Troubleshooting tips:
- Jen reviewed how she uses the &displayCTO=true to help troubleshoot
- Michelle mentioned its use for checking bad links
Amanda test view demo:
- Amanda showed us her test view, which includes Show CTO, link to report CDI issues
- Amanda also talked about using Primo Analytics (6 month popular searches) to come up with test searches for CDI. Jen is doing same with top searches report.
What we know, what we think we know, what we don't know:
- Availability: how is this being determined? Have seen cases where it seems to be matching on title (not good). Current problems are: unavailable full-text showing as available in results list, available full-text not coming up in unexpanded search, available full-text comes up in unexpanded search as it should but link resolver look-up fails so there's no link.
- Filters don't match Alma filters so you end up with filters for book and books, video and videos, etc.
- Bad linking reported by Jen: Business Essentials, videos
- Seeing duplicate entries in View Online
- Boosting: can you boost content from CDI? Unsure. Talked about both boosting Alma content and Jen shared boosting info in blended scope configuration.
- Suppressing still not working, may not work until after 1/5
- Network bib records for PCI activated collections showing as search results in campuses where they weren't inheriting PCI activations, shouldn't be showing at all since they're set for search, not for full-text. Michelle will explore.
Continued go-live discussion:
- 1/5 seems too ambitious to go-live, system isn't ready because of problems with availability, inability to suppress, etc.
- CDI fixes will be included in 1/5 Alma update (hope to fix suppressing)
- Can say that Sunday, January 19 would be earliest possible go-live date if things start working better
- Will report during Thursday 12/19 Cafe Alma, show a couple of good things about it, explain what we've been doing and why we're reluctant to set official go-live date
- If we don't go live in January, we'll hope to transition in mid-May
- Will move CDI Update presentation from 1/8 to 1/15