Agenda items
- Recruiting new WG members:
- form - the group approved the draft form for use;
- communication plan:
How to publicize? post to SUNY Basecamp; SUNYLA listserv; SLC listserv -- Nancy will post on behalf of Discovery WG;
Text for message: will draft and share in Discovery WG Basecamp; suggest: include note about Vice Chair opportunity - FYI: SLC Working Group and Task Force Policies and Procedures
- timeline for recruitment
Completion of text for message: Wednesday, August 26
Goal for distribution: Friday, August 28
Deadline for form: September 18
Request/recommendation to Advisory Board by end of September -
Sandbox testing script
- Spreadsheet (Google Sheets) for testing - one tab for each month:
TO DO: Michelle will set up an initial sheet with the SLSS Google account (done!) and the members of the Discovery WG will collaborate on incorporating draft script items into the sheet - Question: Who can do this testing? Michelle will do some; can the Discovery WG also participate? The group agreed that this testing would be good to include as part of our regular activities and discussions.
- Note: Michelle regularly shares alerts about upcoming Releases and their impact; the WG will also consider new releases in regular testing/discussions.
- Spreadsheet (Google Sheets) for testing - one tab for each month:
- Follow-up on ongoing issues
- Change in linking behavior in CDI records: Link-in-record collections are no longer favored exclusively over Link resolver collections; Ex Libris current configuration prefers Link Resolver links over Link-in-Record if the Link-in-Record are open access/free -- Link-in-Record are still given precedence over Link Resolver if they are not free. Michelle reports that this change seems to have solved many outstanding linking problems, with a number of tickets now closed.
- Nancy reported that UBuffalo continues to document and work with Ex Libris on problems with incoming OpenURL searches, with extensive lag and mis-load of the resulting services page in Primo VE. It seems to be related to the sequence in which different parts of the Primo VE page are loading. Other campuses are experiencing similar lags with page load in Primo VE, not necessarily just with OpenURL searches. This may be related to CDI; we will continue to monitor, document, and report.