Committee members attendance

Assigned to
David Woo David W. Genevieve Montemurro Genevieve M. Jeff Ollis Jeff O. Jeff Yu Jeff Y. Stuart Fix Stuart F.
Hi everyone,
On May 14, 6-7:30pm, the small hall will have information about the new hall design and site changes. Please use comments if you able and willing to attend. If not, if you could assist with putting together the information for the stations

The rough plan
Four stations for a self-guided tour of the design. Each station will have a write-up, bullet form on the highlights and what were decisions made (and why).
Genevieve Montemurro Genevieve
is going to help me get the prints ready for the following stations:
1. Hall entry/main hall
2. Kitchen
3. Rink/Warm Up Area (south side)
4. Site Plan and Tree removal
5. Net Zero and an explanation of how it works?

There will also be a slide deck on loop. This can include stock images to explain material choice and we'll use the designs that we have. Drop images here, if you'd like to add something.

Corina G Corina
, civics director, is assisting with the planning part - this will be during the Hall's Rummage Sale and Freecycle event so pool volunteer resources for set-up and take-down.
Added by
Corina G. (January 10, 2024)