Product page A/B test results

Nick Boyce
Nick Boyce
As you'll know, we've been testing a new version of the product page over the last few weeks. We’ve now declared the new page a winner, and are working to set it as default for all customers. Hooray!

The key metrics we’ve looked at are the following:
  • Add to carts – increased by 13% (at 100% statistical significance)
  • Conversion rate – 6% improvement
  • Customers buying default framed product – up 14% (more on this below)
  • Framing percentage – up 4% to 45%
  • Average unit value – no change
  • Bounce/exit rate – no change
There have been some interesting changes as a result of removing customisation from the page:
  • Although 14% more customers bought the default framed product, this represents only 16% of products overall
  • 56% of PODs were sold small (up from 49%)
This helps us build a case for defaulting to large PODs, which we will look at next.

Other notes: