Sprint Summary

Alannah Wood
Alannah Wood
Hi all - dropping in to provide an update!

This is the second design sprint we have done but because much of the research had already been done we shortened it so we could dedicate more time to ensuring we thoroughly test and validate our ideas.
Due to the ever-increasing influx of mobile traffic we decided to attempt to design a solution mobile first, meaning that we design and prototype the solution on mobile phone and later make it work for desktop. 

Monday we were down in Newhaven focusing on discovery. We decided on a long term goal, a sprint goal and some questions that we intend to attempt to answer through testing.

Long term goal: Build a high-quality, simple to use way of buying framed art that is curated and guided, and converts equally well on all targeted devices.
Sprint questions:
  • How much choice do customers want?
  • Will customers trust our expertise?
  • Are customers prepared to buy art on mobile?
  • Can we make the product page more profitable?

We also identified a couple of questions that we hope to overcome:
  • How might we reduce upfront decisions?
  • How might we create the best mobile experience?
  • How might we better sell ourselves?
  • How might we best allow new framing options?
By the end of the day
Nick Boyce Nick
Nick Cotton Nick
John Pash John
, and I individually attempted to tackle designing a solution.

Tuesday we got straight into discussing the affectionately named, 'anonymous' solutions.
Milly Youngs Milly
and Clare joined and we highlighted parts and features we liked on each design. After this we started to corroborate these ideas into one solution as a group. We used a storyboard to map this out.
Individual solutions on the left, group design solution on the right. 117 KB View full-size Download

In the afternoon we discussed the technicalities of testing this and what needs to be created in order for this to happen. We decided that we will test a mobile prototype of the new version but also create a faux-prototype based on the existing mobile product page. This allows us to test comparable products and keep the participants naive to which one we think is better.

To ensure we are testing on people that actually are interested in buying framed art we have decided to use visitors to the Heal's store. I will be in store all day Friday attempting to recruit participants.

Nick Cotton Nick
has been busy building the prototypes but is on track to have them complete by Thursday.
New product page prototype (so far) 181 KB View full-size Download