Product Requirements (MVP)

Charles Dairo
Charles Dairo


The MVP (minimum/minimally viable product) will contain the most basic features and functionality to validate the following hypotheses:
  • this product solves an important-enough problem for users (check adoption)
  • users will love the product (check usage and feedback)
  • users will use the product consistently (check retention)
  • users will be willing to pay for additional features (check feature requests)


Types of users
  • Business Manager: The person who is using Beezop to manage processes.
  • Viewer: Anyone that clicks on a shared link to a process
  • Admin: Someone from the Beezop team that can view information about, and oversee activities of Business Managers on the app.


  • Process: A recurring activity that is part of the operations of a business. A process contains steps.
  • Step: A single action to be carried out in a process.
  • Category: A group of processes.

Business Manager Requirements

1. Create My Account
  • I can create my account via email address and password
  • I can complete my account setup by entering my name, company and job title
2. Manage processes
  • I can create new processes
  • I can see all processes (those I created or those that were preloaded by admin)
  • I can search for a process
  • I can edit a process (rename, set category)
  • I can delete a process
3. Manage categories
  • I can create a category for processes
  • I can rename a category
  • I can delete a category
4. Manage the steps within processes
  • I can add steps to a process
  • I can modify the order of the steps
  • I can rename a step
  • I can add or change a step's description
  • I can attach documents to a step (.doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, and .pdf)
  • I can delete a step
4. Run a process
  • I select which process I want to run
  • System prompts the first step in the process
  • Once I check the step as completed, system prompts next step in the process
  • The process continues until I check the last step in the process
  • I can see the details of a process
  • I can download any document attached to a process
  • I can see my level of completion so far in a process
  • If I leave a process before completing, I can come back to continue
  • Once completed, I see a notification that I am done with the process
  • I can restart a process
5. Share processes
  • I can choose to a category to share
  • I can unselect process I don't want to share in the category
  • On clicking on a button, system generates a public link
  • I can copy the public link
  • I can deactivate a link
5. Manage my account
  • I can update my profile and business information
  • I can view and delete my payment method
  • I can change my password
  • I can sign out
  • I can cancel my account
6. Pay for Beezop
  • I can see how many days I have in my trial period
  • I can choose from the available payment plans (annual and monthly)
  • I can pay via Paystack
7. Get back into the app
  • I can sign in via email and password
  • I can reset my password if forgotten
  • System sends me a link to reset the password
8. Access website pages
  • Home page
  • Support page
  • Terms of Use page
  • Privacy Policy page

Admin Requirements

1. View Metrics
  • I can see number of businesses
  • I can see number of processes completed
2. View Users
  • See list of users (name, business name, and email)
3. Manage Processes
  • Create processes to be preloaded into the app
  • Edit these preloaded processes

Viewer Requirements

1. View processes
  • I can see all processes in the shared category
2. Run a process
  • I select which process I want to run
  • System prompts the first step in the process
  • Once I check the step as completed, system prompts next step in the process
  • The process continues until I check the last step in the process
  • I can see the details of a process
  • I can download any document attached to a process
  • I can see my level of completion so far in a process
  • If I leave a process before completing, I can come back to continue
  • Once completed, I see a notification that I am done with the process
  • I can restart a process