AWG Meeting 5/23/18

Wendi Ackerman
Wendi Ackerman
Last updated 
Vanguard data/analytics availability 
  • The Vanguards are busy vetting their data from the recent migration
  • Accounts are in the process of being created to allow us access to the data at Potsdam and Brockport
Network zone/shared data sub-group
  • Emily and Wendi are working with Shannon and David Schuster on developing a framework for data sharing in the network zone.  If anyone else is interested, please let me know as a meeting will be set up shortly.  This group will:
    • Determine what we expect will be shared, for operations/workflow, but also to support collaboration (e-resources, fulfillment network, etc.)
    • Make recommendations as to who should have access 
    • A document will be created to address the overall sharing environment
    • Work with SLC, SUNY Sys Admin, etc., to answer specific questions 
  • The network zone requires a separate log in, Wendi and Kristy have access and will be able to demo those analytics in future meetings  
SUNY Oracle BI consultant (Stewart Dutfield) has agreed to be a consultant for our group, he does in-depth training on the SUNY BI system through the SUNY Training Center
  • Stewart shared screenshots of dashboards (see below) of data previously shared between SUNY libraries.  He will send sample reports from the data still available when he has a chance
  • He will join a Zoom meeting when we are ready and have questions for him, and he may be able to do some general BI training for our group or for anyone interested at SUNY libraries
  • Shannon is looking into the background and source of that data
  • A few of us will be at SUNYLA and can meet if it's helpful
  • Kristy has organized a SIG for working groups on Wednesday at 4:45, Wendi will join them and anyone from this group who can make it is welcome
  • There will be a Vanguard presentation on Wed at 1:30 for anyone who is interested
Anything else?
  • Kathy has had the opportunity to get into some of the analytics at her campus, and can work with Kristy to demo functionality, etc. 
  • Shannon mentioned that the ability to create data sets for efficient data clean up, that are much more user-friendly than in Aleph - jobs can be shared, etc., and may be something else we might want to look into

(Anyone at the meeting is welcome to expand or edit these notes as needed)
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