Agenda and Minutes for 1/3/20 Meeting

Nancy Babb (UBuffalo)
Nancy Babb (UBuffalo)
Last updated 


Review outstanding CDI questions in preparation for Monday meeting (January 8, 12:00 pm) with EL. Shannon, Nancy, and Michelle are meeting with Christine, Ahuva, and Lieve


Participants: Michelle, Nancy, Jen, Amanda, Shannon
Two primary issues:
  1. Review of questions for Ex Libris meeting next week (see below)
  2. Discussion of criteria for accepting CDI as "good enough" for go-live: what are make or break issues?
The group identified some issues that would prevent going live:
  • Ability to suppress collections from Primo VE (slated for fix with this weekend's update)
  • Availability status issues (slated for fix with this weekend's update)
  • Problems with local collection availability, as identified/documented by Jill
  • Signing in to system and accessing resources (note: full personalization slated for later release)
The group also identified some second tier issues we'd like to know will be addressed in near future, although they would not prevent go-live (i.e. could be managed locally until fixed):
  • Facet problems, such as mismatch between facet types, unfriendly display/terminology
  • Persistence of database records from NZ activations
  • Newspaper results included in Primo despite being turned off in configuration
Issues that will need to be explained to and documented for campuses:
  • Differences between "filtered" and "expanded" searching
  • Difference between "fully flexible" and "easy active" -- what and how much can actually be controlled?
  • What will be different in CDI than PCI search results, such as:
    • inclusion of reference entries and book chapters; 
    • searching full text of collections rather an metadata; 
    • inclusion of Open Access resources, ex: HathiTrust by default
  • What are any clean up jobs that the campuses will need to do?
Additional outstanding issues for testing:
  • How much of local problems were due to subscriptions not being set as "selective" when they should have been? Need to test and see if fixed.
  • Deboosting by resource type: this seemed to work with PCI but not yet with CDI.
  • Link to known issues identified by Ex Libris: "List of open developments and open issues" post in Basecamp
  • What is slated for February release?
Question: When can we test after this weekend's update:
Answer: We will ask Ex Libris to post an alert in the CDI Early Access Group Basecamp when it is "safe" to start testing, when all updates should be completed and availability cycle done, etc.
Question: Is there anything we can do to make it easier for campuses to be aware of collection activations, their impact, and any clean up needed -- especially if there is further delay for go-live?
Answer: Shannon suggests that we could ask Ex Libris if they can provide reports on PCI activations since CDI migration, so that changes can be reconciled.
  • Michelle and Nancy will finalize list of questions and share with Ex Libris today, in preparation for Monday's meeting
  • Michelle and Nancy will share "List of open developments and open issues" with Ex Libris today, asking for updates at Monday's meeting
  • Next CDI Task Force meeting:  Wednesday, January 8, 2:30 pm
  • Update to SUNY campuses on Basecamp on current status of CDI: Wednesday, January 8 (after Task Force meeting)
  • CDI Task Force meeting to decide if go-live can happen on MLK Day weekend: Friday, January 10, 10:00 am

Questions for meeting with Ex Libris:

Activation Types EasyActive vs. Fully Flexible

  • If all of SUNY has to go live the same way, I guess we’re going Fully Flexible? [this is something that we could discuss with the Task Force and maybe not with EL.]


  • Waiting to hear back from EL regarding whether or not we can really control searching. If are our IZ search activations are in addition to what’s the Central Index, then why are we adding things separately if everything's already in the Central Index? Are the IZ "active for search in CDI" only (not full-text AND active for search) activations really only for turning off pieces of the central index that you don't want to use for expanded? 
  • Can we tell if some collections are being searched in full text and some just metadata records and if we have any choice/control over that?
  • Can you search local collections? And see question about local collection availability and fulfillment.
  • We'll need to test this after 1/5 "fix"
  • How does availability and fulfillment work for local collections? Will they show as results for article-level searching as they currently do in PCI searching? Or is there no indexing for local collections and they won’t match on ISSNs?
  • Why are some available things showing as available and then when you open the full record, the link is either missing or doesn’t work?
  • Will the Alma and CDI facets match up? Or will we still have Alma e-Books in Books while CDI eBook records show as eBooks? Also, video vs. videos.
  • Facet numbers inaccurate
    eBook Collections:
  • Can we replicate current PCI practices where we can search the Alma bib record (title, author, etc.) for eBook collections but not search by article/reference entry? Seems like it’s all searching or no searching in CDI.