Caroline Orth
Caroline Orth
Last updated 
CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key [Black]) and RGB (Red, Green, Blue) are two common color models use in digital imaging. This is a brief guide to help you determine which file type you should use for your project.

  • In short, RGB is optimal for digital displays like computers, TVs, and smartphones. Use an RGB file when you're uploading a logo to your website or to a piece of digital marketing collateral that will be viewed on a screen.
  • What is RGB? RGB an additive color model based on three primary colors: red, green, and blue. In RGB, colors are created by adding varying intensities of these primary colors. 
  • Common file formats associated with RGB include JPEG and PNG.

  • CMYK is the standard for color printing, making it practical for printed materials like brochures, reports, and merchandise. 
  • What is CMYK? In CMYK, colors are created by subtracting percentages of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (key). 
  • Common file formats associated with RGB include TIFF.

In summary, RGB is best for digital screens, where colors are created by adding light, while CMYK is used for printed materials, where colors are created by subtracting ink.

For more technical details, visit Adobe's guide on color modes.