🚨 Job Announcement
Post-doc in hydrology and erosion modeling, USDA-ARS - Tucson, Arizona
Jason Williams
The USDA Agricultural Research Service, Southwest Watershed Research Center is seeking applicants for a post-doctoral position focused on hydrologic and erosion modeling and enhanced infiltration parametrization for modeling of rangelands, woodlands, and dry forests. The incumbent will use existing data to develop (1) model frameworks for predicting runoff and erosion processes on woodlands following disturbances and management actions, (2) improved quantitative understanding of infiltration/runoff/erosion relationships across diverse landscapes/conditions, and (3) new approaches to integrate infiltrometer and other datasets into infiltration parameterization for various models.
EXPECTED RESULTS: Respective advances will enhance/improve modeling capabilities for a suite of models and thereby provide improved decision-support tools for assessing hydrologic function and erosion rates, predicting responses to conservation practices, and guiding respective management on rangelands, woodlands, and forests.
EXPECTED RESULTS: Respective advances will enhance/improve modeling capabilities for a suite of models and thereby provide improved decision-support tools for assessing hydrologic function and erosion rates, predicting responses to conservation practices, and guiding respective management on rangelands, woodlands, and forests.
REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must have a PhD in Hydrology, Water Resources, Data Science, or related field by appointment start date. The successful candidate will have evidence of: (1) experience in hillslope and/or watershed hydrologic and erosion processes and/or modeling, (2) experience in interpreting and quantitatively evaluating hydrologic data and model inputs and outputs, and (3) a demonstrated ability to publish research in appropriate outlets. US Citizenship is required.
APPOINTMENT: The position will be hired at the level of Postdoctoral Research Associate (Research Hydrologist, Term GS-11) for a period not to exceed 2 yr.
APPOINTMENT: The position will be hired at the level of Postdoctoral Research Associate (Research Hydrologist, Term GS-11) for a period not to exceed 2 yr.
TO APPLY: Interested individuals should contact Dr. Jason Williams, Research Hydrologist, (jason.williams@usda.gov) by sending a very brief description of interest and a CV by 15 Feb 2024.