subscription-with-stripe] Finish monthly subscription
[DONE] [feature/2022-12-19-b] When a widget is opened, go to widget settings, not to leads (2 hours)
[DONE] [feature/2022-12-19-b] Error in Spanish in Google Analytics Page (1 hour)
[DONE][feature/2022-12-19] Widget Menu links to specific pages (4 hours)
[DONE] [FE-2022-12-19] Add link to voice / video calls (1 hour)
[DONE] [feature/2022-12-05-calendar] CRM - calendar view - bookings
[DONE][DEV][feature/FEATURE_reviewBooking]Review booking on landing
[DONE][DEV][feature/FEATURE_reviewBooking]Fix font colors on landing
[DONE] Fix new tag on mobile when click - strange
[DONE][DEV][feature/FEATURE_improveOnLanding]Review widget on landing page
[DONE][bugfix/booking-email-required-problem]URGENT - ERROR 500 when submiting a Booking
src/Controller/MyUsersController.php - line 81
Add status change Whatsapp messages in odoo connector
Menu 100% width
payments feedback client 2 (1 hour)
[REVISAR MARIO] Buscar gestor de traducciones
Install/Check Analytics in Polls
Make register banner for demos
[DONE][DEV][feature/FEATURE_improveWidget1212]Improve widget
[DONE][DEV][feature/FEATURE_improveWidget1212]Fix the phone number field on round theme
[DONE][DEV][feature/FEATURE_improveWidget1212]Fix the select box style conflict
[DONE]Check the widget button
[CHECK ERNESTO][feature/2022-11-25] Open landings on new tab when saving
[FRONT-2022-12-15] Change “branding” for “white label”
[DONE][DEV][feature/FEATURE_emailValidate]validate emails with longer domain extensions
[DEV][feature/add-a-monthly-subscription-with-stripe]Add a monthly subscription with Stripe
monthly payment to subscriptions
[PR] [feature/2022-12-05] URGENT. - correct this bug
[WORKING] Services: [FE-FULL-WIDTH] Chatwith: [feature/2022-12-14-menu] Unify menus across websites
[DEV] [FE-FULL-WIDTH] Add prestashop as one of the main integrations
[DEV] [FE-FULL-WIDTH] Review menu Tochat.be login
[DONE][feature/2022-12-08] When the Copy link on widget is copied, a strange reload happens. Please fix
[DONE] [feature/2022-12-08] Fix new window when entering Landing Pages section
[DONE][feature/2022-12-08] Problem when Copy link on AGENT
[DONE] Fix ChatWith directory header size in mobile
[PR] [FRONTEND/FIX_2022-11-30] Fix landing breakpoints
[PR] [FRONTEND/FIX_2022-11-28] Move the custom slug inside a dropdown
[PR] [FRONTEND/FIX_2022-11-28] Fix widget name style
[PR] [FRONTEND/FIX_2022-11-28] Fix name overflow
Onboarding WhatsApp API NOT WORKING
Save parcial form submission
Maquetar Signup 360 Dialog
Link to 360 NOT WORKING
Renew landing styles
Rotate login info
Add Order bump to check out
Please just use "Create your link to WhatsApp and Share it"
A link is broken? Is not working or is not made (How to add the widget)
[DONE][feature/2022-12-01] Añadir 1000 al mes de cuentas creadas por WordPress
[DONE][DEV][feature/FEATURE_alignWidget]Fix alignment in landing page
[DONE][DEV][feature/FEATURE_bookingDot]Booking on dot theme
[DONE][DEV][bugfix/BUGFIX_timetable]Fix timetable modal on widget
the agent personal page is not working
Investigar widgets
Better styles in Campaigns
Feeback from user - PURE GOLD
Check phone length to accept phone input on widget
Select Tailwind landings
Create admin services panel to change directory info and more
Translate agent buttons
Please add editing options for content in spanish, french, portuguese
Real time data NOT WORKING
Create quick how to videos for every feature of the webstie
[DONE] Change carroussel on tochat.be home
[DONE] Optimize new tochatbe landing index22.html
[DONE]Check agent preview and code Rashid
Recover agent embed code
Add "Inbox" to the menus
[DONE][feature/2022-11-30] Businesses not loading in directory - CHATWITH.io
[DONE] [feature/2022-11-25] Create a field for WhatsApp Penetration in Country - tochat.be directory
Agent Code/script has disappeared
[DONE] [feature/2022-11-25] Add more agents button in "ChatForm" page
[DONE][DEV][feature/FEATURE_adjustWidget]Clean landing styles affecting agents style
[DONE] [feature/2022-11-30] Broken styles by country in tochat directory ONLY when logged in
[DONE] Check this error when confirming created account clicking the confirm link
[DONE][feature/2022-11-30b] Phone number in agent profile - FAKE NUMBER URGENT
[DONE] [FRONTEND/FIX_2022-11-24] Check copy widget code on agent page
[DONE] [FRONTEND/FIX_2022-11-24] Improve leads header section
[DONE] [FRONTEND/FIX_2022-11-24] Integrations in two columns
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-11-21] Profile user button full width
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-11-21] Make user home cards look good in responsive
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-12-17] Please add cool design for order list or bullets in landing pages
Please remove all "FREE" in registration process
[DONE] Fix agents copy button layout on agents
[DONE] [feature/2022-11-24] Enlace en la home a campaña vieja
[DONE] [FRONTEND/FIX_2022-11-24] UTM INFO in leads control panel
[DONE] Recover Paypal button to subscribe in checkout
[DONE][feature/2022-11-24]Session problem
[DONE] Add new pricing in tochatbe
[DONE] Icons for integration NOT WORKING
[DONE] Fix this link so it always go to Payments
[DONE] [FE-2022-11-22] Implement new Pricing
[DONE] [feature/2022-11-21] Link explora más categorías de ChatWith vaya a las categorías
[DONE] Check widget blocking by country
[DONE] [FE-MENU-2022-11-21] Pure CSS Menu
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-12-15] UnBootstrap Menu
[DONE] [FE-2022-11-16] Fix horizontal scroll on tochat directory (caused by pagination)
[DONE][feature/2022-11-16]Fix clicks translations on ChatWith
[DONE] [feature/2022-11-15] Agent Link do not use welcome message
[DONE] [feature/2022-11-15] Check why the What do you field is not required anymore
[DONE] Design New pricing info
[Done] Fix WhatsApp links because of a bug
Bookings with widget
[DEV][feature/campaigns-2022-ernesto] Update vue2 to vue3
[DONE] Basic translations on Bookings
[DONE] Add shopify logo to tochat.be home page
[DONE] [feature/landing-page-free-account] Add category and country tasks to all landing pages
[DONE] [feature/widgets-home-filter] Widgets by "activity" not working
[DONE] Fix Widget Name and Name field
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-11-09-b] Adjust agent name style
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-11-09-b] Recover the visibility of the agents draggable element
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-11-04] Team page new design and functionality
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-11-09-a] Recover premium button on the mobile menu
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-10-26-b] Fix duplicated premium mini-banner in directory
[DONE] [feature/2022-11-04] The same design on Dating tochatbe make it on Dating ChatWith
[DONE] Recover sent message in CRM - error reported by customer
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_changeFont]Change Inter per Arial on widgets to remove Google Fonts - TODAY
[DONE] [feature/2022-11-04] Fix translation (this all)
[DONE] [feature/2022-11-04] Chatwith directory - translate title
[DONE] [feature/2022-11-04] Same tochatbe directory header design make it into ChatWith directory
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_improveWidget]User in NY gets canadian "flag"
[DONE] [change/widget-bubble-icon] Change default Widget Bubble Icon on widgets
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_improveWidget]Fix widget overflow in landings
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_improveWidget]Add bottom spacing on the widget
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_improveWidget]Make Link appear on ChatForm
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_improveWidget]Fix widget things
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_improveWidget]Review Social Proof card styles overwriting on websites
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-27] Ofrecer a los sub-agentes poder cambiar el color de la página de login
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-27] Ocultar widget propio en ciertas páginas en services
[DONE][feature/2022-10-28] FIX WhatsApps directory links to categories
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-27] feedback cliente payments
[DONE] [feature/2022-11-02] Review background image in widget
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-31] Add multiple emails to widget leads
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-31] Translatable Message Sent on widget
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-31] Improve site speed for our landing pages
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-10-28] Change Widget Grid Page
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-10-28] Change Widget Editing page
Review menu in OnlyWidgets and centering
Añadir elementos al api de api-platform
review analytics and make a list of the top 10 pages to work and improve
whatsapp widget with AMP pages
Review Hamza progress
Juan work
Rashid - mario
Separate icon and text
Feeback from client
Add country links in chatwith.io home page
Add country links in tochat.be directory
Expand this landing page in mobile
Review Bubble Video closing behaviour flow
emails white label still with links to Tochat.be
Link to websites in the admin CRM of ChatWith is broken
[DONE] Home chatwith.io - please
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-25] Please REMOVE ALL TOCHAT.be in the emails
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-25] Hacer que los banners de widgets se muestren siempre en todos los idiomas
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-25] If banner is inactive - Still Showing in landing page
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-10-13] Improve LEADS interface
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-25] Fix Dating Error in ChatWith.io Directory
[DONE] Input placeholder in agents extra links
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-10-24] Submenus on hover not on click
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-20] Añadir un buscador en "zona horaria" (ahora mismo es muy tedioso buscar tu zona horaria y hay que hacerlo cada vez que añades un horario
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_socialLinks] [feature/2022-10-20] 1. Extra links - by default add Linkedin, Youtube, Instagram, TikTok
[DONE] [bug/business-name-null] Business name not always recored
[DONE] [landing-page-free-account] If the landing page is a free account, add links to the directory
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_improveWelcomeback]Make contrast on the Welcome back message
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_widgetColor]Widget text color coherence
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-17] Ajustes en el nuevo selector de nuevos banners
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-17] Widget country search limitation
[DONE] [bugfix/BUGFIX_videoBubble]When open by default activated show video bubble when the widget is closed
[DONE] [FRONTEND-TEST-01] Drop Down menu
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-13] Create "by country" and by "integration" views for tochat.be directory
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-13] Add and change the descriptions on Business Directory - Tochat.be
[DONE] [bugfix/BUGFIX_closePopup]Social proof in landing page
[DONE] [bug/what-do-you-do-translatable] Make "What Do you Do" Register radio inputs translatable
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_checkVideo]Check Welcome video not playing
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_fixCountdown]Fix countdown align
[DONE] [2022-10-17-a] Fix plural in new businesses in register
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_improveLanding]Take advantage of the spaces available in the landings agents
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-13] Add welcome message to the "agents section"
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-11] Add Black Friday Banners and Xmas Banners
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-11] add scoring in CSV download from CRM
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-13] Invoice in user profile
[DONE] Social proof issues
[DONE] Create a way to change language redirect in dev for register
[DONE][feature/add-icon-to-social-proof ] Add Icon options to the Social Proof Icon selector
[DONE] - Business directory not showing, why?
[DONE] Please take back the link in FAQS
Landing page - not showing COUNTDOWN
Arcadina - API - lanzamiento
[DONE] URGENT - Create a landing page for partners not working
[MERGE] [stats-on-landing-pages] Add stats to landing pages
[DONE] [chatwithio-search-engine] Chatwith.io search engine
[DONE] Add new content / images in login page
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-09-23] Fix Top100 tag hover style
[DONE] [FRONTEND-22-09-23] Remove/hide home and business name on mobile
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-09-27] Make hide and delete button the same width
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_spaceWidget]Add spacing between ChatMode messages
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_previewWidget]Review difference between preview and widget in web
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_fixHeader]Fix widget styles
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_spaceWidget]Reduce spaces on the widget
[DONE] Payments on widget
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-09-22] Services home banner in one line
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-09-27] Make all the button clickable
[DONE] Restyle ChatWith directory styles
[DONE] [feature/2022-09-29-extra-links] Delete Campaigns loader
[DONE] [feature/FEATUER_adjustChatform]Adjust ChatForm message height
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_formWorkflow]When ChatForms, If the form is sent, if the user closes the widget, when it's opened again it should go to the agents
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_formWorkflow]Clear the inputs when a form is sent
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_translateMessage]Make text for submit translatable
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_shrinkWidget]Fix widget styles
[DONE] [feature/2022-10-04] Error en redirect luego de clonar un widget
[DONE] [FEATURE-2022-08-30-speed] Chatwith.io card optimize speed
[DONE] [feature/2022-09-29-extra-links] 6. Download CSV only the selected data
[DONE] [feature/2022-09-29-extra-links] 4. Add ranking to home page tochat.be
[DONE] [feature/2022-09-29-extra-links] 2. Simplify the creation widget screen
[DONE] [feature/2022-09-28] 0. Revisar funcionamiento botón categoría en directorio services
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-09-28-Login-Translations] Traducción al francés
[DONE] [New-Popular-Catergories-Style] (CW) Create a highlighted design on top categories - Business Directory Chatwith
[DONE] [FRONTEND-2022-09-28-Login-Translations] Traducción al Italiano
[DONE] [feature/selectors-in-register] Change selectors in register
[Rejected] Fixing SQL Injection in instagramLandings function
[DONE] [CW-FRONTEND-2022-10-03] Home ChatWith Business Cards
[DONE] Related businesses cards ChatWith
Review Hope hubspot work
Review real time widget
add attachments to WhatsApp form
Recover featured business on services user home page
Campaign general changes
Error in agent hours
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_adjustScrollbar]Solve (delete) large scroll bar
[DONE] 7. Compress images and reduce size
[DONE] [FEATURE-FAQ] Review FAQs from Juan Luis
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_shrinkWidget]Fix landings widget style
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_closeBtnChat]Better solution for the X in Chat mode
[DONE] User reviews on tochat.be home
[DONE] [feature/2022-09-23] Review warning
[DONE] PageSpeed of the business directory https://services.tochat.be/es/whatsapp-business-directory/c/education
New FAQ adjustments
Button for 360 dialog sign up
For SEO - WhatsApp Business Directory
[Done] Recover Real Time
[DONE] Add brands to the hero section of tocha.be home
[DONE] Replace Google Reviews
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_reviewBanner]Review banners working in widget
[DONE] [bugfix/BUGFIX_previewStyles] Adjust widget styles in landings
[DONE] [bugfix/BUGFIX_previewStyle]Fix widget previews styles
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_removeSolvedButton][Rashid] Remove "Solved" button, we will have an X to go back
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_workflowScoring]Fix the workflow of scoring in form at widget
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_increaseSpacingLogo]Increase logo - title space on widgets
[DONE] Review text in categories
[DONE] [feature/2022-09-19] Remove agent photo as an option (Ernesto's part)
[DONE] [feature/2022-09-19] Add tab as a way to create a tag in campaigns
[DONE] [feature/2022-09-19] Poner puntitos en la API Key de WhatsApp y mostrar solo los 3 primeros caracteres
[DONE] [feature/2022-09-19] Ocultar Shortcuts de los FAQ
[DONE] [feature/2022-09-19] Remove/Hide "Solved" field on FAQ
[Done] Review Top100 businesses
[DONE] [feature/2022-09-19] Faq group FORM
[Done] [feature/2022-09-19] Recover Top 100
[working] Add FAQ Templates
[DONE] [feature/FEATURE_adjustPaymentForm] Adjustments agent/payment on widget
[DONE] Add partners button in tochat in menu solo desktop
example task 3
[DEV] [FRONTEND-2022-09-21] example task 2
[DEV] [FRONTEND-2022-09-21] example task 1
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_dotThemeTransition] [new-css](Rashid part) The agent photo has a unique DIV
[Done] Improve mobile tochat.be
[Done] - Solución al problema con el Facebook Pixel integration y el cambio de idioma en dev
[Done] Llamadas con Jorge y ayuda en una tarea
[Done] Ayuda a Ward en producción
[Done] Investigacion de porque api-platform no mostraba los whatsApp operators desactivados y resolucion
[Done]IMPORTANT - Revisar este error en dev en la rama feature/2022-09-14
[Done] Home page for new users not loading
[Done] Traducir al español el directorio
[Done] Revisar negocios duplicados en el directorio
[Done] Mejorar performance del directorio
[Done] feature/2022-09-08-search-in-lead] Urgente Revisar errores
[Done] [feature/2022-09-14] Agents page changes (order, dropdown...)
[Done] Revisar por qué no andaba la página de productos en marioservices
[Done] [feature/2022-09-14] Page speed de es/whatsapp-business-directory/c/education
[Done] [feature/2022-09-14] Poner por defecto como categoría del widget la categoría del negocio
[Done] [feature/2022-09-14] Mejoras del registro en mobile
[Done] [feature/2022-09-14] Traducir textos al español
[Done]Look and feel - new checkout
[Done] [feature/2022-09-05-mini-tasks] Checking WhatsApp API for this button
[Done] Directory not working properly
Make Chatwith.io great!!
[Done] Research how exclude "Call Girl" from our directory
[Done] Error link chatwith
[Done] Create solid widget designs that not break
[Done] Remove summer promotion
[Done] Traducir al español los ajustes de diseño widget
[Done] Translate Agents Links elements
[Done] [feature/2022-09-07-score] (Widget) Base in the scoring, the lead do not go to WhatsApp
[Done] [feature/2022-09-13] Saltar paso 3 si el usuario selecciona Ventas o Bookings en el paso 2 del registro
[Done] [feature/2022-09-13 ] Error in new widget page
[Done][feature/2022-09-13]error in clicks numbers in directory
[Done] [feature/2022-09-13] Add column with accounts created and premium accounts created (partners)
[Done] [feature/2022-09-13] Format for DOMAIN AND SUBDOMAIN
[Done]Page speed - https://services.tochat.be/app/business
[Done] URGENT - https://bitbucket.org/chatwithio/services/pull-requests/80/feature-rashid - marge conflict
[Done] Remove Webinar element from tochat.be menu
[Done] Definir desplegables del menú
[Done] Integrate coupons and IVA to stripe
[Done] Optimizar imágenes hero tochat.be
[Done] Ideas para navegación
[Done]Adapt our error page to distinguish between 404, 403 and platform error
[Done] [develop-FRONTEND-2022-09-06] Change Bookings link in menu
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_dotThemeTransition] Add hover to Butonizer Theme
[Done] [feature/2022-09-08-search-in-lead] Add search in Leads
[Done] [develop-FRONTEND-2022-09-06] Ocultar (comentar) banners Crazy Summer
[Done] [Feature_rashid] Add a form to the agents - widget
[Done] [E-FEATURE-2022-09-01] agents - create an agent and access to everything
[Done] Nueva pagina de estadisticas (no reemplaza la antigua)
[Done] [feature/2022-09-08-search-in-lead] Review agents dashboard
[Done] [feature/2022-09-08-search-in-lead ] SEO improvements in WhatsApp Directory
[Done] [feature/2022-09-02] remove link in agents accounts to create widget
[Done] Remove this error in login
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_dotThemeTransition] Merge new-css and new branches to a single branch and test
Remove orphan images (icon, logo, etc)
[Done] Test testimonials in website
Simplificar navegación por la web de services
Clarificar secciones de Schedule campaign
Diseñar pantalla lanzamiento Campañas
Mejoras en Campañas
*Repensar contactos para las campañas
Review Create campaign page
feedback user
Review - Profile CSS to help MARIO
Review new-css widget branch (new CSS structure)
[Done] [E-FEATURE-2022-09-01] These options are incompatible
[Done] WhatsApp Business directory wrong stats
review fake accounts
[Dev] [FRONTEND-2022-08-08] Más traducciones
Agents Links - If the Type is Tel or Email check the "URL" input value as a Tel or Email, not as a URL. We can change the title too
White label - emails about leads
Añadir la galería de iconos de tochat/ChatWith al selector de imagen de links de agentes
URGENT - Review this widget
Can we do this...
[working] Create new page under chatwith.io
Change tags in all site (tochat.be & chatwith.io)
Campaigns - Keep improving
Automated welcome message
visualization of data
Review FAQs for this agent
landing page for webinar - new template inspiration
Review website in Safari
Añadir icono home en el menu de services que lleve a la home
Review API Widget
Install Redis in marioservices
Mejorar organización de los agentes en las landings/ código agente
Review widget
Real Time - WARD + ALI
review zoho with el Choque
Poder asignar un horario igual de lunes a viernes (para no tener que hacerlo manualmente
[Done] Add a button to eliminate all the "leads". (now you need to do it one to one) Also it will be great be able to do a selection of leads to eliminate them
[Done] Estas dos opciones no pueden estar activas al mismo tiempo
[Done][DEV - Rama: E-FEATURE-2022-08-11 ] Add widget message in landing pages
[Done]Italian translation lost - can we recover it
[Done][feature/FEATURE_paymentOnWidget]URGENT - payments broken on widget again
[Done]Fix - En el formulario pide activar Stripe aun cuando está ya activado
[Mas informacion](wi)Pagína confirmación formulario
Update admin page
Confirm Connection with odoo or other CRM
Look for widget improvements
Change Blog nav bar
Review form with Hubspot integration
Añadir mensaje en el segundo paso del registro para continuar
Real Time Mini-Dashboard
[E-FEATURE-2022-08-09] Add this as part of our tools https://opensocial.es/
Add UTM for forms in the Widgets
[bugfix/BUGFIX_widgetIPhone]Fix widget below keyboard on iPhone only
[feature/FEATURE_createSolidWidget]Review of the use of our widget by our users
[feature/FEATURE_reviewThemes]Unify button border-radius, WhatsApp icon size and separation between icon and text
[feature/FEATURE_reviewThemes]Order elements on all widgets
[feature/FEATURE_reviewThemes]Fix widget preview reload (User feedback)
[feature/FEATURE_reviewThemes]Fix black text in whatsapp theme on landings
[Dev] [bugfix/BUGFIX_overlapKeyboard]Fix keyboard overlap when opening a widget
[Dev] [E-FEATURE-2022-08-10] Placeholders for Custom Agent Link fields
[Dev] [E-FEATURE-2022-08-08] Quitar nuestro widget de la pantalla de login
[Dev] [E-FEATURE-2022-08-08] Aprovechar campos en el registro
[Dev] [E-FEATURE-2022-08-05] Delete agent and redirect to agent list page
[Dev] [E-FEATURE-2022-08-05] Stats de un widget, comportamiento no deseado en los selectores
[Done] [Landing-Improvements] Improve Calm Theme design
[Done] [Landing-Improvements] Improve Arrow Theme design
[Done] [Landing-Improvements] Improve Clean Theme design
[Done] [Landing-Improvements] Improve Hero Theme design
[Done] [Landing-Improvements] Improve Dark Theme design
[Done] [Landing-Improvements] Improve White Theme design
Video demo using the dates and time
Mejorar columnas fin de semana
Banner bottom flotante para usuarios free
[bugfix/BUGFIX_checkboxAndReload]Fix dot theme checkbox issue
[URGENT WK1 MAY]Reduce memory on widgets listing
[Dev] [FRONTEND-2022-08-02] Add new Coming Soon integrations
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-08-02] Cambiar icono del badge por "Top 100"
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-08-02] Change Dot theme name to "Buttonizer"
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-08-02] Traducciones de toda la web
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-08-02] Añadir atributo title en los links (sobre todo icono avión papel en campañas)
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-08-02] Pegar login arriba en mobile
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-08-02]Change "Agents" to "Team" on the menu
[Done] [E-FEATURE-2022-07-29] Fix Agent deleting
[Done] [E-FEATURE-2022-08-02] change data range in stats
[Done] [E-FEATURE-2022-08-02] Review Agent Stats
Demo for the Dot Theme
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-29] Fix agent icon - widget overlapping z-index
[Done] [E-FEATURE-2022-07-28] Ocultar nuestro widget en el proceso de registro
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-29] Agent profile editing
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-26-b] Añadir previews de las zonas premium
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-26-b] Title en links de View Live Demo
[Done] [eFEATURE-2022-07-27_a] Traducir Ajustes del Widget
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-26-b] Cambiar icono casa en menú services
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-07-26-a] Quitar _ de View Live Demo
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-26] Shop links
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-07-26-a] Al eliminar campos de un form permanecer en la página
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-07-26-a] add weekends in color in the days
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_inputFullScreen]Adjust input visibility when writing on mobile in fullscreen mode
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-26] Login in mobile - review
[Done] tochat.be home adjustments
[Done] Reposition top100 badge
[Done] [E-FEATURE-2022-08-01] Cambios en Campañas
[Done] [bugfix/BUGFIX_scroll] Widget scroll adjustment
[Done] Banners y mensajes 50% OFF tochat home
[Done] Repensar títulos internos
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-20] (CW) Ajuste Grid Negocios ChatWith
[Done] Change tochat banner
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-18] Copy header style
[Done] [Dot-Widget-Theme] Dot Theme Front Selector
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_dotTheme] New Dot Theme like Buttonizer
[Done] [Summer-Promo] Tarjetas de promo Crazy Summer
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_createSolidWidget]Form with white labels in white fields
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-29] Add a pencil icon to the widget title
[Done] Real time mini-banner
[Done] [Summer-Promo] Summer Banner register
Add a link for a page with a widget so the user can preview the design in a real environment in Widget Themes
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-18 ]Añadir icono casa en menú tochat
Etiqueta "Top 100" en menú (Free users) u otro lugar que lleve al top
Add more admins to 1 account
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-18] Botón flotante en selector de widget theme
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-18] Añadir botones flotantes en selector de themes
[Done] No payment per X message and add white label message in tochatbe home
[Done] Crear sección tienda en la home de tochatbe
[Done] Crear sección links pago en la home de tochatbe
[Done] Crear sección widgets en la home de tochatbe
[Done] Crear sección landings en la home tochatbe
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-18] Integration cards width like widget themes
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-18] Landing cards width like widget themes
Full screen Bot with FAQS is not working at all
Review fonts
Review input focus on widgets
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_extraLinkFullscreen ] In landing page, extra links MUST SHOW UP
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-14] (CW) Categorías negocios ChatWith en dos columnas
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-14] (CW) Ajustar ancho negocios ChatWith
[Done] [bugfix/BUGFIX_horizontalScroll]Fix horizontal scroll
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_checkoutStyling]Improve agent checkout styling
Create “lead magnet widget” template
[Done] [cuenta Mario] 5 páginas demo
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-14] (CW) Home ChatWith en Inglés
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-14] Adjust Widget Themes Grid
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-14] Botones flotantes en Widget Settings
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-14] Widget Settings Adjustments
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-13] Adjust Landing Themes Grid
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-07-08-a] Traducir página de Ajustes del widget
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-13] Mejorar diseño de otras empresas en la home free
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-13] Integrations: Fix colors, Odoo image, Categorize
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-13] Cambiar featured card derecha de la home
[Done] Sacar Meetzy de la home de tochatbe
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-07-08-a] Traducir checkboxes de creación de cuenta en ChatWith
[Done] Quitar sección key dates de tochatbe
[Done] Añadir botones en la home de tochatbe
[Done] Remove widget from partner landing pages
[Done] [New-Spanish-Home] (CW) Cambiar home ChatWith en español
Arreglar login empresa ¿Por qué se ha perdido? Aparece el general
Change grid spacing
White Label - Changes on white label
Fix caché problem with FAQ ChatMode
Review widget transition
[Done] [bugfix/BUGFIX_countdownLanding]countdown NOT working in NEW landing page
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-06-30-traduci-cuenta-regresiva] Traducir y cambiar imagen en Cuenta atrás
[Done] [bugfix/BUGFIX_countdownLanding] Review ChatForm in OnlyWidget
[Done] [bugfix/BUGFIX_countdownLanding] Review Countdown OnlyWidgets theme
[Done] [bugfix/BUGFIX_countdownLanding] Review banner in Only Widgets theme
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-06-28-click-counter] Add click counter in links ChatWith.io
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-07-11] Review OnlyWidgets widget to menu overlap
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_playerButtonSmaller]Change Play button on Welcome Video to something more minimalist
[Done] [Improve-Register-Mobile] Improve Register in mobile
[Done] [OnlyWidget + feature/FEATURE_embedWidgetAlignment] - landing with elements (Only Widgets)
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_bubbleTheme]Make phone field rounded on ChatForm on Rounded Theme
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_bubbleTheme]New widget theme
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-07-01-widgets-leads] Traducir y quitar el widget propio en la pantalla de Video de bienvenida
[Done] [Bugfix/BUGFIX_stripePayment]URGENT - Fix stripe payments in widget
[Done] [OnlyWidget] Background color fijo en el Only Widgets landing theme si se usa el WhatsApp Theme de widgets
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-07-01-widgets-leads] please add "leads" information in home page widgets
[Done] [Renew-widget-themes-photos] Review this theme
[Done] [Cabecera-Leads] Cabecera leads - wrong design
[Done] [Change-Agents-Button-Design] Change Agents Button design
[Done] Arreglar Custom Agent Links
[Done] [Widget-Settings-Page] Review widget settings page
[Done] [Widget-Settings-Page] Mensaje instalación home widgets
[Done] [Home-Panel-Two-Feature-Cards] Better buttons design and function
[Done] [Paso2RegistroCambios] Improve Register Step 2 labels
[Done] [Paso1RegistroCambios] Cambiar la última línea "Gana tiempo y dinero" (Paso 1 Registro)
[Done] [Paso1RegistroCambios] Register bolder input border color
[Done] [Paso1RegistroCambios] Traducir textos Appsumo y Pitchground
Do Wordle in WhatsApp
Be able to share the polls with a QR Code
Add Our WhatsApp API for notifications to small websites
Add Bizum / Redsys to payments options
[Done] [ChatWith-Home-New-Elements] Añadir botones nuevos a ChatWith.io
[Done] [ChatWith-Home-New-Elements] Añadir sección video a ChatWith.io
[Dev] White label - Title page with white label
[Dev] [feature/FEATURE_arrowButton]add arrow button in forms
[Dev] [feature/FEATURE_workflowLandingChange]FIX THIS ASAP
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_refactorCountdown]Avoid theme login in html
[Done] Mover testimonios tochat.be
[Done] Aplicar cambios tochat.be home Optimize
[Done] Sustituir la imagen de la home de tochat por esta
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-06-28] (ChatWith) Recuperar la etiqueta hot en ChatWith
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-06-28] (ChatWith) Add this video in Chatwith.io for all users from +6 or +8
[Done] [Add-Linktree-Home-Card] (ChatWith) Add Linktree to ChatWith cards
[Done] [Home-Cards-Adjustment] Change home cards to the most used tools
[Done] [Hide-Meetzy-Pricing-Plan] Ocultar el plan de precios de Meetzy en página de precios
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-06-29] Crear página de "Thank you" para cuando alguien realiza un pago exitoso (importante URL única para Analytics)
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-06-29] Recuperar el campo de página web (Paso 2 Registro)
[Done] [Register-Step1-changes] Añadir en el cupón de registro links a AppSumo y PitchGround (Paso 1 Registro)
[Done] [Register-Step1-changes] Quitamos bloque de texto bullet points (Paso 2 Registro)
[Done] [Register-Step1-changes] Simplificar los textos de la Política y de ofertas (Paso 1 Registro)
[Done] Fix widget checkbox text style on widget form
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_overlappingTitle]Fix X overlapping form title on widgets
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-06-24] Traducir campos y textos en los formularios
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-06-24] Ocultar campo botón checkout si no corresponde en los formularios
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-06-28]Añadir filtro de idioma con dos opciones: Inglés y Español
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-06-28] Fix links in Chatwith.io
[Done] [tip-chatwith-button] Añadir botón de 5USD in Chatwith.io
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-06-23 (ChatWith)] Arreglar link para que vuelva a mostrar el nombre del widget, y no números
Feedback user
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-06-23] Revisar cuando una cuenta se hace premium los label status aparecen vacíos, en blanco
[Agentes] Que varias personas puedan tener permiso de edición de un mismo widget
[Done ✅] [feature/FEATURE_NumberUrlField][Maximum priority today] Add a number field type and URL field type
[Done ✅] White label - recover password for users
[Done ✅] [Business-in-2-columns-in-mobile] Home Chatwith mobile - 2 columns
[Done ✅] [FEATURE-2022-06-22] Arreglar el error que da al subir un Video de Bienvenida o Video en la Burbuja
[Done ✅] [feature/FEATURE_faqsLanding] FAQs do not work on landing page
[Done ✅] [Subagent-navigation-mobile] Subagent navigation broken in mobile
[Done ✅] [FEATURE-2022-06-23] Mostrar la info del link de pago dependiendo del idioma del usuario
[Done ✅] [FEATURE-2022-06-23] Revisar banderas para saber si un usuario es premium o no, para usarlo principalmente en las tarjetas de la home
[Done ✅] [FEATURE-2022-06-23] Arreglar Leads y otros en página de Agentes
[feature/FEATURE_questionDropdown]Review question in drop down -
[feature/FEATURE_buttonThemeIconBigger]Button Theme adjustment - Make bigger the agent photos and name
[bugfix/BUGFIX_chatformCloseOpen]Fix on ChatForm close and open: (1) Two fields reloading dots (2) The phone fields disappears
Add "Discover Our Top 100" badge on the menu
1 - [Priority] Add custom fields to hubspot integration
[feature/FEATURE_fullscreenStyle]Make better widget Fullscreen mode
Revisar imágenes rotas en la tienda
[DEV ChatWith- FEATURE-2022-06-16] CW Traducir categorías de ChatWith
[Done] [Services-Categories-Translations] Traducir todas las categorías a español en services
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-20-traducir-status] Traducir leads status y encabezados de label title y label message al español si la cuenta está en español
[Done]URGENT - Phone number with spaces do not WORK
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-06-17] Quitar "Cuenta" en en el badge de Cuenta Premium del menú
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-06-17] Fix translation - editar plantilla
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-06-17] Poner en mayusculas "Pay with this qr code"
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-07-fix-clone-redirect] Revisar → El clonado de Widget Templates en cuentas Premium a veces no funciona
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-16] Number not working
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-16] Separate number and clics
[Done] FEATURE-2022-06-16] Validate WhatsApp API Key
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-06-09] URGENT - Añadir este widget sustituyendo el de soporte y venta en tochat y ChatWith solo en España
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-16] Email by default should be the email of the user
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-15 Payments] Traducir campos de pago en Payments al Inglés, y ponerlos cuando el idioma seleccionado sea el Inglés
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-17] template messages - not mandatory to fill up all of them
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-02-editable-status-label] (1) Editable leads Status and (2) Preview send message status on change status
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-15 Agentes] Poner a qué Widget pertenece un agente
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-15 Priority] "Top 100" Label in header for users in services if the user is a top 100
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-15 Priority] Crear una página en Services de "Top 100 WhatsApp Businesses"
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-16] Redirection process broken (for partners)
Translate new registration pages
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-06-16] Include brand in all mobile browsing
URGENT - Acces to tag manager
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-06-10] Need help "Agent Code hide"
I can not locate this business
Chatwith.io logo
Add Instragram story template and PDF template in Chatwith.io
Feedback client
Why there is no Welcome Message in this landing page
[Done]Review requirments from Agency
[Done] Register y login visibles en tochat.be desde el inicio
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-06-10] Fix "No thanks, free version" button link
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-06-08-cartel-calle] Links to share with Chatwith.io - Add your
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-13 ] URGENT TODAY MONDAY - Cambiar título y descripción de la home de ChatWith solo para países hispanoparlantes
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-09] Cambiar nombres y estilos de botones en widgets y tarjetas
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-09]Mostrar traducción según país en el registro de services
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-08-cartel-calle] Si hay nombre de negocio, ponerlo por defecto en la cuenta (ChatWith)
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-08-cartel-calle] Rediseño Chatwith home page
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-06-08-cartel-calle Priority] Cartel para la calle en ChatWith
Revisar indices de la BBDD en marioservices
can't remove businesss - why?
Formulario modificar diseño del widget
Feedback customer campaigns
[DEV FEATURE-2022-05-26-clone-widget] Add more widgets templates in the home page
[bugfix/BUGFIX_telFieldButton]Fix widget fields and button align
[feature/FEATURE_unifyButtonColor]Unify Buttons Look and feel
[feature/FEATURE_buttonTextCombination]Review button combinations -> Landing with black text over blue button
[Dev] [feature/FEATURE_chatformPayment]Chatform should have the payment option at the end enable
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-05-20] Add "welcome message" in landing page chatwith.io
[Done] [FEATURE-more-info-categories] 05 - Add more info to the categories section in chatwith.io homepage
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-05-18] New registration - (1/n) - Changes in pages 1, 2 & 3
[Done] Create digital card for business and image with business info to share on Instagram
[Done] Más detalles del selector de widgets
Upgrade marioservices with the prod information
[Dev] [FEATURE-broken-agents] Fix broken widget agents
[Done] [master - Campaigns] - Unify checkboxes in campaign view page
[Done] [bugfix/BUGFIX_inputBgColor] Fix background color of the inputs
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_removeWelcomeDefault]Please REMOVE this Welcome Back message by default
[Done] [FEATURE-benchmark-disabled] 04 - benchmark STATS by default disable it
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_signatureSmaller]Our signature - make it smaller
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-05-25-Integrations] Remove dropdown integrations
[Done] [FEATURE-this-week-clicks] Add "this week" to clicks counter on agents view
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-05-13] Filter by scoring
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_removeXbtn] 09 - remove X from header
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_increaseFontWeight] Increase font weight by default
[Done] [feature/FEATURE_roundedTheme] NEW Widget Theme → Rounded Theme
[Done - ChatWith] 01 - Header Chatwith landing for users
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-05-16] 06 - Form page - more compact and some extra links
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-05-16] 03 - Integrate polls in home page
[Done] Hacer aparecer la audiencia creada en el listado de audiencias
[Done] I share a landing page in Twitter and doesn't show the OG
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-05-13 - Campaigns] Cambiar varios o todos los estados de una campaña a la vez
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-05-13 - Campaigns] Añadir métricas por campaña: Mensajes enviados en total y personas por cada estado
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-05-13 - Campaigns] Avisar y manejar si hay números repetidos al subir una audiencia
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-05-13 - Campaigns] Lanzar mensajes en campaña sin pasar por el pop-up de escribir mensaje
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-05-13 - Campaigns] Poder ver los contactos de una audiencia
[DEV - FEATURE-2022-05-13 - Campaigns] Poder poner tags a las audiencias
[Important] Improve extra links design
[Done] Improve ChatWith landing page mobile
[Done] Button home tochat.be in mobile
[Done] [FEATURE_color_countdown]Applying a color scheme to the countdown that avoids mismatches
Add "get your first lead" with your WhatsApp widget
Can we use this templates https://alvarotrigo.com/fullPage/extensions/
[Done] Icons in mobile not visible
[Done]PayPal button appearing on links even if the user has not activated PayPal option
[Done][FEATURE_translate_errormsg]Translate error messages in the widget
[Dev] [FEATURE-2022-05-10] Create widget theme selector like the landings (with thumbnail)
[Done] [FEATURE_translate_timetable] Translate widget timetables
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-05-09] Improve chatwith.io directory
[Done]Put a back button on Create campaign
[Done] [bugfix/BUGFIX_duplicated_label] Fix duplicated label
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-05-04-campaign] Legal conditions in registration
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-05-04-campaign] Campaigns - 3 boxes home page
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-05-04-campaign] Make Campaigns usable and better on a first iteration
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-05-04-campaign] Campaigns - interface send message
[Done]Warning for Cloud Flare users
[Done]Our 404 page is showing this, please clear it
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-05-09] Review icons selector
[Done] [FRONTEND-2022-05-02] Update translations
[Done] [BUGFIX_faqschat]Please Review - URGENT
[Done - review] [FEATURE-2022-05-02] Añadir lógica al botón de Completa tu perfil y añadir campo de "Ninguno de los anteriores"
[Done] 2 SEO Fixes for Chatwith.io
[Done] Fix horizontal align for agent widgets
[Done] Update May Webinar links
[Done] [FRONTEND-05-05-2022] Login improved
[Done] Fix error when Cloning a widget - The FAQ are not cloning
[Done] [FRONTEND-05-05-2022] Change API FORM LINK
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-05-02] Update translations
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-05-02] Añadir puntos que indiquen si hace falta rellenar campos
[REVIEW]Update to Google Analytics 4 option for users
URGENT - Add SSL to subdomain
[Done] New design widget - like WhatsApp
Urgent Access issue
Test faq in chatmode in person view
11. (DUDA) Add custom domain for login, agents dashboard and landing pages
[Done] Apply correct footer links in ChatWith.io
[Done] Fix Privacy in footer
[Done] Fix hidden agents when the French language is selected
[Done] Add message WhatsApp API in the Campaigns section
[Done] Apply correct footer links in tochat.be
[Done] Add a message about WhatsApp API in "Templates"
[Done] Make the placeholder text lighter on the widget fields
[Done] Fix visibility when the option is too large
[Done] Countdown typography to Inter
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-04-29] Change link to "Share your first widget"
[Done] Fix responsive on Campaigns
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-04-29] By default - name of widget = business name
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-05-02] Añadir validación en el Pixel de Facebook en las integraciones
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-05-02] Validación de campos y aviso en links de agentes
[Done] Custom Domain
add landing pages thumbnails for free users
New widget option: Click to chat
Don't allow certain color combinations on the countdown
[Done] Add forms and landing page for free users
[Done] Too much space in Light landing
[FRONTEND-22-04-2022] Example Image on the CountDown section
[Done] [FRONTEND-22-04-2022] Pixel de Facebook para trackear landings igual que hacemos con Google Analytics
[Done] [FRONTEND-22-04-2022] Add button for "custom" link in the first scroll
[Agents site] Agents' login
[Done] Reorder add extra links Type field
[Done] Change "select" name TO "dropdown" in form editor
[Done] Problema en el paso 2 del registro de usuario
[Important] Add the privacy policy link below the policy field
[Done]User STATS problem
CRITICAL - forms not showing on widget
[FRONTEND-21-04-2022] review landing page in mobile
[Done]Change Open Graph Metadata when share a landing
[DEV - FEATURE-2022-04-18] No leads in widget
[Done] [FRONTEND-20-04-2022] Improve the Translations page
Button not right in landing page
[Done] [FRONTEND-20-04-2022] Add "help with installation button" near the widget
review Chatwith.io
review chatwith
[FAQ] You fix the buttons when there are many questions in the FAQ.
[FAQ] Stack buttons instead of side by side in the Arrow FAQ
[FAQ] Improve FAQ Chat mode
[DONE]Number not working in ChatWith.io +55 51 8017-3947
Review 360 link in WhatsApp API
ClienGo and FAQs / ChatForms
Error with payment
Talk to Ernesto and review 0 stats home page for users
2 videos for widget -doesnt look good
Approve and Post videos to web
Añadir mini-sección de usuarios activos en este momento
Mejorar landing page selector
Añadir más campos en links con Stripe
Add Apple Pay stripe checkout
Create Landing demos for preview
Revisar diseño y copy y mejorar de https://chatwith.io/landing/
[DEV - FEATURE-translate-select] Add Paypal to Licences
FIX error Delete AGENT
landing page template - just slideshow and whatsapp widget
[DEV - FEATURE-2022-04-14-semana-santa] add minimum validation to integrations
[DEV - master] add these icons to chatwith.io to select the icon
Change widget button to close button when widget is open
[DEV - master] fix - zero counter for new users
[DEV - FEATURE-2022-04-18] review chatwith.io directory
[FAQ] Fix widget preview unwanted reload when testing Chat FAQ
Add the Easter Article on homepage
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-04-14] Make ChatWith form translatable
[Done]Add categories in CRM
[DONE] Please Fix link to WhatsApp API after Payment
[Done]Mejorar url landing personalizada - Avisar si la url ya está en uso
FAQs 2.0 - Restructure and redesign
I think we don't have analytics for the https://chatwith.io/en/ landing pages
[ChatWith] Make ChatWith Go Premium button more attractive
[Done] [FRONTEND-07-04-2022] Mejorar página de Settings - Clarificar
[Done] [FRONTEND-08-04-2022] Mejorar tarjetas de la home
[Done] [FRONTEND-08-04-2022] Add a back to payments link in product page
[Done] [FRONTEND-08-04-2022] Añadir botón de "Completar el perfil" debajo de las tarjetas de la home
[Done] [master] Change URL for landing page
[Done] [master] [Important] Review FORM for WhatsApp API
[Done] Add tik tok icon on ChatWith
[Done] [FRONTEND-05-04-2022] add description to integrations
[Done] Change link from Chatwith.io
[Done] Change link to register
[Done] Add TikTok to ChatWith account
[Done] change link to knowledge center
[Done]Correct JS widget error
[Done] Add links to integrations from account
[Done] [FRONTEND-05-04-2022] Improve premium banner in Integratins
[Done] error in chatwith.io when creating an account
Unify products to pay and landing pages
[Done]Fix typo
[Done] Mostrar widget del cliente y no el nuestro en la tienda
[Done] Set font size to 16px in widget inputs
el buscador de chatwith.io debe buscar en todos los países
ward - video how to use the contacts file
(HOLD) 03. Add gallery of images to the landing page
Nueva imagen para el hero de tochat.be
[Done] Fix TYPO Chatwith.io - URGENT
[Done] Fix counter
[Done] [FRONTEND-31-03-2022] Add more info to "advanced options"
[Done] Remove store footer
[Done] Shop 2.0
[Done] [FRONTEND-31-03-2022] Fix Landing Page home card
[Done] [FRONTEND-31-03-2022] Integraciones 2.0 - Reestructura y rediseño de secciones
[Done] A/B Testing - Create account subtitle, reviews and input border color
Review second step in registration
conversion rate lost in admin panel
Add Facebook pixel field in Advance Options Section. Below the Go tag field.
Fix the video splash. It doesn't work
Change Create Account number from day to week or month to have a higher number
[Done] [FRONTEND_28_03_2022] Footer - Light color (services)
[Done] [FRONTEND-23-03-2022] Ajustes en la landing "Sales"
[Done] [FRONTEND-18-03-2022] [Prioritario] Nueva landing "Sales" (en este caso para cliente inmobiliaria)
[Done] Mejorar maquetación de la página de tienda
[Done] [FRONTEND-18-03-2022] [Prioritario] Botón para ocultar el código QR de las Landing Page
Review Checkbox in LP forms.
Review Checkbox in LP forms.
[Done]video link not working
[Manage agents] Zero State
[Manage agents] Add agent process
[Manage agents] Confirm
[Manage agents] Welcome email & confirm email
[Manage agents] Delete agent
[Manage agents] Working with agents
[Manage agents] Confirm action
[Campaigns] Send images via whatsapp API
[Campaigns] Zero status
[Campaigns] Import contacts
[Campaigns] First contact
[Campaigns] Campaign created
[Campaigns] Navigation
[Campaigns] Contact list
[Campaigns] Campaign form
[Campaigns] Edit campaign
[Campaigns] Campaign detail
[Campaigns] Campaign list
[Done]error subdomin - URGENT
[Done] Remake Optimize Tests
[Done] Apply color to the tochat.be header like Create account page
[Done] [FRONTEND-18-03-2022] Apply A/B testing results (Hide optional info)
[Done] [FRONTEND_21_03_2022] Align items on Widgets page
Add Zapier for integrations
[Semi-Done] Review typography
[FRONTEND_21_03_2022] Translate Salut to Bonjour in the French translation
Add link to "landing page" and review spacing in "related business"
[Done - running] Review the progress of the experiment "Change Create account page title to "Start selling now with WhatsApp""
[Done - running] Review the progress of the experiment "All tochat.be home buttons with "Start selling now with WhatsApp""
[Done - running] Nuevo test A/B para la Create Account page
[Done] Añadir traducción al Francés
Translate french
[Done] New mini-landing section in ChatWith.io + WhatsApp Button
[Done] Rediseñar Media (ahora Widget Video)
REVIEW All the links in ChatWith.io
Hide bubble when click on it
[FRONTEND-16-03-2022] Fix smooth scrolling on some landing pages
[DEV - FEATURE-gell-all-the-leads] 08 b - Get all the leads from one account in a file users can import easily
[Done] Translations - Add a preview of the messages in the widget
[Done](Wi) FAQs and ChatForm
[Done][DEV - FEATURE-2022-02-08] Agent name by default the "email" user name
[Done] Corregir estilos de cada landing para la nueva configuración de display de agents
[Done] Make a video about the new widget theme
[Done] Make a video about how we test with Optimize in ChatWith
[Done]Fix video in widget
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-03-04] 09 - IMPORTANT - Store design like this one and landing page WEDNESDAY
[Done] Make a video about the new menu landing feature
Email login not working from Chatwith.io
[Done]14 - New tab--Suggestion from client
[Done] Sustituir link "Reservas" en el menú de ChatWith.io si está en español
[Done] Aplicar mejoras de Optimize a Create Account page
[Done] Aplicar mejoras de Optimize a tochat.be
[ Done ] WhatsApp API verification onboarding - PLEASE REVIEW
[Done]Add a new theme - Widgets
[Done]GTM tag is not working - PLEASE REVIEW
[FRONTEND_09_03_2022] Fix lists on ticket description
[Done] [FRONTEND_07_03_2022] Translate "whatsapp" to "WhatsApp"
[Done] Link to payments go here https://chatwith.io/landing/#section-payments
[Done] Actualizar traducciones
[Done] Copy company name and add icons like in tochat.be
[Done]Change "avance" text
[Done]Review HO Hoteles
[Done]Fix horizontal scroll in widget
[Done]10 - Add a new theme for the widget
[Done] Predefinied messages is not working - URGENT
[Done]Review menu in polls - all the links in the header are NOT WORKING
[Done]review text benchmark
[Done]remove ads from admin in Chatwith.io
[Done] [FRONTEND_07_03_2022] Translate completely and fix bullets
[Done]Email confirmation account is not reaching the user
[Done]Review SEO Tags and content in directory
[Done] [FRONTEND_07_03_2022] Make Unlimited pricing look better
change link for preview - CHATWITH - URGENT
Notification for landing page "on" - not working
Agents should be able to update data of the lead. Phone number, name, email...
[Agents site] Support badge
[DEV - FEATURE-2022-03-01] GA TAG = Google Analytics TAG
[Done] [FRONTEND_04_03_2022] Footer for internal use
[Done] [FRONTEND_04_03_2022] Make Go Premium messages more attractive to the user
[Done]Upload background - show error message
[Done]Add ChatWith.io content to ToChat.Be "Complete your profile" page
[Done] Review bullet list design in all landing pages
[Done] Review Browse button in payments
[DEV - FEATURE-review-statslinked-api-controller] When you create a new product, UPDATE PREVIEW sends you to the list
[DEV - FEATURE-2022-03-01] Agregar el campo Nombre dentro de /admin/user para poder personalizar nuestras campañas cuando descargamos el CSV
[DEV - FEATURE-2022-03-01] With zero data, remove the information...
(Done) 01 - Unified MENUS ChatWith.io - Tochat.be - MONDAY
PENDING - 7. [DEV-FEATURE_videosplash_without_canvas](Added Video bubble)
[DEV - FEATURE-2022-02-17] 04 - Crear mensajes predefinidos para enviar contactos a clientes
03 - With spaces, phone number is WRONG
[DEV - FEATURE-2022-02-25] 07 - Add filter for leads base on scoring
[Done] 12. redesign payment lading page
[Done] [FEATURE-2022-02-24] Add video (youtube) for product checkout
[Done] 11 - [FEATURE-2022-02-24] Banners for landings
[Done] [DEV - FEATURE-2022-02-24] Set placeholder to widget banners
[Done]06 - Format error messages
Give permissions to Mario to write in his directory
05b - Add WhatsApp Icon in button
[Done]05 - Unify Buttons - When there is no FORM we have a nice button - When there is a form we have a simple button
[Done]00 - review payments for landing pages
13 - [Done] Add "footer" text in the landing page
02. [Done] Si tenemos single sign on - el menú debería ser el mismo en tochat.be y chatwith.io
[Done] 02 - Home ChatWith.io - MONDAY
Error when creating a new link
Pending - 14 (wi) Extra links widget
Add AppSumo Coupons
Review design chatform validation
review fonts in the widget
[FRONTEND_14_02_2022] review campaigns design and translations
(Done - partially) Review comments on "Agents" page
[Done] White Theme - White background translarent
[DEV - FEATURE-2022-02-16] review CRM views
review CRM views
Landing page para la pestaña BOOKINGS
BUG Main navigation
Add "Card" information for landing page
[Review] review new landing page in mobile (webinars)
Set placeholder for (1)Widget Banners and (2)Set landing page background
[Done]review CRM views
ERROR - When you duplicate a widget, agents are duplicated too
[Done] Add rollover and change link - home page
[Done] When you select landing page, mark it somehow
[Done] Design landing page mobile
[Done] 15. Re-order fields in forms
[Done] Add icon in Button
[Done] change the white template - make it like black
[Done]Add currency XAF (central African currency)
05. [Done] Whatsapp API payment before they register
(Done) Emojis al personalizar el widget
(Done) small things in agents page
[Done] 13. Modify Form options
05 - add whatsapp icon in buttons
[Done] 06. [DEV - FRONTEND-2022-02-01] Review design
Custom landing options for QR landing
(Done) Background image on Landing Page + LandingSelectorGrid
(Done) Improve landing page selection
(Done) [Widget] Form
Export report per agent
04 - [Done] Podemos traducir las landings de cada idioma
[Done] 1. Separar titulo y descripción - CHATWITH
[Done] [DEV - FRONTEND-2022-02-01] Agent editing page - review
[Done] bug in z index and positioning
[Done] Review widgets home page
[Done] Landing theme hardcoded
PENDING - 13. Add this link in chat form - for live demo
9. (wi) option to make the icon of the widget bigger
8. [URGENT] Video Splash Iteration
7. (wi) option for widget to expand to full screen in mobile
00. Review onboarding process
5. [DEV - FRONTEND-2022-02-01] (MARIO) Create banners, posters, flyers for Small Business print outs
12. Widget options for premium users
4. [Done] add counter on leads
3. [Done] Portada de "mis agentes" revisar
[Done]Add custom ICO in landing page
Print Format Landing page - Improve
Format csv as excel
[Widget] Timetable agents
[DEV-FEATURE_googlesites](Wi) [Review]Do Widget for Google Sites
[Done](Wi) Chatform in landing page URGENT
[Done] [Widget] Landings
[Done](Wi) URGENT changes in chatmode
[Done] Add button to have the agent active or not
[Done] Set welcome video page (Redesign)
[Done] Hide title and dropdowns in home mobile
[Done] Turn phone links from leads in buttons (Home and complete list page)
[done]add "chat form" in landing page
Agents view - improvements in design
URGENT - Use this format for "phone fields" in the forms for the USER
(Wi) Add this format to the WhatsApp Widget
[Done](Wi) add countdown in landing pages and widgets
[Closed]Bug on cloning widget
Share link with agents - use this format
[DEV-FEATURE-newFaqLabel](Wi) Copy this design for FAQs labels
(Wi) Copy this feature
Add a Facebook Pixel Field in the Widget.
[Done] underscore in the headline
[Done] Urgent TUESDAY
[Done] Adjust mobile version of the pricing table (tochat + ChatWith)
[Done] Redo again Internet2.0 landing page
[Done](Wi) Think about how to manage 12 agents
[Done]Video splash on widget
[Done] URGENT MONDAY - Create your account page
[Done] URGENT MONDAY - Review landing pages agencies
[Done](wi)phone number - translation
[Review](Wi) Comentario ChatForm
[URGENT] Turn white text to white on widget when using checkbox field
[Done] Add "On" "Off" to modules. We need to make the user activate more modules.
[Done] Add "agent" profile while editing form
[Done] Where is the business name, currency and time zone information ?
[Done] bug con timezone del browser
[Done] When a widget is "set" the default view should be leads.
[Done] Ver posibilidad de anadir favicon en whitelabel
[Done](Wi) banners for returning
[Done]issues from user
[DONE] New design for Leads List URGENT
(Wi) Ideas para copiar en el widget
Añadir logos al pricing
[Done](Wi) https://recambiodigital.com/ - validaciones en chatform no funcionan
[Done]BUG Leads
[Done]Add phone Number when download CSV from admin/user
[Done] Usar los helpers bajo el input cuando sea necesario
[Done]comments from whatsapper
[Done](Wi) FAQs templates (MARIO URGENT)
[Done]Add link to view landing page in widgets home
[Done]URGENT - Add payment for WhatsApp API.
[Done]Desarcaga CSV admin/user
[Done]BUG on leads phone numbers
[Done] Time zone = Country code of the admin phone
[Done] BUG Agent's site login
[Done]error in IMAGE in setup payments.
[Done]errores pagos
[Done]errores mensajes desde leads
[Done] Agents site Permisos
login / registration process
[REVIEW] Add new pricing en home page https://tochat.be/
[Done] chart with zero data
[Done]Maquetar página de productos - 4 tipos de suscripción
[Done]Fix z-index in widget preview
[Done]Align arrow icons
[REVIEW] Flujo de suscripción de un cliente
[Widget] Navigation
[Bola extra] Thank you email
[Agents site] Agents' site
Script for conversion tracking
Add Conversion rate to the widgets
URGENT: Add Product for European customers
[Manage agents] Edit agents
[Manage agents] Showing agents
[Manage agents] Choose agent process
[Done] final step scheduling
[Done] By default this view for widgets
[Done] add more information in scheduling messages
[Done] *form scheduling - improvements
Review issue with emails after order
[Done] *Change buttons in "chat forms"
[Done] add positive or negative indicator base on the previous data
[Done] Event listener for language
[Review] Add logo for "powered by Stripe"
[Review] Go to premium - keep improving
[Done]Offline Form Agent
[Done]BUG Thank you page
Rich text in text field - landing page
Unsplash Image API
[Done]Add option to delete leads
[Done]New campaign home page
[Done]Add more lines in landing page
[Done] BUG Edit campaign & add contacts
[Done]URGENT - Traducciones pendientes
[Done] BUG on schedule Messages
[Done]URGENT - Add India and Singapore for Stripe
[Done] BUG on dashboard 👉 Leads (see all)
[DEV - FEATURE-tabs_2] Add "tags" visible on home page
URGENT - After login - next page
review format in fields - create a widget
remove our widget from the agents view - add the admin number for support
[Done]Change Link to Prestashop
first screen after creating your account
add attachments to the form to whatsapp
add status of money in transit for the payment
Add “recover abandoned shopping carts” as a feature in the home page. For prestashop and magento
Send final notice to inactive accounts
Add individual events for widgets for Facebook and Analytics
URGENT - Crear primero productos y luego conectar Stripe
[Done]review link to "create landing page"
[Done]Form fields all caps - No. just use small caps
[Done]review button "delete form" - change label
Scheduling messages - WhatsApp API
[Done] URGENT - review tags
Forzar el paso a premium
[DEV - FEATURE-2021-12-06] Agents site - Menú de usuario
[DEV - FEATURE-2021-12-06] Banners for "returning customers"
[DEV - FEATURE-widget-tag] add "tags" to the widget
General Review - Design - MARIO
Eliminar línea y sombra
Login for clients - NEW DESIGN - PLEASE URGENT
select background bigger and more options
Spacing in widget very big
login más bonito
[Done]revisar caja de login
[Done]link to edit FAQs - error
Add options for icons, default messages and photos...
Pestaña "Choose a background" por defecto
[Done]Change Widget Icon Size in Design settings
[Done]Botón de guardar lleve directamente a la landing (M)
[Done]Design: Sub-pestañas "Settings" y "Landing Page" (M)
[Done]Texto enriquecido en Leyenda (M)
[Done]URGENT - Translation to Brazilian and Italian
[Done]Add name to the agent profile
[Done]No image for header
[August] Create "Menu boards" with WhatsApp Widget
Paypal integration (payments)
[Done] If you duplicate a widget, please make it the first in order and change the color to STAND OUT
[Done] remove data from otherne widgets for Agents
[Done] Añadir report mensual de cada widget de manera que el cliente pueda enviar a sus clientes un report por mail para que reciban un informe de su widget
[Done] add "busy hours"
[Done]error in product (preview)
[Done]if the product is paypal add a paypal button and the price
[Done]Add a module for WhatsApp video agent in home page
[Done]**IMPORTANT** By defaulta this seetings
[Done] Add option to export in CSV for https://services.tochat.be/admin/user/
[Done] Edit agent information and data
[Done] Review video landing page
Close or cancel button on preview mode
[Done]Agent access password and other information
[Done] URGENT - Campaigns using WhatsApp API
Mollie Integration (payments)
[Done]add landing pages to widgets home page
[Done]In desktop use web.whatsapp for the link
[Done] Add "editor" role
[Done - must test in GA]Añadir código de seguimientos
[Done]review public function getStatFormsHome
[Done]Add landing pages for Herbalife y Forever Health Products
Add welcome message to first time vistors
Add "templates for widgets" - DEFINIR
Add options for returning users or new users
Copy this layout and animations...
Add FAQ on top of the widget
add 3 more modules home page
Improve Bookings for WhatsApp Widget
[Done] Make user photo in menu editable\
[Done] Create beautiful SHORT URLs for landing pages
Add close button for chat
Add check out after form
[Done]Add a link to Tochat.be in the free widget
[Done]Add "account name" / user name + photo
[Done]Add link to pitchground in checkout
[Done]add manager data in dropdown menu
[Done]Center the content of the payments page
[Done]Online agent is not showing in mobile
[Done]if the user adds a coupon - skip verification
[Done]Do a responsive version of the dash board
Add bookings to the menu
[Done - probably]Login for 1 week
[Done]Fix typo accounts
[Done]Integrations add 360 and rocketchat
[Done] Ofrecer cupones y descuentos
[Done]Add the "store" imagen in the "onboarding" section of payments
[Done]Small fixes in login page
[Done]URGENTE - Quitar el bloque de productos de la pantalla de stats
[Done]Overwrite Welcome message over Form Data
[Done]bookings specific widget
[Done]Sell "events" widget
[Done]Translate error messages
[Done] Agents in Payments - add a section for agents
[Done]Change layout home
[Done] Add video option to landing page or agent embed
[Done] review stats for widgets and leads
[Done] Generate image with user profile and QR code
[Done]Show the widget only once per session - Keep the button always
[Done]traducir el formulario de offline
[Done]Add "holidays" for an agent
USER - add Campaigns and Polls in the menu for "new users"
[Done]Hide leads - move button
[Done]Improve design Emails
[Done]Once you edit a form, go to the list of agents.
[Done]wrong icon in WhatsApp directory - IT
[Done]Wrong - individual agent page is not showing individual agent
[Done]Improve email
[Done] "Hide" leads
[review] agents and linking agents
[Done] Account verification with WhatsApp api
[Done]SEO / Idioma / Canonical en el whatapp directory
[Done] Recover password with WhatsApp api
[Done] Add individual page for each agent
[Done]Help text for FORMS Call to action
[Done]Translate in payments
[Done]widget delay - the user can choose the amount of seconds
[Done]Add validation to phone number and check its a whatapp number
[Done]Arcadina - integration reminder
[Done EN DEV]Hacerte premium en Chatwith
[Done]Add some text to WhatsApp Verification
[Done]Add some text to WhatsApp Verification
[Done]Add agent name in the widget
[Done]Polls and campaigns visible for FREE USERS
[Done]Review Icon Size in Widget
For landing pages add image gallery
[Revisar]Texto erroneo en el check out
[Done]add a break line in form message
[Done]Error with CHAT FORMS
[Done]URGENTE - imagen de landings
[Done add "delete" option for agents
[Done] Change title in link agent to agent page
[Done]revisar traducciones
[Done] Añadir banners
[Done] Color DARK for DARK theme in landing page
[Done] URGENT - Add text help to Call to action in forms
[Done] Review design in landing page
[Done] Add "title" tag to categories
urgent - create a UNIFORM header across chatwith and tochat.be
[Review]Add option to send mail with forms
Duplicate hours inside a day
En los temas por defecto que salga "default"
add tags to the landing pages in the public directory
[Done] Add labels in landing pages
[Done] Add buttons to edit agents forms in agents view
[Done]add message to campaigns
[Done ] spacing in numbers with agents
[Done] WhatsApp icon is not transparent
[DEV - FEATURE-2021-september-1 ] Add background gallery for landing pages
[Done] Create a login for agents with the branding from the company
[Done] By default the theme should be "deafult"
[Done Charts about usage in control panel - Review subscribers data
*Mejoras página de leads
duplicated leads
Review Magento Integration and Prestashop integration
review icon in widget
Destacar las landing pages que hay creadas en el directorio
[Done]I do not see the translations
[Done]Format Email
[Done] Fix agent ordering
[Done]Landing pages - two designs...?
[Review] Add landing pages section in WhatsApp Business Directory
[Done]tip tool for "agents offline"
[Done]Errors in variables in Business Directory
[Done]styles on tables are strange
[Done]Change label in button
[Done]Add a title "Add agent" in the "add agent" page.
[Done] Vincular agente - pantalla más visual
[Done] Add counter for contacts sent and last login for agents
[Done] Mostrar el estado real del botón de forms y timetable
[Done]Traducir interface - ESP / FRA / HINDI / MALAYO
[Done] add campaign for "last import"
[Done] Error in message
[Done] Link stats to whatapp (agent)
Error saving message
[Done]Remove from footer links to WhatsApp API
[Done]Agents VIEW
[Done] Add more variables to EXCEL for campaigns
[Done] review leads in home page
*Remove CHATWITH branding from Agents page
[DEV - FEATURE-review-leads-in-home-page] Control panel - adjustments
[Done - pero...]3 Aug URGENT - Add a "Form" option for Desktop view
[Done]URGENT - Hubspot Integration
{Done}Support for languages L-to-R, R-to-L
[Done]Review URL parameter in welcome message
[Done]Create a QR code from the landing page
[Done]Responsive view for landing pages
[Done]Agents can NOT change their password
[Done]Review Prestashop module
[Done]if the user has lifetime licence, present that in their interface
Study https://github.com/lokalise/i18n-ally
[Done]HOY iconos para widget
[Done]HOY Add banners to the banner option
[Done]Review Polls.chatwith.io
[Done]Review Shopify Website
[Done]TODAY - Charts about usage in control panel
[Done]Block agents / widgets by country
[Done]Add counter for categories in WhatsApp Business Directory
[Done]Add Life time licence model
[DONE] Add Analytics to Polls.chatwith.io
Highlight PAYMENTS in WhatsApp Business Directory
URGENTE Hacer diseño del icono con más opciones
DONE add a delay for the appearance of the widget
Share documentation about 360dialog API
landing page premium para usuarios
Add Malaysia to Payments with Stripe.
IMPOSSIBLE URGENT Display Malasyia in Payments
[Done]Quitar este bloque cuando estás en una categoria
[Done]Title for Business directory
[Done]Añadir categoría en la landing page
[Done]Añadir botones en la home usuario logueado
URGENT - Review Campaigns - Workflow for outbound WhatsApp Messages
Cuando voy a "leads" se cambia la pantalla
[Uploaded and in testing]Emails we sent to users
Cuando creas un nuevo agente, tener el previo disponible
Campañas a clientes - DESARROLLAR
Siguiente paso para campañas
[Done] campañas - mejoras
[Done] Cabecera y página de home
[Done]Add subagents to campaigns
[Done Add simple list of campaigns
[Done] Add campaigns to agents
[Done]Error en Campañas
[Done]Benchmark has disappeared for new accounts
[Done] Pequeñas mejoras Benchmark
[Done] Crear cluster por categorias, ciudad,
[ Done] Add delete Button to widgete page
[Done]Cuando eres agente, el logo lleva a una página de error
[Done]Ajustes del menú del usuario logeado
[Done]Cuando vinculas a un agente, mostrar la información de foto y móvil - poner last login
[DUPLICATE]Se mandan emails al agente?
[Commented]Menú activo
[Done]Manage agents - texto de ayuda
[Done]Falta el logo de Zoho en la cuenta
[Done]ficha de "mi cuenta" - textos
[Done]No hay logout para el agente
[Done]Añadir cabecera en la sección de "mi cuenta"
[COMMENTED]Se mandan emails al agente?
[Done]Varios usuarios en una misma cuenta
[DONE] Añadir gráfica de ejemplo
[Done]Formato de formulario abierto por defecto
[Done] Arreglar error telefono
[Done] Vista agente
[Done]cambiar menú por favor
[Done] añadir iconos en la parte de whatsapp widget
[Done] Importar contactos de clientes
[DONE] añadir categoria para organizar las empresas
Diseño por defecto de apertura del widget con un agente y su formulario...
[Done]El nombre del agente por defecto que sea el email
[Done]poder buscar por número de teléfono en la base de datos y filtrar por país
[Done]Eliminar espacio en FAQS
[Done]Open Once
[Done] Arreglos configuración inicial del widget
[Done]Cuando creas un widget, el siguiente paso es añadir "agente"
[Done] Cambiar opciones por defecto en el widget
[Done] Mejoras vista "leads"
[Done] Arreglos ficha agente
[Done]Iconos para las integraciones
[Done]Mejoras ficha "mi cuenta"
[Done] añadir código de país en el número
[DONE]add a text for "new agents..."
[Done]añadir texto de ayuda en la página de pagos
[Done]Hacer plantillas para formularios
[Done]Add "Templates" for forms
[Done] Añadir clientify en el formulario de registro
[Done]Mejoras home usuario logeado
[Done]Botones al final de la columna de agente
[Done]Corregir errata "Your CRM"
[Done]Mejorar FAQ - Jorge Ward
[DONE FEATURE-widgets-ordenados-por] Mostrar los widgets ordenados por "más activos"
[Done - on dev]Añadir Código de Google Analytics
[Done]cambios formularios
[Done]Unificar datos de leads
[Done]Agentes y opciones
[Done]Añadir el "agent name" cuando editar el formulario
[Done]Siempre que pidamos el teléfono, usar este tipo de campo
[Done]arreglo vista Widget
[Done]Agente - mostrar el código que se puede insertar del agente y el link
[Done]Link que no funciona
[Done]Mejorar la información y herramientas en la vista de agentes
[Done]Mejoras SEO - Añadir "WhatsApp Business" al final del title de los directorios
[DONE FEATURE-pequeanias-correcciones] Alta de cliente - revisar importante
[Done]copiar este diseño
[Done lista-de-agentes-aniadir-esta-informacion] En la lista de agentes, añadir esta información
[DONE FEATURE-pequeanias-correcciones] NO FUNCIONA - Cuando añades horario, poner por defecto los 7 días de la semana y de 9 a 17
[Done]Error texto en el botón
[Done on dev... pero..]Añadir Payments en la configuración del Widget
[Done on dev]errata botón
[Done on dev]No sale el "widget name" cuando editas el agente
[Done dev]Revisar pestaña leads
[Done on dev]Añadir link al blog
[Done]Change Label in "Number Field"
[Done]Hacer API para https://developer.clientify.com/
[DONE FEATURE-pequeanias-correcciones] no funciona el link en la portada
[DONE FEATURE-pequeanias-correcciones] Revisar vista leads en home
[Done Dev branch]Se ha perdido la opción de duplicar agente
[NO FUNCIONA]Que el agente pueda ser un grupo de WhatsApp
[Done]añadir +92 a la lista de paises - no está disponible
[Done?]On boarding users - first time creating the widget
[Done]Add a popup to capture user messages before sending to whatapp
[Done]La gráfica de widgets que sea comparativa
[Done]Por favor, hacer este diseño como ha diseñado césar
[Done]Añadir el Widget name
[Done]mejoras SEO
[Done]Add new leads in home page
[Done]Error en texto
[Done]Compare stats of agents
[Done]Add link to mobile and email en the back end
[Done]Make the Tab "copy your code" more visible
[Done]add counter for "last week clicks"
[Done]Poner buscador en los widgets
[Done]Al clonar Widget - que salga un (1) o (new)
[Done]telefonos cortos - validar números de 9 dígitos
[Done]Email mensual de datos - resumen
[Done]En el formulario añadir campo tipo email y phone number
[Done]Hubspot no aparece conectado
[Done]Hide the widget if everyone is offline
[Done]El bloque del "top agent" en 1 línea
[Done]stripe esta conectado y no aparece
[Done]Whatsapp directory - sacar los últimos 21
[Done]Arreglar agentes display
[Done][Done except geolocation - ] review Form Data page
[Done - not uploaded]añadir banner al widget
[Done]En estadísticas, poder filtrar por agente
[Done]No funciona la X en la parte de "dejar un mensaje"
[Done]When you update the widget - you need to stay in the same page.
[Done]mostrar el número de clicks que llevan
[Mustafa Done]add to home page a counter like in chatwith
[Done]En la parte de diseño del widget, quitar la cabecera del mismo
[Faqs done]Respuestas automatizadas
[Done]Animación del botón que solo pase una vez
varios temas - mejoras - opción solo para el móvil...
Add lead counter by agent
Pequeñas mejoras
revisar este documento - importante
Design section for premium users
Revisión SEO de Marketplace
add whatsapp share button under the payment link
desplegable en android - no funciona?
[Done]se deberían mostrar puntos o algo en el campo de contaseña
[Done]I can not see information about city or country
[Done]Edit the FAQs inside the TABS
[Done]Registro, añadir campo de hubspot y WhatsApp API
[Done]Añadir opción de solicitar WhatsApp API y quitar validación HTTP
[Fixed]No se graban los móviles que se dejan cuando el agente está offline
[FIXED]You can create a new account without a password
[DONE]Si el botón se coloca a la izquierda, que la animación sea de izquierda a derecha
[Done]FAQs and Forms
[DONE]error al cambiar la contraseña
[DONE]Interlinea extraña en widget
[Mas INFO]la flecha en el formulario aparece movida
Business plan SUHAS send to ICEX...
Edit FAQs with rich HTML
Crear plantillas de correo para enviar notificaciones automáticas
Cambios de diseño de botones y hacer más visible la opción de HUBSPOT y ZOHO
Finish POWER with SUHAS
[REVISAR]dejar el link a su whatsapp permanente
[Done]Ajustes de la página de Form Data
[Hecho]añadir texto de ayuda al campo de mensaje
[Done]hacer más grande el botón de cerrar el widget
[Done] Añadir icono de "notificación" en las pestañas de formularios y encuestas
[Done]Añadir {url} en el mensaje por defecto
[Done]Crear "ChatWith.io link para cada agente
[Done]Notificaciones para usuarios que NO reciben clicks en las primeras 24h
[DONE]Notificaciones para usuarios que han recibido más de 100 clicks
[Done]Notificaciones para usuarios que reciben clicks primeras 24h
[Uploaded - test]Dar la opción de duplicar widget, agentes, formularios
[Uploaded]Si el usuario pone un + en el campo teléfono del agente, quitarlo automáticamente
[Fixed]error en registro si dejas la URL con / al final
Crear más de 2 widgets es premium - poner límite y paso a pago
El primer widget está rellenado por defecto
Añadir timetable es premium
Añadir más de dos agentes es premium - poner límite y paso a pago
En el registro pedir la web (opcional)
En el registro pedir el móvil con código de país