Thanks for participating in this anonymous survey!
1. On a scale of 0 to 10 how much damage was inflicted on your family's health and/or finances or business operations due to the Covid-19 driven lockdown?
0 = No damage at all, we thrived.
10 = Devastated me or my family or my business. Bankrupted me or shut my business down for good.
Why did you choose that score?
2. On a scale of zero to 10 how willing is your family or business to endure a similar or worse lockdown during a potential future similar crisis?
0 = Not prepared or willing to question authority.
10 = Will not allow a lockdown under similar circumstances to happen again to my family or business.
Why did you choose that score?
3. On a scale of zero to 10 how much would you be able to participate in a coalition of locally owned businesses & Quad Cities families to ensure each of us is better prepared for and can thrive during a potential future crisis?
0 = Not able or wiling to participate or support such an effort in any way.
10 = Will make participating in and developing peaceful solutions for future similar crises a major priority . . . where do I sign up?
Why did you choose that score?
Optional: YES, I want to be contacted about further efforts for local business owners and Quad Citizens to be better prepared to thrive during a potential future crisis.