Tips on how to use Basecamp

Peter Soemers
Peter Soemers
  • URL of ENA Climate Action Group on Basecamp: . In Basecamp-language this group is a “project”.
  • If you want to use the app, download “Basecamp 3
  • Edit your profile and settings, especially regarding notifications. Many options available!
  • Be aware that all members can read (not edit) your posts and will be able to read your email address as well. New members will come in.
  • Segment Campfire is meant for short and shortliving chats and mesages
  • Segment Message Board is for topics with more ‘body’, aimed at living longer, to be discussed and commented for a longer period. Look at it as small projects.
  • About posting in Message Board: please look if your message fits as a comment to an existing topic/message before you add it a new message on the top level. Probably this will make it easier to keep some clarity in the board.
  • In segment “Docs & Files” you can create docs, upload files or link to files. If you create a doc, all members of the Basecamp group will be able to edit.
  • There is an option “Get a public link”, allowing you to give people outside the Basecamp Group read-only access to docs and other files.
  • Online Help and Manuals: .
  • Please feel free to post, these 'rules' are just meant to give some guidance!