Leader Training Quick Start Handout.pdf Notes: One pager with links for big rock training sessions to send to leaders.
Upcoming Range Sports Training Opportunities for NCAC Scouters.pdf Notes: Shooting sports training activities! Lets get some more certified instructors in the district!
USA Archery Course Flyer 04012023.pdf Notes: Flyer for NCAC's April 1 USA Archery Level 1 Instructor Practical course at Camp Snyder. The USAA on-line prerequisite module costs $40, the 4-hour...
Subscribe to the OE newsletter flier with QR code.pdf Notes: Subscribe to our NCAC Outdoor Ethics NewsletterThis is the very best way to learn about upcoming outdoor ethics courses we're hosting for you in NC...
flier for OE Guide 2023 courses.pdf Notes: Course for Outdoor Ethics Guides, in personWe all know about the Outdoor Ethics Guide position and have seen the Handbook, but how do you operation...
flier for OEO 2023 courses with QR codes.pdf Notes: Outdoor Ethics Orientation courses -in-person in Brandywine, MDThe goal of this 90-minute course is to introduce the concept of Outdoor Ethics in a...
LNTTrainer2023 with QR codes.pdf Notes: BSA Leave No Trace Trainer Course - Outdoor EthicsFrom a Cub Scout’s first hike in a local park to the thrill of our High Adventure bases, from our...