Oct 7 meeting minutes

Kristy Lee (New Paltz)
Kristy Lee (New Paltz)
Last updated 
  • updates from last meeting
  • do we want to be the testers for ExL 'out-of-the-box' reports?
  • other business


  • updates from last meeting
No updates from last meeting

  • do we want to be the testers for ExL 'out-of-the-box' reports?
To clarify - the testings are for the new and upcoming 'out-of-the-box' reports that ExL is creating and developing, NOT the current version in the shared folder.

This is only a voluntary thing. 4 voted yes, 2 absence,
Kristy will contact Yoel to volunteer SUNY, and update next meeting with questions and answers mentioned.
one concern: do we have enough time to do these testings
Also coordinating this as a group work, internal project management before reporting back to EXL
Question: will EXL provide any guidelines and provisions for testing?
will we be required to do certain specific areas of analytics, e.g. ebooks

  • other business?
Suggestion for SUNY AWG - to do some 'out-of-the-box' reports promo or sessions to all other SUNYs

Things to discuss at next meeting
Future webinar session for OAS intro to all SUNYs.

  • Actions items:
Gail reminded us that not all SUNYs are aware of the OAS migration timeline,
we might want to send out a reminder about the OAS migration on the Basecamp
Kristy and Gail will send the reminder out in Basecamp

  • Next meeting: Wed Nov 4th at 10am