Local notes and display in NZ records: A continuation of the discussion on Basecamp concerning the display of local notes across the network. Some challenges are that institutions are not always consistent in how they use the local notes field. There is also a concern that the local notes field could become cluttered. Nancy will investigate the possibility of adding copy information to the holdings or item for display in Primo.
Local field for local resource type: The SMSP WG feels that the best solution is to have Ex L improve the system. There are some enhancements we can vote on. We should also continue testing.
Local field for local resource type: The SMSP WG feels that the best solution is to have Ex L improve the system. There are some enhancements we can vote on. We should also continue testing.
PCI recommendations: Michelle drafted PCI recommendations and shared with the committee. Shannon signed off on this and we can add the recommendation to the FAQs.
Network configuration of label names & Resource Sharing Request forms:
· If we have label recommendations we can request that ExL push out these changes to all campuses. This will only affect campuses who have not already customized any values in the relevant code table. We can continue brainstorming. One example that is being discussed is GETIT OTHER, which shows above the list of SUNY libraries. It has to be manually added to a table to change it, so it’s a good candidate for an Ex Libris push.
· We also discussed the "Allow other Library" section of the Resource Sharing Request form, which is related to the Fulfillment Network, which we’re not going to use. This can only be changed by an update to each campus’s CSS file. If we ask Ex Libris to push this out, campuses will have the option to opt in or not, just like the new option to show SUNY libraries as a button rather than the full list. Once we have our recommendations, we can send to the project management team.
· Discussion about whether we should make recommendations for the SUNY Catalogue label in the search scope and facets. It would be harder to update this SUNY-wide (given how its configured). Also it s unlikely there would be a consensus on what to call this label.
Testing upcoming changes to the SUNY Catalogue: The NZ Maintenance TF has been discussing how the SUNY scope is functioning, or perhaps will function. Shannon asked our group to help with plan what yo test in the SUNY scope and also serve as testers. We should think of as many specific examples as possible regarding how we would like the scope to function. We’ll set up a doc in Basecamp to gather examples to test.
Boosting: Shannon thanked the group for providing feedback on boosting.
LibGuides : Michelle and Heidi have been testing the harvesting of LibGuides in Primo. Heidi has published her notes and has created an FAQ.
Harvesting: Shannon has been looking into how views and scopes can be created at the NZ. SUNY is working on a project to harvest all the ETD collections within SUNY, and harvest into NZ Primo VE instance. This is a proof of concept project for now.
Summon: Ex Libris is developing a new Central Discovery Index (CDI). This unified index will support both Summon and Primo, creating the best of breed discovery index by upgrading infrastructure and capabilities from the existing Summon and Primo Central indexes. This will start rolling out later this year.
SUNYLA: The timing of SUNYLA could be bad for some campuses since they may be in the process of "going live." It would be a great to have presentations about Primo but Shannon understands that we may not be able to commit to much. Michelle will start a discussion on Basecamp to see who may be interested in presenting, and we’d focus on something general like Primo for Reference & Instruction Librarians.
Availability language: When patrons see "not available" next to a record, its a roadblock. There has been a discussion about this on Basecamp. Michelle will work on an FAQ about this.