- Primo VE Webinar: scheduled for 11/27 at 11:30 am. We'll fill in details after Ex Libris Primo VE sessions and after seeing SUNY staff questions. Rebecca offered to share ENUG slides from her e-resources presentation. Will need to address difference between Central Index metadata and Bib records and how access works.
- Discovery data testing webinar: Erin will present on 11/29 at 10am. Will focus on data testing spreadsheet and known issues rather than usability and design. We could do webinar on that later in the set-up process.
- ENUG: Rebecca reported on brief Primo Studio demo: looks good and will be helpful for smaller institutions. Heidi attended sessions on resource sharing and integrating that into Primo. She also brought up incorporating archives content into Primo and suggested that we talk with David S at Binghamton about his work with this.
- Naming (branding) of Primo VE: we'll discuss later - everyone's swamped with data testing right now
- Alma training check in: Jill reported lots of questions about Primo VE usability during the certification training sessions, discussions come out of things like configuring direct linking in the fulfillment module. Jill will update usability doc with things she's learning in certification training.