11/16/18 Minutes

Erin Rushton
Erin Rushton
Last updated 
  • Primo is live! (woohoo!)
    We have Primo!  Some campuses have started to share Primo VE with their staff while others are waiting until they do more testing and configuration.  Some campuses have reported problems with EZproxy.

  • Primo Workbook #2
    Heidi has asked the group to complete the Primo workbook #2 for guided campuses, which is due to Ex Libris December 5th.  The group will review by Wednesday, Nov 21st so there is time to share with Heidi before the deadline.
    SUNY_Primo_Configuration_Workbook.xlsx 15.5 KB Download
  • Data Testing in Primo
    Erin shared a draft of what she plans to cover during the data testing/ data review webinar. 
    Erin is looking for feedback and suggestions on what she should cover.
  • Primo VE Webinar
    Michelle shared a draft of what she plans to cover during the Primo VE webinar.  She plans to have her draft slides updated by later today.  Michelle is also looking for feedback and suggestions on what she should cover.  https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qF1x1U_v4WVPmGLFuC7PXRg88f2jQW3Cl3tKJEP8xo4/edit?usp=sharing

  • Naming (branding) of Alma/Primo VE
    Nancy suggested that it would be helpful to have some recommendations for what we call Primo VE SUNY-wide and what we name some labels, specifically the Institutional Facet.  The group agreed.  Michelle will create a list of label names to review.  Nancy noted that even if we don’t have a suggestion for a label or name, we can recommend that we think that there should be a common label for a specific thing, such as SUNY resource sharing. 

  • Alma/Primo training check in
    The group briefly discussed what additional roles, outside of the Discovery, a person may need to have in order to be able to update and configure Primo.  E.g. changing labels may be done in fulfillment.  There is probably some documentation already on this.  We will add this to the FAQ.  Several group members will be attending the in-person training in Syracuse Dec 10-14. We’ll be in touch if there’s a need to do a short Primo demo at this training. The ERM group is working on a recommendation for license display in Primo and they’ll send it to us for review. We also discussed finding/creating documentation about how to edit all aspects of the Primo config, i.e., how to change label names, how to change colors, etc.

  • Meeting schedule
    Next meeting is scheduled for 1pm, December 7.