00:10:53 Maureen Clements: Against the Grain? 00:12:31 Yvonne Kester: 👏🏼 00:16:38 Katherine Brent: Binghamton is a Google campus (as opposed to a Microsoft campus), right? 00:16:54 Jeff Goldstein: Yes 00:17:45 Jill Kehoe: How did you handle duplicate barcodes? They were such a headache for us when we inventoried. 00:18:31 Jill Kehoe: Lucky 00:31:11 David Schuster: One thing is to watch the collection location - if they come up those would be ones to check in Alma and the "other location" to see if the title has the same barcode- and the title it is attached to. Does Alma allow you to have multiple barcodes attached to different things? I've not played with that... 00:33:41 Steve Frisbee: Does inconsistency in call number format - LB1521 versus LB 1521 (space or no space) - affect other parts to the inventory process? 00:34:17 Jeff Goldstein: It does not, ours are all over the place like that 00:34:30 Steve Frisbee: Thank you Jeff! 00:34:39 David Schuster: It does a normalization of the call number so upper/lower case doesn't matter either. 00:39:19 Emily Goodspeed: SUNY Adk will do inventory this summer 00:39:23 David Schuster: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_mZhGvo2OUxbc0mRDWELfX2lCIssgXwMTqx_prANw2k/edit?usp=sharing 00:39:36 Michelle Beechey: Monroe will be inventorying this summer too! 00:39:38 Emily Goodspeed: Fab 4! 00:39:48 Yvonne Kester: Reacted to "Fab 4!" with ❤️ 00:39:50 Emily Goodspeed: yup :) 00:40:04 jcrandall: we ran an inventory using student workers this past fall and spring semester. 00:40:16 Maureen Clements: Thank you!!! Great session 00:40:17 David Schuster: Replying to "we ran an inventory ..." Any tips? 00:40:27 Yvonne Kester: Thank you David, Jeff, and Cori! 00:40:33 Lauren Jackson-Beck (she, her, hers) SUNY Potsdam: Thank you! This has been very interesting! I enjoy this series. 00:40:39 Catherine Stollar Peters: Reacted to "https://docs.google...." with 👍