October 8, 2024 Meeting Notes

Steve Mickley
Steve Mickley
Last updated 
Meeting attendees: Steve Mickley, Jeff Frey, Dennis Fletcher

Steve addressed the Housing 2.0 communication. Since he has not heard back, we decided to begin filling Myrtle Beach education hours. 

What we have decided so far is that we will have three hours of Business presentations: how to come up with pricing, how to manage workflow, and how to get the right clients for your company. Each will be one hour.

We will also do 3 hours of design as follows: How to do a client interview (Based on interview questions in "designer docs"), how to do your due diligence, and possibly have someone sketch out a design based on someone from the audience's answers.

The schedule could include the following: how to find the right client, how to come up with pricing, the client interview, how to do your due diligence, Sketching the design, and managing workflow.

No final decisions have been made.

Jeff will get David Druzail to send over his proposal so we can present it to the conference committee and get him on the schedule for the Ashville conference.

We still have 60 design ideas in 60 seconds that we can add. We need to find presenters.

We spoke about Tuesdays at 2:00 and what we need based on what members said they are interested.

Members want to see how other members do things instead of being taught how to do things.

We need to start finding presenters each Tuesday at 2:00 and develop a topic. (The certification handbook, Page 39, has 144 topics to choose from.)

I wrote a to-do for each education committee member to help write an email we can send out every month with a couple of topics someone can take.