April LCC2 Newsletter

Katie Johnson
Katie Johnson

LCC2 Newsletter
April 2024

Hello LCC2 Community!

Many LCC2 institutions are wrapping up the academic year and celebration (along with exhaustion) is in the air. LCC2 has a lot to celebrate! There is huge momentum after our March in-person meeting, with many collaborative efforts currently developing proposals. Over the last month, Katie Johnson, LCC2 Network Director, visited Fisk University, the University of New Mexico, and Fort Lewis College, to connect and learn about institutional group progress. Below are some highlights.

Fisk University undergraduate student peer mentors in an advanced-level computer science course (CSCI 390) taught by Sajid Hussian (second from left) and Firdous Kausar (not pictured). This course prepares peer mentors to support students in a non-majors introductory computer science (CSCI 100). This initiative is part of the Fisk University Tech Promise and funded by institutional HHMI funds.
At the University of New Mexico, the team of (left to right) Sophie LaBorwit, Donna Lopez, Assata Zerai, Julia So, Dannelle Kirven, and Mariann Skahan is working to ensure the success of the HHMI-funded Mentoring Black Students’ Academic Excellence program.

Fort Lewis College HHMI Core Team, (left to right) Joslynn Lee, Keisha Carlson, Sherri Spriggs, and Joanna Casey are funding opportunities for educators on their campus to create more inclusive classrooms.


Announcements & Reminders

Proposal/Rubric Review Session - Thursday, May 2
noon-2 pm ET/11 am-1 pm CT/10 am-noon MT/9 am-11 am PT/8 am-10 am AT
Katie Johnson will be available to provide proposal review and explanation of the rubric.

Extended Deadline for the Flexible Funding Call for Proposals - Sunday, May 5
Proposals will now be accepted until Sunday, May 5, 2024, 11:59 pm AKT. Please see this document for details about the proposal requirements and the rubric for an explanation of the proposal evaluation. ALL proposals should be submitted to the shared LCC2 Google Drive folder under the appropriate category no later than Sunday, May 5, 2024, 11:59 pm AKT.If you are working on a proposal, please list it on this spreadsheet

All-LCC2 Quarterly Virtual Meeting - Tuesday, May 14
2 pm ET/1 pm CT/noon MT/11 am PT/10 am AT
This hour-long meeting will be the first virtual meeting in our new all-LCC2 quarterly meeting format. The Design Team invites all LCC2 community members to attend. We hope to use this meeting to continue to build on the momentum of the in-person meeting, and an agenda will be provided closer to the date.
Zoom Link: https://xavier.zoom.us/j/98932673292?pwd=Y1lldm9TZDVIbHRZOFBJVGdsQ2lsQT09&from=addon

Project Proposal Reviews Due - Friday, May 17, 11:59 AT
All project team members will be contacted with instructions for reviewing proposals submitted to their respective project team. Please update your project team membership in the LCC2 contacts information sheet. We are requesting that each institution designate at least one person to each project team. 
Quarterly Project Team Meetings
These meetings are the first in a shift to quarterly project team meetings. Project Teams will use this time to conduct the final review of proposals. For those unable to attend, please feel free to send another representative from your institution and remember to submit your forthcoming proposal reviews so they can be considered during the conversation. 
Professional Development Project Team Quarterly Meeting - Wednesday, May 22
1:30 pm ET/12:30 pm CT/11:30 am MT/10:30 am PT/9:30 am AT
Peer-to-peer Project Team Quarterly Meeting - Wednesday, May 22
3 pm ET/2 pm CT/1 pm MT/noon PT/11 am AT

Curriculum Project Team Quarterly Meeting - Thursday, May 23
1 pm ET/1 pm CT/noon MT/11 am PT/10 am AT

LCC2 Name Change - Suggestions and Voting Extended to Friday, May 31
To better communicate the work we do, on both our own campuses and externally, the Design Team has proposed that the LCC2 community choose our own name. Our community has made substantial effort to develop a functioning network, and it is the right moment to take ownership of our work with a name that is our own. Through May 31, please submit name suggestions and upvote those you like through this slido poll. (You can also access the poll at slido.com, and enter the code #Identity.) The Design Team will follow-up this brainstorming stage with a selection phase, including a gradients of agreement institutional vote. 

LCC2 Leadership Transition Working Group - Self-Nomination Extended to Friday, May 31
Power sharing is a central LCC2 principle for equity and inclusion. If you would like to be part of the leadership change conversations or be considered for future leadership positions, please sign-up to be a member of the leadership transition working group using this link through May 31. All working group participants will be contacted in early June with more details and group scheduling information. We anticipate this working group will require a total of 3-5 hours of commitment in June. If members of this group are elected to the new leadership team for the 2024-25 academic year, compensation will be available, pending funding approval. 


LCC2 Celebrates the University of Iowa Center for Teaching Collaboration with Students
The University of Iowa Center for Teaching is expanding the evidence-based practice of pedagogical partnerships as a result of securing LCC2 flexible funding in collaboration with Xavier University. The Students as Partners Program at the University of Iowa pairs instructors with 1-2 undergraduate students to provide valuable feedback and insights from a student's perspective to promote inclusive and equitable learning environments. These students, not necessarily enrolled in the course, offer unique perspectives on the instructor's teaching methods and course structure, helping instructors reflect on potential assumptions about student experiences with the course material. Additionally, practicum students have the opportunity to engage with this initiative as well.

Alie Holmes is one such Gender Women’s & Sexuality Studies practicum student who works to foster an inclusive environment and enhance student success. Engaged in a Practicum course with the Center for Teaching, she collaborates on projects that emphasize student-centered content, including mental health strategies, facilitating inclusive classroom discussions, and helping to organize a keynote and maker space featuring pedagogical partnerships expert Dr. Alison Cook-Sather. Alie is leveraging her interdisciplinary background in Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies values the practicum's transformative impact on her understanding of curriculum development and pedagogy. She hopes the "Students as Partners" initiative will continue to evolve and positively influence student development in the future.
Alie Holmes

Krushi Patel, a neuroscience major on a pre-med track at the University of Iowa, actively participates in the Students as Pedagogical Partners program. She is currently observing an introductory chemistry course, providing feedback to the instructor about the course instruction style, transparency, and design as it relates to inclusive learning and reducing barriers in STEM courses. Krushi's unique perspective as an external student enables her to focus on instructional methods, identifying and addressing challenges in the course instruction or interactions among students. For example, she noticed an opportunity  with group dynamics in discussions, where power dynamics affected the balance and equality of contributions. She suggested implementing team-building exercises to foster relationships among diverse students and enhancing group interactions, aimed at eliminating connection barriers and promoting equal participation in discussions. Krushi believes the program has a lot of potential in amplifying student voices and promoting student-centered education.
Krushi Patel

Are you interested in learning more about pedagogical partnerships with students? The LCC2 June Makerspace will provide more information and the opportunity to gather feedback on your ideas. 

If you have celebrations to share please email LCC2 Network Director, Katie Johnson (johnsonk102@xavier.edu).



Carnegie Math Pathways is an open educational resource to support mathematics educators, including comprehensive textbooks, interactive online modules, practice exercises, and engaging instructional materials. This resource eliminates financial obstacles to quality online math teaching resources.

Are there resources you would recommend to the members of LCC2? Please email them to Katie Johnson (johnsonk102@xavier.edu) to be included in the next newsletter. 


Team Updates

If you are interested in becoming involved with any of the LCC2 teams, please feel free to reachout to team leads and indicate your interest on the contacts information sheet.

Budget Team, Lead: Gary Lewandowski, Xavier University

Next Meeting: After proposal reviews.
Current Work: Looking forward to funding proposal review.
Thinking About: Collaboration with the Design Team.

Curriculum Project Team, Lead: John Tansey, Otterbein University

Professional Development Project Team Quarterly Meeting - Wednesday, May 22
1:30 pm ET/12:30 pm CT/11:30 am MT/10:30 am PT/9:30 am AT

Current Work: Developing and reviewing funding proposals. 
Thinking About: Supporting continued collaboration of institutions pursuing curriculum development.

Peer-to-Peer Student Connections Project Team, Lead: Rachael Hannah, University of Alaska Anchorage

Peer-to-peer Project Team Quarterly Meeting - Wednesday, May 22
3 pm ET/2 pm CT/1 pm MT/noon PT/11 am AT

Current Work:
Thinking About: 
  • Supporting collaborative work and what data will be needed to deliver meaningful interventions in the current work. 

Professional Development Project Team, Lead: Jen Uno, Elon University

Professional Development Project Team Quarterly Meeting - Wednesday, May 22
1:30 pm ET/12:30 pm CT/11:30 am MT/10:30 am PT/9:30 am AT

Current Work: Developing and reviewing funding proposals. 
Thinking About: Supporting continued collaboration among institutions pursuing professional development opportunities. 

Research Team, Lead: Renée Cole, University of Iowa

This group serves as the evaluation team for LCC2, and it is newly separated from the Assessment Team, as originally intended in the HHMI joint proposal. It is currently developing a meeting schedule and strategy. 

Assessment Team, Lead: Katie Johnson, LCC2 Network Director

Next Meetings: Every other Friday, noon ET/11 am CT/10 am MT/9 am PT/8 am AT

Current Work: Official split from the LCC2 Research Team. The Assessment Team is now solely focused on working with institutions and cross-institution collaborations on their assessment plans and strategies. We are currently finalizing summer Ascend training and a community of practice for the fall.
Thinking About: Preparing for the new Assessment Team members joining the group after proposals are funded. 

Design Team, Lead: Rich Gurney, Simmons University

Meetings every Tuesday at 3 pm ET/2 pm CT/1 pm MT/noon PT/11 am AT.

Current Work: Designing leadership transition plan.
Thinking About: Virtual all-LCC2 May meetings. Onboarding new Design Team.