Tues 5th May (online)
Committee Attendees: Martin Dower (MD), Jennie Rolls (JR), Sean Kelly (SK), Vicky Lowcock (VL), Jacqui George (JG), Scott Robert (SR)
Apologies: None
Guest Residents: None
Guests: None
No Show: Becky Lloyd (BL),
- There are sufficient committee members in attendance to pass motions
- Approved March & April Minutes: Published at https://www.fhvra.org/meetings/
- The COVID lockdown continues to play havoc with events, management and generally is being disruptive.
- PotHead Festival is postponed due to CV-19, it may be held later in the year but more likely pushed back to 2021.
- We scrapped plans for a Post-COVID party, it was thought that most folks would want to visit relatives, go on holiday, and generally get away from the village. It's also not very "social-distancing" friendly
- Village in Bloom. Pending details from VL in the next week but loosely the idea is to try and keep our village tidy and well-groomed, helping those that need it with ideas, labour, plants & flowers
- Summer Survey. Still on hold (MD)
- Who does what document is in the final stages of revisions - available here for review by the committee Who looks after what - FHVRA for FHVRA
- School Buses for FHV: No further update (SK)
- Noticeboard: The funding has been awarded. No further update due to businesses closed and lack of access to MF to do the installation work. There are already a number of possible sites suggested and we should poll the village on FB. (VL)
- Cask Court Wall Collapse: We have an initial quote and are waiting for another one but due to COVID-19, no one is available to either quote or do the work (PENDING MF)
- Grants & Funding: This has all disappeared into a black hold as the council struggles with COVID-19. Vicky is to chase up the revised timescale of awards as that is likely to have moved. (VL)
- Bathouse Plan: No further details or movement, to be chased up (SK)
The meeting started at 7:30 pm, closed at 9:30 pm.