00:32:35 Nancy Babb (UBuffalo): Yay, Esta and Susan! 00:32:37 Nancy Babb (UBuffalo): Cheers! 00:32:45 Esta Tovstiadi: Hello everyone! 00:33:01 Susan Perry: Hi! Thanks! 00:39:12 Heidi Webb (Upstate): if we are seeing the remnants, can we send a request in? 01:02:56 lana_bittman: Will there be an online/web version for the Analytics training? 01:03:49 Shannon Pritting: @lana--we don't plan on doing an exact online equivalent for the in-person training. It would just be too difficult to make work online 01:04:13 lana_bittman: got it, thanks Shannon 01:06:49 jenniferkoerber: @lana - Agreed with what Shannon says. The basic training on using search to find data and running existing reports is easy to do online, but assembling analyses in Analytics is very complex. 01:07:16 jenniferkoerber: And requires hands-on work in the moment. 01:08:15 jenniferkoerber: Apologies - I forgot to remove that highlighting. It’s unintentional. 01:08:54 emcgrath: All activities will be on SUNY/SLC Basecamp schedule? 01:09:25 JANETTE ROZENE: Can you also offer a downstate Analytics training date? 01:09:55 Rebecca | SUNY Polytechnic: Is the "Institutional Leads" Basecamp still relevant? 01:10:45 Rebecca | SUNY Polytechnic: SUNY SLC Headquarters also? 01:12:58 jenniferkoerber: Congrats all!