4.17 - Operations Report

Steve Mickley
Steve Mickley
Last updated 


Raven and I have created a scoreboard that will be used to track retention every week.
The number of members invoiced the prior month is entered the week before their expiration date.
The number of delinquent members still remaining is entered weekly.
We began the scoreboard on August 26.

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Of the members who renew on 8/1 and 9/1, we currently have 43.5% retention.
This is our benchmark.
The plan we've instituted for improvement includes another spreadsheet that is available to the Membership Committee that lists the delinquent members that we are focused on contacting.

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The key element is the addition of a notes column in our spreadsheet.
This is an active field in each member's profile in our database.
When a delinquent member is contacted, a note can be added to their profile and when the most recent report is uploaded into Basecamp (once a week at the latest), everyone on the Membership Committee will have access to the information.
The next goal, is to enlist the help of the committee members.
To that end, we have created a custom "User" in our Wordpress website community.
For example...

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Those selected to have "Member Management" roles in Wordpress will have a "Membership" button show up at the top of their AIBD account page, when they log into AIBD.org/login.

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The notes field is searchable.
If we come up with a series of hashtags (e.g., #TouchedBase) we can quickly sort the status of our delinquent members.
Developing this new opportunity will be on the agenda for the next Membership Committee meeting.

AIBD Community

Garrett Launched an AIBD social community on Discord.
Three board members serve as our community "Ambassadors" - Bernie, Nick, and Dennis.
And we have attracted a dozen or so other members, so far.
The community looks like this.
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We can host live events.
Phone and video chats.
Our Fellow mentoring sessions can be scheduled and hosted by the community.
The community is limited to Members Only.
We can issue "guest passes" to select non-members with expiration dates.
Plus, much, much, more.
All we need is a population to make it happen.

Other Updates

We are constantly finding ways to improve our website's member experience.
You may have noticed a difference in the Monday Minute videos. They are now a minute.
Garrett and I are working on a new emailing strategy.
Although our open rates are regularly above 40%, there has been an 8% to 10% drop over the past six months.
With the new integration with Convertkit and WordPress, we will become more selective about the content sent to which audience.