Agenda & minutes for 11/15 post-kick-off meeting

Nancy Babb (UBuffalo)
Nancy Babb (UBuffalo)
Last updated 
  • SUNY PCI's being copied to CDI's Sunday, 11/17
  • When to start testing: Tues 11/19?
  • What to test - our questions plus EL script, move reports, testing activation, user experience
  • How to test: To search CDI instead of PC, add the following string at the end of the search: ‘&searchCDI=true’; should we set deadlines? how should we organize testing?
  • Set schedule for follow-up meeting(s)
  • With campuses: presentation - what to expect, what to do if you need to activate/deactivate during test, how we'll report findings
  • With EL: Basecamp

cditf_notes_20191115.docx 16.5 KB Download

SUNY CDI Task Force
Post kick-off meeting 11/15/2019
Participants:  Michelle Eichelberger, Nancy Babb, Amanda Hollister, Rebecca Nous, Jennifer Parker, Noah Roth, Shannon Pritting


Michelle has shared a brief (10 minute) introductory webinar on the SUNY/SLC HQ Basecamp and scheduled a Q & A session for Monday, 11/18, at 2:00.

The group discussed what and how to advise our SUNY colleagues about the CDI, changes that they’ll see in Alma starting Monday, and what they need to know about the CDI during the testing period.

Campuses will need to know that:

1.       Regular, routine electronic resources work in Alma can continue normally; no need to make any changes nor pay attention to the new CDI-related fields and functions. 
2.       Any work that would be done in the PCI (i.e. by explicitly going to the separate Central Index platform and making changes) will need to also be done in the CDI if it is to carry over after go-live, so campuses may wish to wait to make these changes.
3.       New collections activated in Alma will automatically be activated in the CDI (unlike the PCI, which requires separate activations).

TO DO: The task force will draft and approve a summary to share on SUNY Basecamp about 
 Suggested starting text (Amanda):

·         If you make changes in the PCI, you need to make these changes as well in Alma.
·         If you are activating a new electronic collection in Alma, be aware that any new collection turned on is automatically turned on for search.

The Task Force will be reviewing and testing CDI settings in Alma during the testing period and will create and share guidelines with SUNY.


·         SUNY PCI's being copied to CDI's Sunday, 11/17
·         When to start testing: Tues 11/19 and what to test
o   We may be able to start reviewing the Move report as early as Monday, although full data move/update won’t be available for testing in Primo until Tuesday or later
o   Each test institution can look at a small sample from the Move report to see if there are any immediate problems or issues that need to be reported to Ex Libris before more extensive testing can begin.
o   We hope that some of the problems cases may be able to be incorporated into the different phases of testing; for example, use a known problem database as one of the test targets.
o   Open Access collections may be good collections for testing CDI settings
o   We will continue to use and add to the collaborative SUNY CDI Questions document to supplement Ex Libris Early Access Checklist for testing.
o   Testing will include our questions plus EL script, move reports, testing activation, user experience.
·         Testing timeline/plan
 We will focus on the Ex Libris Checklist’s 3 phases of testing on the following schedule:
o   Part 1. Checking the Primo Central to Alma move:
 Week 1, November 18-November 22
o   Part 2. Familiarization with Alma Single Activation workflows and new UI features:
 Week 2, November 25-November 29 (note: includes holidays)
o   Part 3. Testing CDI searching and full text availability functionality in Primo VE:
 Focus beginning Week 3 and continuing throughout remaining test period
·         How to test in Primo: To search CDI instead of PC, add the following string at the end of the search: ‘&searchCDI=true’
·         The group agreed that weekly standing meetings will be a good idea, first to get testing under way and then to provide opportunity for trouble-shooting and sharing any problems. We will plan to meet on Fridays at 10:00 am. 
Update: Michelle has scheduled standing meetings through December 20. The same Zoom settings can be used each time. 


·         Within the Task Force: the group agreed that a collaborative Google document to track testing would be helpful.
Update: Michelle has created and shared a Google Doc at: 
·         With campuses: Michelle has already begun communication with campuses on Basecamp with introductory presentation and upcoming Q & A. The Task Force will continue to share regular information and updates on SUNY Basecamp. We may consider weekly updates about testing progress, especially as issues of interest arise. After testing is underway and we can make any recommendations, we will share a larger report.
 SUNY is reaching out to the managed campuses who have extended support agreements to let them know that support and guidance will be provided to them for all aspects of the CDI, including the transition. The Task Force will help document the work flows and processes needed for all campuses.
·         With EL: We will participate on the CDI Basecamp set up by Ex Libris. We are not sure whether the primary purpose of the Basecamp is for Ex Libris to share info with us or for us to share feedback with Ex Libris.