Merit Badge Counselors

LaToya Jackson-Johnson
LaToya Jackson-Johnson
Last updated 
Accotink Bay District has an MBC for every merit badge. However, we are only two deep for some badges.
As scouts age out, so do their parents. It’s important to keep the MB deep bench in MB.

MB that we could use more MBC that are 1-4 deep:
Animation, Archaeology, Graphic Arts, Health Care Professional, Horsemanship, Insect Study, Journalism, Landscape Architecture, Leatherwork, Medicine, Metalwork, Motorboating, Plant Science, Plumbing,
Pulp and Paper, Rowing, Skating, Soil and Water Conversation, Surveying, Sustainability, Truck Transport, Veterinary Medicine, Welding, and Wood Carving.

What's a Merit Badge Counselor (MBC)?

As of 2023, there are 138 merit badges that teach scouts about sports, hobbies, crafts,
science, trades, business. Today’s scouts are the generation that will carry these activities on into the future. However, this does not happen without YOU, the current smart person who is knowledgeable about the subject. You don’t have to be a top chef, hall of famer or noble prize winner. It’s your passion for badge that will inspire the scout to learn more about the subject. In fact, many scouts have made a career or became involved in the craft because of their experience with their Merit Badge Counselor.

If you have a neighbor, friend, or colleague who would be a good MBC, they can be a MBC. Scouting has MBCs because their professions and/or hobbies make them subject matter experts and they want to share their knowledge and passion about that merit badge topic with youth. 

To be an MBC doesn’t require you to be a member of a troop or pack. Adults interested in being a MBC simply need to complete BSA Youth Protection Training (YPT), submit an application, and complete the Merit Badge Counselor training.

How do I become a Merit Badge Counselor (MBC)?

Complete your Youth Protection Training (YPT) and MBC training through

If you are registered to with a unit, then there is no cost.

If MBC is your only position, then there will be a $25 fee to cover liability.

Email your completed and signed Merit Badge Counselor Information form to Note, you will list on the form which merit badges you want to counsel.