Primo Speed testing: Issues are still ongoing. Erin, Nancy, and Michelle have seen some improvement over repeat searches but new searches still lag. There also seems to be issues that may be related to the CSS. Nancy will try and capture some examples. Erin and Nancy have both observed instances where Primo simply froze.
New SUNY Catalog testing: Erin, Nancy, and Michelle have been testing. The issue with ebooks seems to have been fixed but other e-resources (e.g. databases, websites) are still appearing. We are unsure why Ex L is including any electronic content at all in the SUNY Catalogue. The preference is physical materials only.
Accessibility : There was a question on Basecamp recently concerning Wave errors. The same issue was reported by Michelle in Salesforce last summer but had not been addressed. Michelle and Shannon are now trying to escalate that case. According to Ex L Accessibility updates are often part of quarterly releases. Concerns about accessibility should be reported.
New info about LibGuides linking to Aleph books switch to Primo links: Heidi shared some information on Basecamp regarding Springshare batch updating links. Michelle updated the FAQ with this information.
- Michelle, Rebecca and Jill are continuing to work on their SUNYLA presentation