
Jurgen Koch
Jurgen Koch
Last updated 

The overall scene goal is to create a floor covered in LEGO bricks that can be effected by forces, guiding the movement of designated bricks to fill in or form shapes or type. 


Currently, the dynamics fail to settle, which is proving to be the biggest obstacle in creating a floor of objects.


The current objects (3) have been remeshed to help with previews as low-poly proxies. 

Any advice is appreciated!

bricks_250227_01.c4d 1.12 MB Download

image.png 1.02 MB View full-size Download

frame.png 1.04 MB View full-size Download

Reference links:

  1. Rings of Power intro
  2. Lego Bag simulation
  3. Particle Typography (SOM)
  4. Solving dynamics problems in C4D (SOM)
  5. Lava flowing
  6. Brick colors