New customer onboarding workflow feature has been deployed! It's currently live in staging, and can easily be enabled in production when ready to go live!
The main goal of building this feature was to allow new customers to onboard themselves by creating an account and going through a 3 step onboarding. Once a trial is scheduled, customers will be able to see details as chef is assigned and the trial is completed, prompting them to subscribe.
Here's a quick overview of the workflow and various stages:
Step 0. Click on get started This takes you to the sign up page.
Step 1. Enter your personal information This is where you enter your name, phone number, and optional avatar
Enter personal details
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View full-sizeDownload Step 2: Enter household details Next step is to enter your address and some instructions for when the home chef visits your home.
Household details
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View full-sizeDownload Step 3: Book your trial The last step is to request your first booking, your trial!
Book trial
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View full-sizeDownload Once a trial is booked an email goes to both customer and After which the customer goes through all the workflow of assigned chef, and completed/cancelled booking.
P.S. Very important: You will see this trial booking in the booking command center. YOu can change the status of the booking, assign chef and the customer will see different screen based on that!
Command booking center
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View full-sizeDownload Step 4: Assign chef This is where you will click on the booking (either from email) or from the above booking center and edit the booking to assign the chef AND change status to confirmed
Admin updates the booking to assign a chef
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View full-sizeDownload This will have the following effect on customer's dashboard:
Customer now sees trial as confirmed with chef information
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View full-sizeDownload
Step 5.1: Completed The booking is considered completed if either date is passed or if manually marked as competed.