- Bat survey due about now. We need to know what the council needs from the eco survey but the principle is that they (subject to confirmation) will make a statement to the effect that no bats are in residence and that there is no need for the dwelling. For
- Noticeboard fitting. Agreed in principle but with the "postbox" area being potentially handed back from MF to BDWH it would no longer be on MF land and will require a separate approval process so another site may be better.
- The damaged wall at the postbox has been inspected and shown to be built incorrectly. BDWH have been given until the end of the month to reply to MF before that area will be rejected by MF and handed back to BDWH. The wall potentially represents a health and safety hazard, and this is the basis that FHVRA would approach BDWH in order to get a fix. There is some history of faulty walls around the village and it also seems there may be issues still outstanding. We will chase this up again in June.
- Roundabout / turn-around area on FHR: the road is loose, slipping and spoiled - therefore unlikely to be handed over as the council would not adopt. It for SR and nearby residents to raise the issue with BDWH.
- Fence posts rotted behind Camlet Court (high side). MF have taken photos and escalated it to BDWH as they try to establish ownership and responsibility.
- We discussed the potential addition of a marked-out football field and goalposts on the top section of the upper park. Subject to grant award, and with a bit of re-jigging of the work schedule for Elite this is likely to be delivered this year.