00:06:39 Angela Rhodes she/her: Yes 00:19:12 Michelle Eichelberger: https://github.com/jrdise/alma-analytics-datatables 00:20:03 Michelle Eichelberger: if you don't have libguides CMS you can add this code at the top of your asset 00:20:32 Michelle Eichelberger: there's a ton of code but this really is just cut and paste 00:24:16 S. Slivan: this is ❤️‍🔥 ! 00:24:34 Michelle Eichelberger: Replying to "this is ❤️‍🔥 !" Right? This is a game changer! 00:24:41 Nancy Babb (UBuffalo): Reacted to "there's a ton of cod..." with 👍 00:24:45 Nancy Babb (UBuffalo): Reacted to "this is ❤️‍🔥 !" with 💯 00:24:50 Nancy Babb (UBuffalo): Reacted to "Right? This is a gam..." with ❤️ 00:25:36 Cynthia L Koman: Can the report be updated in real time or is a statistic report that does not change? 00:26:02 Michelle Eichelberger: it updates in real time, except for the expected overnight update lag 00:26:24 Cynthia L Koman: ok - that's what I thought - just wanted to check - Thanks! 00:26:24 Michelle Eichelberger: it couldn't show you current check-outs 00:26:46 Cynthia L Koman: Reacted to "it couldn't show you..." with 👍 00:28:34 S. Slivan: how complicated would it be to code in a show/hide function for columns? 00:29:43 S. Slivan: so basically you tell DataTables what you want and it does the code for you 00:31:22 Michelle Eichelberger: the only area that isn't current is the Titles area, so I'd use physical items if you wanted something like new titles 00:31:32 Nancy Babb (UBuffalo): It is super cool! 00:38:25 Angela Rhodes she/her: This was awesome, thank you 00:39:22 Nancy Babb (UBuffalo): Just curious -- How easy/hard would it be for a user to add code from the datatables.net site to add functionality, like showing/hiding columns? Ex: https://datatables.net/examples/api/show_hide.html 00:42:05 Susan Davis (UB): Thank you!! Great presentation! 00:42:05 Nancy Babb (UBuffalo): Thanks so much, Michelle & Justin! 00:42:07 Violet Price: Thank you.