00:33:24 Yvonne Kester: Excellent slides! 00:43:57 Yvonne Kester: ❤️ 00:49:35 Maureen Clements: To illustrate how often headlines change for news articles - there's a twitter account called EditingTheGrayLady which tracks the different headline and abstract changes at the NY Times - @nyt_diff. 00:52:12 Alana Nuth: Very helpful! Thank you! 00:52:12 Maureen Clements: Thank you both! 00:52:15 John Thomas - Jeff. C.C.: Thanks! 00:52:15 Yvonne Kester: As always, great work! Thanks! 00:52:21 Morgan Bond | Oswego: Great session!! Thank you so much!! 00:52:22 Joe Riggie | Buffalo State: thanks! 00:52:22 Violet Price: Thank you. 00:52:24 Jill Locascio: Thank you for this!