Tips & Tricks to administrate your catalog item
Didier Lotte
Some tips & tricks to help you to create and administrate fastly your catalog item, record producer or order guide ...
1. Create a record producer
Here's a tip to create a record producer faster. As you know, you need to define a table for your a record producer. So ...
- Navigate to the table & column
- Search your target table and click on Edit
- On the form link UI Action, click on Add to Service Catalog
- Give a name to your record producer and your category
- Select the fields you want to display on your form and the order you want to display them
- Click on Save & Open and...
- Here we go ! All your variables are created, with the rightlabel, right name and right type, the order you have choosen, and of course directly map with your targeted table.
2. Align choices between your form's variables and table's fields
If you want to use the same choices on your catalog item or record producer as your data on back office, you don't need to recreate them as choices values on your variable.
- Navigate to your Select box variable and open it
- One the Type Spefication tab you have different options
- Choice table : from which table you want to retrieve your choices
- Choice field : from which field you wan to retrieve your choices