***Provided by the U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce and The American Small Business Chamber of Commerce for COVID-19 Assistance.***
Please use the links below to access information the USWCC and ASBCC have collected to assist our members and friends:
Key Resource Links
- Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (PTACs) serve as a resource for businesses pursuing and performing under government contracts, including contracts with the Department of Defense, other federal agencies, state and local governments and with government prime contractors; including all socio-economic programs. PTACs can be found in most regions across the United States
- SBA Regional Assistance
- SBA Federal Contracting Programs
Updates: News & Information
Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2020 11:36 AM
Subject: New Credential in Lieu of a PIV Card Offered Virtually During COVID-19 Pandemic
New Credential in Lieu of a PIV Card Offered Virtually During COVID-19 Pandemic
To protect the Department’s workforce and ensure the continuity of the mission during the COVID-19 pandemic, the DHS Office of the Chief Security Officer (OCSO) is now offering a DHS credential that can be obtained virtually to new and current employees and contractors in lieu of a DHS personal identity verification (PIV) card.
This new credential, called a derived alternate credential, was created so that new employees and contractors who need a credential, and current employees and contractors who have a PIV card that has expired or will expire soon, can gain logical access to the DHS network without having to visit a DHS credentialing facility in person.
Employees and contractors who obtain the new credential will still need to get a DHS PIV card at a later time.
For additional information about the new credential, please see the OCSO Enterprise Security Services Division Connect FAQ page and then click on “What is the impact of COVID-19?” That will take you to three links that provide information on the steps that:
- New employees and contractors need to take to obtain a derived alternate credential;
- Current employees and contractors with an expiring or expired PIV card need to take to obtain the credential; and
- Current employees and contractors who need to update the PIN on their PIV cards need to take.
If you have any questions about the derived alternate credential, please contact OneCardSSD@hq.dhs.gov. - Department of Army
- 4/6/20 The Air Force Small Business Office has updated their webpage, here is the direct link for COVID 19 Updates and Resources for Small Business owners, https://www.airforcesmallbiz.af.mil/Coronavirus/
- Additional information from DoD regarding contracting with COVID 19 to share. In addition, the AF “Non-Government” Link on AFWERX for people looking to unite and fight COVID 19, please visit site: https://www.afwerx.af.mil/coronavirus.html There are webinars starting today.
- Unsolicited Proposals for DHS: https://www.dhs.gov/unsolicited-proposals
or to the OSDBU mailbox DHSOSDBU@hq.dhs.gov - The US Army Corps of Engineers requests all firms interested in supporting the fight against COVID-19 to submit updated information regarding capabilities, availability, and any other relevant materials to COVIDContracting@usace.army.mil.
Brandy N. Percell
Procurement Analyst
Office of Small Business Programs
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Huntsville Engineering and Support Center - USAID Updated COVID-19 Guidance for Parters A number of resources on USAID's COVID-19 Implementing Partners page have been updated. You can access all of the resources here.
- The DPC Class Deviation 2020-O0010 — Progress Payment Rates. Effective immediately, in response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) national emergency, the progress payment rates at Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) 232.501-1 are increased to 90 percent for large business concerns and 95 percent for small business concerns -https://www.acq.osd.mil/dpap/policy/policyvault/USA000642-20-DPC.pdf
- The NASA SBIR/STTR Program has been closely monitoring the situation with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). We are providing an additional extension for Phase I proposals. The new deadline is April 20, 2020 at 5 pm ET. For more details, visit https://sbir.nasa.gov/content/covid-19-impact-nasa-sbirsttr-program. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Help Desk at sbir@reisystems.com or 301-937-0888.
- U.S. Dept of Treasury COVID Resource Guide
White House: Memorandum to the Heads of Executive Departments and Agencies
Managing Federal Contract Performance Issues Associated with the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) (Includes FAQ) - Sole Source: Sole-Source Options for Agencies During the COVID-19 Pandemic (SmallGovCon)
- 8(a) Program Suspensions: COVID-19 & SBA 8(a) Program Suspensions: FAQs (SmallGovCon)
- Contract Surety: The COVID-19 Potential Impact on Contract Surety (SmallGovCon)
- Excusable Delays: Planning for Excusable Delays in Government Contracts During the COVID-19 Outbreak (Holland & Knight)
- Contract Modifications: Dealing with Contract Alterations and Modifications Due to COVID-19 (SmallGovCon)
- USWCC | U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce website
- ASBCC | The American Small Business Chamber of Commerce website
- COVID-19 Home | Return to the home page for our COVID-19 Assistance information
- Do you have a resource to submit? Please provide details here.