Recording link:
UPDATE SLIDES 3/31/2020 (differ from the recording)/USE THESE:
Please Note: since the recording OCLC clarified a setting in the LHR datasync collection. Slides 3,4, 22, & 54 have been update to reflect the changes.
The Changes were made on slide 3 for e) & f). Instead of choosing No for e) Use Record Status for Processing, select Yes. When you select Yes, a new option will appear, for f) Remove Worldcat Holding When Final LHR Deleted, select Yes. This will allow the holdings to be removed when the final LHR has been deleted in Alma. Slide 4 has an updated image to show for the setting changes.
The changes for slides 22 & 54 are regarding the OCLC translation mapping table. I edited the field description to match the holdings subfields in Alma and explain the second 852 $b if for the OCLC holding code if you want to have them display the location in your library in Worldcat.
Original Slides that go with the Recording: