Agenda & Minutes:
- Any action items from last month? old businesses?
_Need Help Test Reports_ folder created under Consortia - SUNY [KL] placed the LARS folder as an example of copying reports into this test folder.
- AWG webinar scheduled next Wed 8/12 11am [GP KL]
Because of the new updates from ExL,
Oracle-in-memory implemented to all Alma instances
OAS upgrade, SUNY is scheduled for the Q4, so by Oct 1st, all SUNYs should have their backup done by then.
Backups: My Folder copied under Institution Shared Folder
- KL & GP working on the topics/content for 8/12 webinar, call for volunteers
This is the work of the AWG
Anyone can access this slides to collect/share ideas or as a draft.
- Consortia and 01SUNY folders de-dup updates [GP]
this work will take some times to completely delete all the inst 01SUNY stuffwill show people how not to use these reports how to navigate to the Consortia folder
- Will we discourage people from adding reports to certain folders?
show in the webinar, also follow up with a BC post
need to have a process?
create a specific folder (submit for approval) that AWG will need to vet the report before putting it into the functional areas - Kabel will write up a process and share with WG, meant to share in the webinar.
Need to explore the permission in the shared report folder, find out if we can restrict the access to certain folders in the Community folder area - the WG members to explore and report back next month Sept meeting
- What about Primo Analytics? There is a different community folder for Primo.
Primo Analytics is more for the usage in Primo itself, e.g. user behaviors
AWG will discuss further in the next meeting
Call for new members:
assessment person, people interested in Primo analytics, other library staff members not previously involved in the Aleph-Alma migration project